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For those who defend Obama negotiating with the Taliban


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We have a long history of negotiating with bad characters. We also have a long history of bringing soldiers home.

The five guys we released apparently had insufficient evidence to try in even a military tribunal. We have NO history of keeping POWs forever with no trial.

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Who said there was insufficient evidence? If all they were doing was keeping those guys off the battlefields it was good. It has been well documented who they are and what their 'positions' were. If you truly deep down think this swap was and is good and will make U.S. troops safer in Afghanistan, it makes me wonder about you.

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It also hasn't been factually established that Bergdahl was a deserter. To my knowledge, the original investigation's findings remain classified, and Bergdahl's account of events has not been heard yet. All we have at present are statements from others that supposedly served with him, and accounts of bizarre actions. Taken together, I tend to agree with the prevailing suspicion that he was likely deserting. However, I'm not a big fan of convicting people in the court of public opinion, so I'm not ready to crucify the man until he's had a chance to defend himself.

Personally, I find indefinite detention in Guantanamo Bay to be completely antithetical to the fundamental principle of freedom, regardless of who they are or what they are accused of doing. They should have been charged and tried, or set free long ago. I don't care how "convenient" it is for better waging our War on Terror, I don't trust our government to not do this to our own people after they've been doing it successfully to foreign nationals for over a decade. Secret courts, warrantless surveillance, and extraordinary rendition are not things I have enjoyed seeing become the American way.

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Who said there was insufficient evidence? If all they were doing was keeping those guys off the battlefields it was good. It has been well documented who they are and what their 'positions' were. If you truly deep down think this swap was and is good and will make U.S. troops safer in Afghanistan, it makes me wonder about you.

One can argue that all past prisoner swaps have set up the next one and made it more likely POWs will be taken. I don't think kidnapping Americans is something they hadn't thought of before . One can also argue that Ronald Reagan's negotiating with terrorists provided the template for modern terrorists. One could also argue that paying a tribute to the Barbary Pirates got this ball rolling.

The only way to make the troops there safer is to bring them home.

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I think it's evident he deserted. I have been told there have been more chances to rescue him but with what is known about him he was not worth risking more lives. They traded 5 thugs whom would eventually be released anyway. WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL.? I don't even think this was done to get our deserter back. I think there is something much deeper going on with Qatars involvement.

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If he were a known deserted, I wonder why he was promoted twice while being held captive?

It's standard practice in the military to promote personnel that being held as POWs. It was done in the Vietnam war and before.

While the Islamic terrorist groups don't treat capture soldiers as POWs, the US considers captured US personnel to be in a POW status. They continue to earn pay, their dependents receive military benefits, and each person is promoted based on time in grade with the assumption they would have been in they were still here. Both officers and enlisted personnel are treated that way.

The issued with bergdahl is the military did not put him down in a deserter status, if he had been listed as a deserter he would not have gotten promotions. That was the start of the coverup.

In korea 21 American soldiers held as POWs declined to return after the armistice was signed. They were then considered deserters and given dishonorable discharges. Interestingly most of them came home after they tired of the workers paradise.

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I think it's evident he deserted. I have been told there have been more chances to rescue him but with what is known about him he was not worth risking more lives. They traded 5 thugs whom would eventually be released anyway. WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL.? I don't even think this was done to get our deserter back. I think there is something much deeper going on with Qatars involvement.

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If he were a known deserted, I wonder why he was promoted twice while being held captive?

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We have a long history of negotiating with bad characters. We also have a long history of bringing soldiers home.

The five guys we released apparently had insufficient evidence to try in even a military tribunal. We have NO history of keeping POWs forever with no trial.

9/11 changed everything in regards to enemy combatants. Apparently your side didn't get the memo.

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I think it's evident he deserted. I have been told there have been more chances to rescue him but with what is known about him he was not worth risking more lives. They traded 5 thugs whom would eventually be released anyway. WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL.? I don't even think this was done to get our deserter back. I think there is something much deeper going on with Qatars involvement.

I think it's all political timing and another way for Obama to stick it to the rule of law. He's a jackass and I don't care if he reads this or not (someone cue the hit Private Eyes). :)

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We have a long history of negotiating with bad characters. We also have a long history of bringing soldiers home.

The five guys we released apparently had insufficient evidence to try in even a military tribunal. We have NO history of keeping POWs forever with no trial.

9/11 changed everything in regards to enemy combatants. Apparently your side didn't get the memo.

