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Hunting question


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Does rattling and calling (grunts etc) do anything positive? I'm in AL all I hear is it does more harm than good. Went to Texas and shot a big 8, rattled with guide and bucks ran in immediately. Haven't had any success in AL since Texas, one doe with a bow, that's it and was thinking what I could do differently to find results. Opinions?

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Every situation is different but I have always had more success just being quiet. I also know my area and look for a funnel point /transition area. Deer are creatures of habit; learn those and you will be successful.

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It absolute works! But not always. You feel like a fool making noise while deer hunting, but it works.

Throw in a grunt or two or three with it. If you are on the ground slap/rip/slash some bushes and forcefully stab a 2" diameter stick into the ground to mimic stomping feet.

I see more does and bucks during the rut when I rattle. It may not be like your Texas experience. Sometimes they don't rush in. They hear and locate the activity - then mosey on over when they get out of their beds or just want to check out the action.

Sorry - didn't realize there was a grunting question too. Yes grunting works rut and prerut. Grunt when you see a deer also to give you confidence you aren't chasing deer away.Lastly, I have better luck with rattling pre-rut and early rut. Grunting is pretty good throughout prerut and rut.When you see does at a distance, rattle. This will give you confidence that you are no scaring deer away.

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