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Maher: "Islamophobic Is A Word Created By Fascists, And Used By Cowards, To Manipulate Morons"

DKW 86

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I hope we can all listen to Maher, i man i generally disagree with. He is the Finebaum of Cable Talk. But Maher is struggling mightily here to get his liberal guests to admit that the term "Islamaphobia" is very disingenuous. He is quoting Christopher Hitchens: "Islamophobic Is A Word Created By Fascists, And Used By Cowards, To Manipulate Morons." Listen in as he tries to get Liberal Panelists to admit the very very obvious, but they just will not.

We have a schism between being Multicultural and Reality as Maher explains too well. You can tell even his audience doesnt want any part of this discussion either, but that they know he is right. But that would mean that the American Liberal would also have to give some credence to Christianity as Maher does, and the Panel and the Audience just cannot open their minds to that, at least not yet. Maybe some day they will.

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Maher isn't worth one nano second of my time.

Even when he agrees with you?
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Maher isn't worth one nano second of my time.

Even when he agrees with you?

That does happen occasionally but not often. In fact I was completely blown away when I found myself agreeing with Chuck Schumer one day a week or so ago. But you are right, his audience knew he was speaking truth but couldn't find it in themselves to accept it. Too dug in to allow the truth to sprout take hold and grow.
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Maher isn't worth one nano second of my time.

Even when he agrees with you?

That does happen occasionally but not often. In fact I was completely blown away when I found myself agreeing with Chuck Schumer one day a week or so ago. But you are right, his audience knew he was speaking truth but couldn't find it in themselves to accept it. Too dug in to allow the truth to sprout take hold and grow.

That is danger of political bias. Sometimes the truth is not what you want to believe.

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"That is danger of political bias."

So there is danger in missing ONE Bill Maher comment that I can agree with out of thousands he makes that I cannot.?

Some folks just want to out point political bias as if they're above it all. Everyone alive is politically biased to some degree. Its just the nature of politics.

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DKW....Maher is such a jerk I'm not about to listen to him period, even if I agreed with him a lot. I listen to lot's of people I don't often agree with but respect their opinion. There is nothing about Maher I respect.

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Maher isn't worth one nano second of my time.

But what do you think of his comment, about Islamophobia ?

I happen to fully agree w/ that view point. Regardless of who said it.

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The same people he can't get to engage his premise wouldn't bat an eye at insulting Christianity or Christians. Not sure what the reticence to apply the same 'look down out nose' standards to Islam is with these folks.

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Proud, you are doing the same thing here as Maher's guests and audience were doing that nite. hint hint.

You are so incensed over Maher that you cant follow him even when he agrees with you.

Look, i like Maher. He is a complete jerk most of the time, but i really think a lot of it has to do with his show. Someties being in the Media means you have to adopt outrageous views to get your audience's attention. Jon Stewart, Christopher Hitchens, Camille Paglia, even Steven Colbert are Liberals but they arent the automatons they are made out to be. O'Reilly isnt the villain he is said to be either.

The problem here is when Educated People stop using their God given awareness and start faulting back to stereotypes. Stop and listen and challenge the otherside AND ourselves.


1) Boortz: Probably my favorite talk show guy was Boortz. He wasnt a kneejerker. He was a deep thinker. He wrote a book about revolutionizing the tax code. He was pro-choice but he could back it up. I am pro-life but i still highly respect the man.

2) Glenn Beck: all i can say about him is whoooo boy...He is about as far out there as Pluto. Everything is a conspiracy.

3) Hitchens: Probably the truest wit in the bunch. Gave Liberals HELL for their mindless kneejerk reactions to every subject. He was an Atheist but he wasnt a one note Nellie.

4) Hayes, O'Donnell, Olbermann: Totally uninformed kneejerkers. When Hayes and his staff started posting up graphics about "George Wallace, Gov Alabama, REPUBLICAN" i just lost all respect for him and others.

Look at Donny Duetsch. He was driven into obscurity for a diatribe about the defict on one of the MSNBC shows a while back. After that, you didnt see him for months. No Conservative on this board could have found a fault with him on it. But now he is out there trying to get back on MSNBC and he is toting the "Ben Ghazi is a joke" narrative. When we critique someone, we need more than just knee jerk reactions. We need discourse. Facts, Thought.

I cant believe anyone on this board could support Rosie O'Donnell or Jeanean Garofalo. They are Truthers in the definitional sense. They really believe that Bush43 pulled off a fraud on the American people to get us into a war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Does that make sense?

Less emotion and more facts never hurt anyone. Even if your side temporarily loses the shouting match we owe to ourselves and to history to encourage others to actually think instead of shout. When we do see common ground, we need to applaud it loudly. Maybe others will see it and stop shouting too. Now days, when one side actually starts to think, some react with litmus tests on every subject. We need more discourse, not more empty accusations and namecalling on both sides.

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The same people he can't get to engage his premise wouldn't bat an eye at insulting Christianity or Christians. Not sure what the reticence to apply the same 'look down out nose' standards to Islam is with these folks.

Is that surprising? When you have a President who even instructs his appointed head of NASA to reach out to Muslims in order to make them feel good, Im not surprised at all that Christians are viewed as an expendable commodity for lack of a better description, by this administration. One thing about the left, they march in lock step to their leadership.

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I don't get the controversy here.

If someone hates Muslims in general because of their religion, what's so bad about calling them Islamocphobes?

Isn't that what they are?

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I don't get the controversy here.

If someone hates Muslims in general because of their religion, what's so bad about calling them Islamocphobes?

Isn't that what they are?

