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AL-MS All Star Game


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Why has there been no daily updates in the football forum on the Auburn commitments playing in the all star game? Last year it seemed like ET or other posters would post daily on what was happening and how they looked in practice etc.......But this year nothing.

Where is ET when you need him? Has he quit posting on this site?

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Why has there been no daily updates in the football forum on the Auburn commitments playing in the all star game? Last year it seemed like ET or other posters would post daily on what was happening and how they looked in practice etc.......But this year nothing.

Where is ET when you need him? Has he quit posting on this site?

The discussion is in the recruiting forum:

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Why has there been no daily updates in the football forum on the Auburn commitments playing in the all star game? Last year it seemed like ET or other posters would post daily on what was happening and how they looked in practice etc.......But this year nothing.

Where is ET when you need him? Has he quit posting on this site?

The discussion is in the recruiting forum: http://www.aufamily....-all-star-game/

Thanks....I totally missed it when I was searching for it. Maybe I was looking in the football forum rather than the recruiting one.....which is where i should've posted this.

If anyone says "the search function is my friend" I'm gonna................ :shoot:;D

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Why has there been no daily updates in the football forum on the Auburn commitments playing in the all star game? Last year it seemed like ET or other posters would post daily on what was happening and how they looked in practice etc.......But this year nothing.

Where is ET when you need him? Has he quit posting on this site?

All his quotes have probably been consolidated into the middle of a thousand post forum.
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Thanks....I totally missed it when I was searching for it. Maybe I was looking in the football forum rather than the recruiting one.....which is where i should've posted this.

If anyone says "the search function is my friend" I'm gonna................ :shoot:;D

Don't worry, the search function doesn't like you ;)

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Why has there been no daily updates in the football forum on the Auburn commitments playing in the all star game? Last year it seemed like ET or other posters would post daily on what was happening and how they looked in practice etc.......But this year nothing.

Where is ET when you need him? Has he quit posting on this site?

All his quotes have probably been consolidated into the middle of a thousand post forum.

I think ET also had some sort of life change (new job, if I remember correctly) right after the merger. Now, that sounds a lot like what happened with Bird, I know. But I asked about ET when we first merged, since RIR seemed to post a lot of stuff on AUF that ET did on AE. Alphabet soup, I know. But ET showed up and said he'd be scarce for a while at least.


Elephant Tipper

Member Since 01 Feb 2010

Offline Last Active Sep 07 2012 07:30 AM

ET needs to phone home.

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That reminds me... I ponied up a sponsorship and supposed to get a bunch of tickets to this game. Time to call my friend at the Lions Club about my tickets!

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Why has there been no daily updates in the football forum on the Auburn commitments playing in the all star game? Last year it seemed like ET or other posters would post daily on what was happening and how they looked in practice etc.......But this year nothing.

Where is ET when you need him? Has he quit posting on this site?

All his quotes have probably been consolidated into the middle of a thousand post forum.

I think ET also had some sort of life change (new job, if I remember correctly) right after the merger. Now, that sounds a lot like what happened with Bird, I know. But I asked about ET when we first merged, since RIR seemed to post a lot of stuff on AUF that ET did on AE. Alphabet soup, I know. But ET showed up and said he'd be scarce for a while at least.


Elephant Tipper

Member Since 01 Feb 2010

Offline Last Active Sep 07 2012 07:30 AM

ET needs to phone home.

what the hell did you just try and say?? doing some drugs??

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Why has there been no daily updates in the football forum on the Auburn commitments playing in the all star game? Last year it seemed like ET or other posters would post daily on what was happening and how they looked in practice etc.......But this year nothing.

Where is ET when you need him? Has he quit posting on this site?

All his quotes have probably been consolidated into the middle of a thousand post forum.

I think ET also had some sort of life change (new job, if I remember correctly) right after the merger. Now, that sounds a lot like what happened with Bird, I know. But I asked about ET when we first merged, since RIR seemed to post a lot of stuff on AUF that ET did on AE. Alphabet soup, I know. But ET showed up and said he'd be scarce for a while at least.


Elephant Tipper

Member Since 01 Feb 2010

Offline Last Active Sep 07 2012 07:30 AM

ET needs to phone home.

what the hell did you just try and say?? doing some drugs??

Nope. Just noting last time ET was around, that's all.

what the hell did you just try and say?? doing some drugs??



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