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so how we feelin?


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Things could hardly be more disorienting.

Lost Liner, got Ben Bradley.

Jordan Wilkins hanging with, but Artis-Payne now on the books.

Dynamic spread QB just signed up.

Who doesn't love Cameron Toney these days, and who doesn't wish we had more LBs?

For that matter, who's satisfied with the DL recruits -- maybe we're just spooked by last year's performance?

Wild ride, this. And we're just getting started. Notice the names I did not mention. Sheesh.

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Auburn will be fine I've been around to damn long to know any different.

I am actually doing quite well. I know this thing is not over until the signing period ends but Gus and his staff seem to have control of the fire that has been known to consume most programs (regime changes after horrible seasons). As of right now I give Gus and Auburn University an A+ rating.

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I'm feeling fine about AU's recruiting. We are beginning to get resolution on this class (I'm glad Liner finally verbally de-committed - his actions indicated that he was a "silent" decommit since the previous staff was fired - good luck to him at uat except when he plays AU).

I believe this recruiting class will still be a top 15 class, and better yet, I believe it will meet our immediate needs more so than the three previous "top 10" classes (2010-2012) that we signed. For a first signing class with a new coaching staff, things could be a lot worse. Yes, we'll have more 3-star players than we would have had, but maybe some of them can be coached up. One thing that I have noticed from this coaching staff is a renewed commitment to recruiting in-state players. In-state recruiting needs to be a primary focus if we are to regain our status as a top tier SEC football power.

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I'm feeling fine about AU's recruiting. We are beginning to get resolution on this class (I'm glad Liner finally verbally de-committed - his actions indicated that he was a "silent" decommit since the previous staff was fired - good luck to him at uat except when he plays AU).

I believe this recruiting class will still be a top 15 class, and better yet, I believe it will meet our immediate needs more so than the three previous "top 10" classes (2010-2012) that we signed. For a first signing class with a new coaching staff, things could be a lot worse. Yes, we'll have more 3-star players than we would have had, but maybe some of them can be coached up. One thing that I have noticed from this coaching staff is a renewed commitment to recruiting in-state players. In-state recruiting needs to be a primary focus if we are to regain our status as a top tier SEC football power.

Can you clarify IN-STATE please?

I live in Columbus Georgia and I have always considered Auburn to be West Georgia. LOL

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I am completly happy with the job this staff is doing. I love hearing the new names being talked about. These coaches didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday. I think they are working their plan. I do think they want to change the attitude or culture of this program, and 18 year old frosh on the scout team or special teams are just not going to get it done. This is why I feel they are looking so hard at JUCO kids. These are older, prooven guys that are all football and in many cases have had to overcome hurdles of their own along the way. I am really more interested in our team's mental state than signing another top 10 class (per rivals,scout,etc) of kids that never mature. I have no doubt if this staff can show they are great coaches next year, they will have no trouble recruiting in the future.

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Can you clarify IN-STATE please?

I live in Columbus Georgia and I have always considered Auburn to be West Georgia. LOL

IN-STATE = Alabama high school football player

Don't get me wrong - I want to sign as many good players from Georgia (6-8 per year) as possible, but we need more Alabama players to ensure that the Iron Bowl rivalry is fully appreciated by the players. Quitting like what we saw on November 23 is inexcusable.

We signed 6 players from the state of Alabama in February 2012. The most Alabama players signed by Coach Chizik's staff for a single recruiting class was 14 players in 2009, his first class. However, of those 14 signed, 3 never qualified for admission and 3 others (Fairley, Washington, and Freeman) were junior college transfers from out-of-state who played their high school football in Alabama.

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I am happy that Liner did this today. He was never coming to Auburn.

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I feel like a lot of people, maybe myself included, got a little too excited about the great staff Gus hired, and thought/hoped they would come here and immediately sign a top 5 class. That just isn't very realistic. It takes time in recruiting to build relationships, and even though we have a great staff, it's asking a lot for them to sign a top 5 class in basically a month on the job. Also factor in the down year we had, and the complete change in football philosophy the program went through. We need to be patient, because I truly believe we hired the next great college football coach and this program program is headed nowhere but up.

