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Could This Be Our Problem?


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I think where Chiz messed up was when he came in. He didn't have an offensive philosophy that he stuck with. If he was going to run spread, he should have stayed spread.

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Reaching? Reaching for what I'm having fun posting about football telling a couple of jokes trying to keep the spirits up . You're the one who had the attitiude. Why would I be reaching for anything I don't care? But that is what you did, I said that's crazy talk why would they sabatoge their own resumes and you said this is for adults and told me to go away......lol

Ok!!!!!!!! Good Lord man!!!!! You win you are freaking hilarious!!!!!!!! You are the greatest comedian I have ever heard!!!!!!!!! You are the winner!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Can we move on now?

LOL. That was funny right there :laugh:

You would think that was funny.....

I saw what you did there.

Yes thanks man you made my night cuz I don't care what any of them say that was funny right there! LOL

7 replies on one page alone. Totally agree, no evidence to support you care. ;)

LOL what are you talking about?

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I remember everybody making a big deal about that. I also remember that happening in 2010 during the arky game if I'm not mistaken. Was there something going on then as well? Maybe it wasn't mid chew maybe Chiz was wrapping it up. Chiz doesn't seem like a passive guy I'm sure if it was something he wanted the guy to hear he would have followed him or told him to come here. And how do those salaries compare to other guys who coach the same position? I don't think they expected to be paid the same as an OC. Now are they underpaid for a position coach? But just to assume just for the sake of assuming doesn't make sense IMO. I'm looking at your pic of Bo right now I could say there is no way he wasn't using steroids because he's so ripped. But why would I say that if there is no evidence to it?

Bo is cut know doubt. Lacks the bulk and mass to be even considered as a possible juicer.

LOL ok........

Not asking you to agree sir. Just stating the obvious. I respect your opinion.

Again just trying to figure out what the problem COULD be. I am sure you will agree there is a problem.

Oh yeah. Coaches need to be better at developing these guys. Strength and conditioning need to do some different techniques. I would say even the way they practice needs to be different. I would literally shake up everything. I may would even do study halls different. But I don't think it's coaches disliking each other or sabotaging each other or anything like that

That would be a good start. What baffles me, however has improved since the first game, is the tackles being missed on defense. This was taught to us before HS. Got a much better grasp in HS. Basics began in youth league play.

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I hated to see Keihl pulled, for the exception of the int. and sacks which not all were his fault, I thought his passes were much more accurate. He had a very nice run as well.

Not only did I hate it for Keihl, I hated it for Clint as well.

The line played poorly IMOP.

Nothing seemed to go right for the Tigers. Penalties, fumble oppurtunity just missed, rolling out of bounds.

I thought Blakley ran well. I hate he fumbled. Blakley needs to youtube Rudi Johnson and watch the reason he rarely fumbled.

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How bad the defense had apparently got is what frustrates me the most about CGC. You are supposed to be a defensive guru how would you let the defense tackling fall to that level? How would you let the secondary get to the point that it can't even man up under your watch? That's ridiculous IMO

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The answers we seek are not as big as we think.

  • Lefty has not shown the ability to take information the defense gives early in the game and exploit it at ALL. Malzahn is brilliant at this. 45-3 4th quarter.
  • We have no go to running back yet
  • Round peg/square hole. Lefty hasn't adapted well enough to who Kiehl is. Why he isn't taught to run up the middle when he sees man coverage I don't know.

He's a good coach and I believe hes done good things for KFs mechanics, but (as a coordinator) at the college level you've got to adapt your identity to your players.

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Just remember that Chizik is the one who hired Loeffler. What does that say about Chizik in finding a replacement for Gus.

Why the heck didn't JJ offer Spurrier anything he wanted for him to be our head coach today. I laugh at people who said and thought that Spurrier was all washed up and has been head coach.

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I think that Lefty was/is a great hire. There were two things we needed in a coordinator:

We needed to hire someone who could develop quarterbacks. Lefty is a proven qb developer. See Tom Brady, Time Tebow, Chad Henie, and many other qb's that he has developed. Frazier has been a unique project. He was not good at reading defenses coming in. Gus did nothing to help that. We have to give lefty more time to work his wonders with Kiehl.

Second, we needed to be more multiple on offenses. All of the best teams are switching from spread or pro to a more diverse set of play calling that incorporates both. This move was essential to take us to the next level as a team. Moving to this new system will also take some time.

To make a long story short, we need to quit freeking out and give him more time. This move may take until next season. Once we have adapted to this style, we should have a good offense.

