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The "Coming Out" Cry For Help


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I have thought about why some people choose to have "coming out parties", and why thousands upon thousands never feel the need to. Could it be that the ones who feel like they need to announce to the world that they are coming out, aren't really gay, but want to just join the cool movement that is popular right now in the "cool" circles? And do people who are comfortable being who they are, actually see through these "announcers", and detest them? Could it be that the "announcers" don't really feel this way and need the gay community to reassure them and accept them?

I am not using this thread as a bash thread, so please don't post anything saying how wrong these people are, or how the Bible says this or that, because I know what the Bible says. I am looking at this from a psychological standpoint.

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I have thought about why some people choose to have "coming out parties", and why thousands upon thousands never feel the need to. Could it be that the ones who feel like they need to announce to the world that they are coming out, aren't really gay, but want to just join the cool movement that is popular right now in the "cool" circles? And do people who are comfortable being who they are, actually see through these "announcers", and detest them? Could it be that the "announcers" don't really feel this way and need the gay community to reassure them and accept them?

I am not using this thread as a bash thread, so please don't post anything saying how wrong these people are, or how the Bible says this or that, because I know what the Bible says. I am looking at this from a psychological standpoint.

It all really hard to figure. I guess when we figure why people do ANYTHING they choose to do we might be on the verge of knowing. A long time ago I chalked up what people do as being the right thing for them in their personal growth and development. Everything is right on time. Seeing things with a broader perspective and a longer timeline, in my world view, everything happens for a reason even though the reason may seem obscure at the time. Everybody has to go through what they do(good bad and otherwise)to get to where they're going which is neither religious nor philosophical but, rather, a simple truism.

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Sometimes i would think they are looking for validation or maybe acceptance.

Sometimes, i think it might be an unconscious try to find out who there real friends are, or will be in the future.

If i had a friend or family member "come out" i would support tham and still be a close friend etc.

However, the party would kind of depend. A tasteful nite out at a home or restaurant would be one thing.

A drag/drama show at "look at me" event would be another. I would still support and be their friend however.

I was invited to a gay marriage recently and would have gone but the event was 1000+ miles away and work would just not let me at the time.

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I thought you were talking about debutantes at first. ;D

Anyway, who cares?

I don't care. If you don't like a certain party, don't go. That works for me. No dog in this fight.

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I thought you were talking about debutantes at first. ;D

Anyway, who cares?

Obviously the initial poster, or he wouldn't have started the thread. If you don't, then really, why reply?

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I have thought about why some people choose to have "coming out parties", and why thousands upon thousands never feel the need to. Could it be that the ones who feel like they need to announce to the world that they are coming out, aren't really gay, but want to just join the cool movement that is popular right now in the "cool" circles? And do people who are comfortable being who they are, actually see through these "announcers", and detest them? Could it be that the "announcers" don't really feel this way and need the gay community to reassure them and accept them?

I am not using this thread as a bash thread, so please don't post anything saying how wrong these people are, or how the Bible says this or that, because I know what the Bible says. I am looking at this from a psychological standpoint.

Go ahead weegs. Just do whatever frees you from the chains that bind.
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I thought you were talking about debutantes at first. ;D

Anyway, who cares?

Obviously the initial poster, or he wouldn't have started the thread. If you don't, then really, why reply?

Do you understand the OP? Do you think people are "coming out" just to be "cool"? I have to admit, my first thought was, what is this about and who really cares. Do you have any insight?

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Other than Kurt Cobain, who whined that he wished he WERE gay, before blowing his head off, have I heard of anyone WANTING that sort of attention.

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My question is why announce it to the world? What does it do for you? What is the point? Is it a Hollywood thing? If you are confident and comfortable with it, why not just live your life? I know gay people who just live and really don't care what anyone thinks.

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My question is why announce it to the world? What does it do for you? What is the point? Is it a Hollywood thing? If you are confident and comfortable with it, why not just live your life? I know gay people who just live and really don't care what anyone thinks.

My question is why do you characterize such a public announcement as a "cry for help"?

Maybe they feel a need to express their relief from no longer living a lie. Maybe they feel liberated and want to share their joy with their friends.

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My question is why announce it to the world? What does it do for you? What is the point? Is it a Hollywood thing? If you are confident and comfortable with it, why not just live your life? I know gay people who just live and really don't care what anyone thinks.

My question is why do you characterize such a public announcement as a "cry for help"?

Maybe they feel a need to express their relief from no longer living a lie. Maybe they feel liberated and want to share their joy with their friends.

I suspect you are right.
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