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Truthfully I am anxious to finally get this years recruiting over and somewhat disgusted by all the negativity around Auburn recruiting lately from recruits amd fans. I know it sucks having guys decommit and look at other schools but that is part of big time recruiting. We have more threads lately dogging guys for looking around then we do actual threads on players. If I was a recruit who was on the fence it would push me further away to read some of this stuff especially when it comes from hipocrits who are happy when players from other schools lool at us. Take it in stride. I wakt the best players possibe for Auburn but that does not mean I have hate on those who choose to go somewhere else. I will say that it does anger me some when a player does jusy seem to be stringing Auburn along.

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I am happy that Liner did this today. He was never coming to Auburn.

I took him at his word and said I'd continue to do so until he proved to be a liar, so I had too much faith in him. Better he quits on us now than in the 4th quarter against UAT.

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The guy quit on his high school this year. He doesn't respond well to authority and he is used to getting his way.

The guy has off field issues.


We will replace him with more character if nothing else.

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I feel like a lot of people, maybe myself included, got a little too excited about the great staff Gus hired, and thought/hoped they would come here and immediately sign a top 5 class. That just isn't very realistic. It takes time in recruiting to build relationships, and even though we have a great staff, it's asking a lot for them to sign a top 5 class in basically a month on the job. Also factor in the down year we had, and the complete change in football philosophy the program went through. We need to be patient, because I truly believe we hired the next great college football coach and this program program is headed nowhere but up.

Top 5 is crazy high expectations.

Top 25 is to be expected from the coaching change

Top 20 is great

Top 15 and I am doing backflips

Top 10 and I will buy me a "Gus Bus" shirt

Top 5 and I will kiss golf's :moon: everyday on this site until the season starts

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It seems to me that the new staff is starting to really build some momentum in the last 7 days. Every day a new name is popping up that is really interested in being at Auburn and/or is coming in for a visit. Any de-commits left between now and NSD are not going to effect us one way or the other and we will be bringing several more new commits on board. If we are short any players on our full quota this year, we will replace them next year and this staff will have a full year to recruit them. I feel good.

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I live in Columbus Georgia and I have always considered Auburn to be West Georgia. LOL

:laugh: Yeah, I always thought it amusing that Bama fans try to dog us about how no one even knows we're in Alabama. Had one bammer try to pull that on me when I lived in Macon, GA, and I just laughed and said, "You realize that's a compliment, thinking we're in Georgia instead of Alabama, right?" He stopped laughing pretty quickly.

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I am happy that Liner did this today. He was never coming to Auburn.

This. The coaching change had nothing to do to with Liner bailing on AU. He had bailed at least a month or two before Chizik and staff were fired. This recruiting class is going to be a struggle for Gus and the new staff but next year should be much better. I really hope to hold on to Lawson.


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I am happy that Liner did this today. He was never coming to Auburn.

I took him at his word and said I'd continue to do so until he proved to be a liar, so I had too much faith in him. Better he quits on us now than in the 4th quarter against UAT.

Liner didn't quit. You don't have a clue and I'm gald this AU staff called him on his BS and forced him to come clean. Liner has been gone for months, way before the coaching change. As soon as Liner and his coach mended thier relationship Liner was gone.

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That was the way I felt about it too. Too many games were being played with him. Hate he felt the way he did but I'm glad the air is cleared now. Wish him luck for his future.

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I am glad for the clarity now too. We can all move on. I think this staff has done a very good job finding guys to fill our weakest areas last year. If we pulled in every 5 star recruit, we would be in same position we have been in previous years. I like the addition of the JUCO guys, JJ, Toney, etc. I am more interested in doing all they can to get us back to being competative as soon as possible.

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