You are kidding, right? Are you watching these games with your eyes open? I better just hush before I really go off!
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Loeffler was hired to develop KF who spent last season trying to grasp SEC football...and got about 1/2 of his passes intercepted. It's hard to claim that the OC has done anything for any of our QBs......plus he just doesn't seem to have an offensive/game strategy. Time for a real OC.

If you bring in another OC and not an offensive staff, it will be the same result.

I disagree weeg's. Look at UF. They brought in a new OC who has a totally different scheme that what Weiss had. UF didn't make mass changes in the O staff. Loeffler is just in over his head IMO. We brought in a guy that is cutting his teeth as an OC. He is outmatched by DC's in this league. I said this in another thread, it's like we have no gameplan on O. We just try stuff to see if it works. If it is working, we go away from it to see if something else works. If something isn't working, we keep running it waiting for it to work. It's just one big cluster mess right now.

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I'm sorry but the idea that you can grimes, Taylor and looper because they are holding CSL back is stupid. It's not that they can't coach his system it's more likely he doesn't have a system. he had one year as an OC at temple that's it. Truth is I think he will be a good coach but the SEC west isn't where you start. There are coaches all over the country that look great that were SEC busts. I think at the end of the season coach Chiz will have to make a choice about CSL that right or wrong will decide his future at auburn. I'm not saying fire him he's been a great coach but the sad truth is when you take a chance and it falls flat in his industry you usually get a year to get it fixed. the sad truth is unless something changes he probably faces some stiff pressure to go after a new OC

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I'm sorry but the idea that you can grimes, Taylor and looper because they are holding CSL back is stupid. It's not that they can't coach his system it's more likely he doesn't have a system. he had one year as an OC at temple that's it. Truth is I think he will be a good coach but the SEC west isn't where you start. There are coaches all over the country that look great that were SEC busts. I think at the end of the season coach Chiz will have to make a choice about CSL that right or wrong will decide his future at auburn. I'm not saying fire him he's been a great coach but the sad truth is when you take a chance and it falls flat in his industry you usually get a year to get it fixed. the sad truth is unless something changes he probably faces some stiff pressure to go after a new OC

Didnt say that, just asked if it could be the issue with the rest of the staff not buying in to what Loeffler was doing. But I do agree that Lefty looks lost. I don't know what the fix is to this mess.
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It could be Lefty is sleeping with everybody's wives and they found out about it.

If you can't discuss as an adult please just go away. Thanks.

I believe it was his attempt to inject a little humor.

I laughed

You would.

I also laughed.

I started to laugh, then i realized he would have called the wrong play or been in the wrong position.

I aughed while trying to block which ended with the QB getting sacked. Much like this thread should be

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To me the problem is a complete lack of identity on offense. The defense is not good yet but it's average and seems to get better week after week in the back seven. The front four is too sporadic.

If Lefty is a QB guru I would expect some sort of progression, but there isn't any. Each week one thing gets better and something else gets worse. I can't understand his obsession with OMac to the short side. I don't understand our lack of usage with Lutz and Prosch. I love OMac but he has no business in pass pro on 3rd an long throws, Tre is the obvious choice or Prosch.

If Lefty was suppose to be an offensive prodigy that can coach spread and pro, then why not run more spread to help the assistants and players adjust. Make it easier on your talent till you get the talent to run your style of offense. Also, the serious lack of adjustments on offense is extremely concerning.

Our defense is giving us a chance in every game but they can't score all the points.

YES! Play calling is an art and I know it when I see it. I am not a coach,but our qb was not sacked when Prosch was the protector and not our small backs. Heck, we're gonna stare down the recievers anyway,why NOT put the fb back there who can block? Where is the imagination in the play calling? We have run formations and pass formations, and they are, for the most part, so different that anyone and everyone who is paying attention has an idea what's coming. We need to decide what kind of O we want to be and coach to it. You can run most of the plays we run in the I formation (with our all-american fb in the game!) by using motion and shifts,and causing the defense to play max run defense every play. IF you stop giving up 100 plus yards of negative offensive plays per game.

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Look at it this way. Do you think that if our line could block that we would be moaning all over message boards about a loss? Seriously drop the conspiracies and look at the poor execution of the players. Play calling wasn't the problem. Execution was

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Look at it this way. Do you think that if our line could block that we would be moaning all over message boards about a loss? Seriously drop the conspiracies and look at the poor execution of the players. Play calling wasn't the problem. Execution was

We blocked well at times. What were those times? What plays were we running? What do the players feel comfortable with? I don't know and you don't, either. But we aren't paid to know. You would think those paid to know would have a better idea than it appears they do.

