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Iran Moderate Wins Presidency by a Large Margin

DKW 86

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TEHRAN — In a striking repudiation of the ultraconservatives who wield power in Iran, voters here overwhelmingly elected a mild-mannered cleric who advocates greater personal freedoms and a more conciliatory approach to the world.

Seems like the younger folks and some of the rest of the mature folks are tired of the War talk and would like ot get on wit the rest of their lives.


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He's a "moderate" only in comparison to the others. ;)

Still, it's interesting to note how the people are leaning away from their dictatorial theocracy. I hope we can avoid conflict with Iran long enough for them to change their government. But it's not likely.

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Isn't being a moderate in Iran like saying you're the tallest midget?

pretty much...but you are still better off than some...lol
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