The notion that 9/11 discards all the history, precedent and principles of this country is woefully misguided. The notion that "9/11 changed everything" has been terribly damaging to this country. Our reaction to 9/11 was Bin Laden's greatest success.

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We have a long history of negotiating with bad characters. We also have a long history of bringing soldiers home.

The five guys we released apparently had insufficient evidence to try in even a military tribunal. We have NO history of keeping POWs forever with no trial.

9/11 changed everything in regards to enemy combatants. Apparently your side didn't get the memo.

The notion that 9/11 discards all the history, precedent and principles of this country is woefully misguided. The notion that "9/11 changed everything" has been terribly damaging to this country. Our reaction to 9/11 was Bin Laden's greatest success.

Killing 3000 innocent civilians on american soil changed EVERYTHING whether you like it or not.

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We have a long history of negotiating with bad characters. We also have a long history of bringing soldiers home.

The five guys we released apparently had insufficient evidence to try in even a military tribunal. We have NO history of keeping POWs forever with no trial.

9/11 changed everything in regards to enemy combatants. Apparently your side didn't get the memo.

The notion that 9/11 discards all the history, precedent and principles of this country is woefully misguided. The notion that "9/11 changed everything" has been terribly damaging to this country. Our reaction to 9/11 was Bin Laden's greatest success.

Killing 3000 innocent civilians on american soil changed EVERYTHING whether you like it or not.

So what do you want to call this new country?

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We have a long history of negotiating with bad characters. We also have a long history of bringing soldiers home.

The five guys we released apparently had insufficient evidence to try in even a military tribunal. We have NO history of keeping POWs forever with no trial.

Complete nonsense. There never was nor will there be any treaty or truce w/ these guys. Knowing what these guys have done, and what they have vowed to their phony ass god to do , maybe we SHOULD keep them forever with no trial. As good a time to start as ever.

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It also hasn't been factually established that Bergdahl was a deserter.


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It also hasn't been factually established that Bergdahl was a deserter.


Only if you wish to call a half a dozen testimonies from those who served side by side with him liars could one make this statement. People who are closely following this situation realized long ago Bergdahl is at best a deserter and at worst a Taliban sympathizer and collaborator. This is not conjecture.

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It also hasn't been factually established that Bergdahl was a deserter.


Only if you wish to call a half a dozen testimonies from those who served side by side with him liars could one make this statement. People who are closely following this situation realized long ago Bergdahl is at best a deserter and at worst a Taliban sympathizer and collaborator. This is not conjecture.

Seriously. Might as well come out and say we don't know factually that he was ever even IN Afghanistan...

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We have a long history of negotiating with bad characters. We also have a long history of bringing soldiers home.

The five guys we released apparently had insufficient evidence to try in even a military tribunal. We have NO history of keeping POWs forever with no trial.

9/11 changed everything in regards to enemy combatants. Apparently your side didn't get the memo.

The notion that 9/11 discards all the history, precedent and principles of this country is woefully misguided. The notion that "9/11 changed everything" has been terribly damaging to this country. Our reaction to 9/11 was Bin Laden's greatest success.

Seriously? Please elaborate.
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We have a long history of negotiating with bad characters. We also have a long history of bringing soldiers home.

The five guys we released apparently had insufficient evidence to try in even a military tribunal. We have NO history of keeping POWs forever with no trial.

9/11 changed everything in regards to enemy combatants. Apparently your side didn't get the memo.

The notion that 9/11 discards all the history, precedent and principles of this country is woefully misguided. The notion that "9/11 changed everything" has been terribly damaging to this country. Our reaction to 9/11 was Bin Laden's greatest success.

Seriously? Please elaborate.


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We have a long history of negotiating with bad characters. We also have a long history of bringing soldiers home.

The five guys we released apparently had insufficient evidence to try in even a military tribunal. We have NO history of keeping POWs forever with no trial.

9/11 changed everything in regards to enemy combatants. Apparently your side didn't get the memo.

The notion that 9/11 discards all the history, precedent and principles of this country is woefully misguided. The notion that "9/11 changed everything" has been terribly damaging to this country. Our reaction to 9/11 was Bin Laden's greatest success.

Seriously? Please elaborate.


Kinda what I thought. ;)
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As usual you see only what you want to see, Texas! My point is simple....our enemy isn't a nation that we can overthrow or negotiate peace with. It's not an organization that cares about life like we do. It's not hard to understand, is it?

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