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We also have to look at QB play. This isn't the meerkat offense where we line up and then look to Gus for the audible. The QB has to be smart enough to read the defense and check off into the correct play. This is where we are lacking in my opinion.

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Loeffler is definitely the problem. We have a road grader for a FB and he's in for 3 plays in the first half? That just makes no sense at all.

We sat in our seats today calling the plays based on formation and down/distance. At one stretch in the first half we hit 6 in a row correct. If knuckleheads like us can do it, any DC can do it. When you add the predictability of the playcalling to all the other problems we have on O, its a perfect storm for what we're seeing this year. My .02 about the whole thing... bring D. Craig back home from FSU and give him a shot at OC, b/c if we couldn't get a 'big' name 12 months after a BCS title, we're sure as hell not getting one now, so why not?

On a good note, it was nice to see Mosley complete passes to reed, and benton. those guys have been MIA for 15 games.

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so everybody is off the Fraizer train? A lot quicker than even I anticipated! I Thought 2 TD, 10 turnovers, and ~50% completion would be out weighed by his high school success! Come on guys! Lets support our players!!! WDE!!!!

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Loeffler is definitely the problem. We have a road grader for a FB and he's in for 3 plays in the first half? That just makes no sense at all.

We sat in our seats today calling the plays based on formation and down/distance. At one stretch in the first half we hit 6 in a row correct. If knuckleheads like us can do it, any DC can do it. When you add the predictability of the playcalling to all the other problems we have on O, its a perfect storm for what we're seeing this year. My .02 about the whole thing... bring D. Craig back home from FSU and give him a shot at OC, b/c if we couldn't get a 'big' name 12 months after a BCS title, we're sure as hell not getting one now, so why not?

On a good note, it was nice to see Mosley complete passes to reed, and benton. those guys have been MIA for 15 games.

My wife went and pulled weeds after calling 3 in a row correctly. If you're not having to guess,at least a little,in this league,it's too easy.

Loeffler is definitely the problem. We have a road grader for a FB and he's in for 3 plays in the first half? That just makes no sense at all.

We sat in our seats today calling the plays based on formation and down/distance. At one stretch in the first half we hit 6 in a row correct. If knuckleheads like us can do it, any DC can do it. When you add the predictability of the playcalling to all the other problems we have on O, its a perfect storm for what we're seeing this year. My .02 about the whole thing... bring D. Craig back home from FSU and give him a shot at OC, b/c if we couldn't get a 'big' name 12 months after a BCS title, we're sure as hell not getting one now, so why not?

On a good note, it was nice to see Mosley complete passes to reed, and benton. those guys have been MIA for 15 games.

My wife went and pulled weeds after calling 3 in a row correctly. If you're not having to guess,at least a little,in this league,it's too easy.

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I think that Lefty was/is a great hire. There were two things we needed in a coordinator:

We needed to hire someone who could develop quarterbacks. Lefty is a proven qb developer. See Tom Brady, Time Tebow, Chad Henie, and many other qb's that he has developed. Frazier has been a unique project. He was not good at reading defenses coming in. Gus did nothing to help that. We have to give lefty more time to work his wonders with Kiehl.

Second, we needed to be more multiple on offenses. All of the best teams are switching from spread or pro to a more diverse set of play calling that incorporates both. This move was essential to take us to the next level as a team. Moving to this new system will also take some time.

To make a long story short, we need to quit freeking out and give him more time. This move may take until next season. Once we have adapted to this style, we should have a good offense.

Good Post!

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Quit freaking out??? I don't know man. I know many of you are on that agree with everything and don't question anything crap but maybe going 3-9 is definitley freaking me out. What can you even say about that?

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Let Luper call the O!!! Lefty can accept QB coach or leave. Luper can't be worse and I believe the players like him and will play for him. Our D is SO much better under CBVG and if we keep our current commits WATCH OUT! We just need to be able to put 28-30 on the board. No team has torched us this year and CBVG hasn't ever given up 30 to anyone in his career. (I think that is right, if not it's close) My point is to try someone else at OC immediately. It can't hurt. And if Luper (or whoever) works out awesome, if not, we buy time to find a new OC.

WE HAVE PLENTY OF TALENT ON THE PLAINS!! Our D is PROgressing, our O is REgressing. I see no reason not to do this. :no:

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