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Chizik Speaks


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Remember November, when Gene Chizik looked/sounded drained? His batteries are, uh, recharged in this WJOX interview. Fury in his voice.


Gene Chizik on being defended by Auburn months after being fired : "It makes you feel good."


Chizik: "Jay came back with facts. We're about facts, we're about truth and we're about data."


Chizik: "I've laid low for 4 months. I'm a man who believes in character and integrity. My name is thrown out there iwht this."


Chizik calls accusations "unsubstaniated"


Chizik says former player accusations are not indicative of "majority" of "outstanding" palyers


Chizik on grade changing accusation: "I think the facts are really revealed in the investigation. That accusation is ludacris."


Chizik on Dyer: "If we're educated men and we're sitting around a table, how many grades do you need to change to get to a 2.85 GPA?"


Chizik: "We don't deal with the professors. We have an outstanding academic support staff."


Chizik: "Coaches dealing with professors is simply untrue."


Chizik: "It's a very unfortunate case for Michael McNeil"


Chizik: "When one palyer makes a bad decision it exponentially affects everybody around them."


Chizik says there were numerous education sessions with team about personal responsibility. Auburn PD Chief Dawson said he spoke to team too


Chizik: "Mike McNeil was never really any type of behavioral problem. We had as good a relationship as you can have with 126 guys on team"


Chizik beating the "personal responsibility" drum in this interview


Chizik on Darvin Adams: "I'm very proud of him. He's a quiet guy. What was important to Darvin was to get the truth out."


Chizik: "That's simply not true. That facts are that no coach and no booster offered him anything to stay at Auburn."


Chizik on if no player in his time at AU was offerend money: "I will say that but I'll back it up with fact again."


Chizik on Cam Newton: "It started out as a Mississippi State problem, but somehow over the course of 13 months, became an Auburn problem."


Chizik on Newton: "You can't impede the process of an (NCAA) investigation. Day 1 I'm absolutely sure there was absolutely nothing going on"


Chizik on NCAA and Newton: "They found nothing."


Chizik: "The NCAA spent the better part of two years at Auburn and they found nothing."


Gene Chizik is borderline, no, he's angry on the radio reliving the Cam Newton investigation. "They found nothing", he says of the NCAA.


Chizik: "Here is something people need to know, Auburn has not had a major violation in 20 years."


Gene Chizik's interview on WJOX is 15 minutes in, returning for 3rd/final segment after break. Never heard him like this. No holds bar today


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He lost his program, but he didn't lose his mind or his personal integrity. WDE Coach Chiz!

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Gene Chizik on scrutiny of 2010 team: "That's an enigma to me. It's a mystery. ... It took away so much from the players and coaches."


GC on Cam: "The fact that he had to endure so much swirling criticism ... with what that young man was able to do ... was simply amazing."


Chizik asked if 2010 title will be tainted: "Simply to the Auburn people, it's not fair. It's not right. But it is what it is."


GC on no longer being the HC at Auburn after 3-9 season: "It's business. If you get your feelings hurt b/c of business decisions people have to make, then you don't understand the business."


Chizik on suspending Newton 1 day: "I wasn't even exactly real clear on the internal reasons that that has to happen that way."


Chizik on McNeil alleging racism in report: "Very unfortunate, and I take that to heart. ... I don't know why he said that. That hurts me."


Chizik on spice: "On one hand it's illegal, but on the other hand you can walk into a convenient store and buy it with bubble gum."


Chizik said he was trying to figure out what spice was about in fall of 2010, but less than 10% of players tested positive in first test.


Chizik says less than 10 percent of team failed spice test: "That's a far cry from the 50 percent allegation that's out there."


Chizik: "What unfortunately has happened is the story of 2 young men has turned into an indictment of a whole football team with no facts."


Gene Chizik: "I'm 100 percent confident we did it right."


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Chizik just absolutely destroyed that interview! War damn eagle, Coach.

They said they would post a link on the website. Would be appreciated if someone posted it in the thread when it becomes available.


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As I've said a number of times, I've never been embarrassed by the way Chiz represented AU. I learned a long time ago to separate character from performance and business results....some real snakes succeed in business (including the sports business) but GC is a man of character and I appreciate that he has NEVER taken a shot at AU out of anger or whatever, over his termination. He understands the life he has chosen and IMO, he will hit on his feet somewhere.

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Chizik is a DAMN fine man !

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I loved the way Coach Chizik handled this. It sounded like he has been sitting on this opportunity to tell his story for some time. I very much appreciated his attitude at the close about this being business and he understands that and is moving on. I was very please with it.

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They are leaving no stone un-turned, but Chizik is doing a great job in answering everything with class.

No stone unturned ? Over what ? Good grief... lame.

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I was hoping they would ask him if he could put a finger on what went wrong with the on field part of the team and what he would do different. that apparently was not the purpose of the interview.

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