If words really do mean anything anymore, the the term islamophobic or islamophobe is being misused. It should only be used to describe be an irrational fear of Moslems. Meaning you fear someone just based on their Moslem name, dress or religion.

Anti-Islamic is the term that should be used when someone hates a person or group because they are Moslem.

That said the press, large business, the government, and others do fear Islamic terrorist groups that might take action based on a simple cartoon, an article in the paper, some other slight toward their religion. Based on past history that fear is not irrational.

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I don't get the controversy here.

If someone hates Muslims in general because of their religion, what's so bad about calling them Islamocphobes?

Isn't that what they are?

I think the controversy is that the word typically isn't being bandied about using that strict definition. It's become a lot like "homophobe" in that rather than being targeted at actual hate, it's simply used as a blanket tool to discredit anyone who says anything critical about it whatsoever. I believe that is what Maher is getting at. It's not being used to label hate, but is just being tossed out to shut down uncomfortable discussion.

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I don't get the controversy here.

If someone hates Muslims in general because of their religion, what's so bad about calling them Islamocphobes?

Isn't that what they are?

If words really do mean anything anymore, the the term islamophobic or islamophobe is being misused. It should only be used to describe be an irrational fear of Moslems. Meaning you fear someone just based on their Moslem name, dress or religion.

Anti-Islamic is the term that should be used when someone hates a person or group because they are Moslem.

That said the press, large business, the government, and others do fear Islamic terrorist groups that might take action based on a simple cartoon, an article in the paper, some other slight toward their religion. Based on past history that fear is not irrational.

OK, that's fair. Anti-Islamic or even Islamic-hating would be more accurate if those are the people one is referring to.

But I still don't see what all the fuss is about regarding the term Islamophobic. It's certainly no more prejudicial. If fact, if anything it seems like a euphemistic way of describing an Islamic hater.

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I don't get the controversy here.

If someone hates Muslims in general because of their religion, what's so bad about calling them Islamocphobes?

Isn't that what they are?

I think the controversy is that the word typically isn't being bandied about using that strict definition. It's become a lot like "homophobe" in that rather than being targeted at actual hate, it's simply used as a blanket tool to discredit anyone who says anything critical about it whatsoever. I believe that is what Maher is getting at. It's not being used to label hate, but is just being tossed out to shut down uncomfortable discussion.

OK, I can see that.

If someone generally acknowledges that the mainline religion of Islam - or the vast majority of Muslims - are for peace and tolerance but nevertheless recognizes the religion is also burdened with a lot of crazy primitive-thinking fundamentalists, they shouldn't be labeled as either Islamophobes or Islam-haters for that matter.

Recognizing the latter doesn't mean you necessarily apply it to all Muslims.

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Here's the clip that was referenced in the article 86 posted:


Here's Bill Maher talking about Islam last year.

His guest continuously argues as if Maher is talking about every member of the religion, when he is not. Implies Maher is an Islamophobe.

A little language in the clips.


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Maher isn't worth one nano second of my time.

Even when he agrees with you?

That does happen occasionally but not often. In fact I was completely blown away when I found myself agreeing with Chuck Schumer one day a week or so ago. But you are right, his audience knew he was speaking truth but couldn't find it in themselves to accept it. Too dug in to allow the truth to sprout take hold and grow.

That is danger of political bias. Sometimes the truth is not what you want to believe.

Oftentimes actually.
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Here's the clip that was referenced in the article 86 posted:


Here's Bill Maher talking about Islam last year.

His guest continuously argues as if Maher is talking about every member of the religion, when he is not. Implies Maher is an Islamophobe.

A little language in the clips.


What is sssooo funny/sickening is that these are supposedly educated, caring, concerned people and they just cant let it go.

Even when you can see them thinking that their point is BS, they just cannot let, (as Maher says) the Truth get in the way of the narrative.

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What makes me laugh is how it is all fear-based. Just because you may not agree with a religion or lifestyle choice, that doesn't mean that you fear it.

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I'm a crazyfundamentalistislamaphobe...meaning I fear crazy fundamentalist Islam. That's because they want to hurt our country and our way of life. I don't fear or hate all Muslims, just the ones that should be feared and hated. The blanket term Islamaphobe is silly...as I don't think there are many people who are one.

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I'm a crazyfundamentalistislamaphobe...meaning I fear crazy fundamentalist Islam. That's because they want to hurt our country and our way of life. I don't fear or hate all Muslims, just the ones that should be feared and hated. The blanket term Islamaphobe is silly...as I don't think there are many people who are one.

Dont go making all kinds of sense here Shire, you will be called an Islamophobe in a second... ;-)
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I know call me an Islamophobe.

Picture of the Week


Islam is a religion of mercy after all. A Sharia court will permit this pregnant mother to give birth before they hang her for not renouncing her Christian faith.


Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace "Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29

2014.05.17 (Dalwa-Masuba, Nigeria) - At least forty residents of a quiet agrarian village are massacred by Boko Haram.

2014.05.17 (Ngurosoye, Nigeria) - Twenty-nine people at a market are slaughtered by Islamist rockets and bullets.

2014.05.17 (Ghoraghat, Bangladesh) - A man is stabbed to death by Jamaat-e-Islami members.

2014.05.16 (Waza, Cameroon) - Boko Haram invade a road construction camp and murder a Chinese engineer.

2014.05.16 (Nairobi, Kenya) - Two bombs, one of which was at a market, snuff out the lives of thirteen innocent people, including a pregnant woman.

2014.05.15 (Gunib, Dagestan) - Islamic 'rebels' open fire on a group of police officers, killing three.


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