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Iron Bowl set to become 'perfect' rivalry


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The 2013 Iron Bowl wasn't the first college football game to feature a crazy ending.

That said, Miami and Boston College didn't keep playing for big stakes after the Flutie-to-Phelan Hail Mary. Ditto for Colorado and Michigan after Stewart-to-Westbrook. Stanford and Cal kept playing after "the band is on the field," but usually for bragging rights. Boise State hasn't played Oklahoma since the Statue of Liberty Game.

Alabama and Auburn are going to keep playing, most likely with banners at stake, and they will be doing so in the shadow of a game decided by a 109-yard missed field goal return.


Current trends for Alabama and Auburn are extremely positive. They have everything: excellent coaches, intense fan support, top facilities, and fertile recruiting bases.

Most of all, they have one another as motivators. The end result could be the perfect rivalry: one that fans without a tie to the Tide or Tigers can simply enjoy.


I agree that the Iron Bowl is well-positioned to take over as the nationally-recognized major rivalry. I also think that we're in great shape, since Gus will outlast Nick.


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^This,no other comes close,I don't have to go to any other rivalry game to see...I know, WFE!

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You mean they hadn't already figured out that it is the best rivalry in the nation, hands down??!

Some folks are slow . ;)

It's true, they are. But I also think there's something different happening now, and the key is that both Auburn and Bama have been (recently) good at the same time. It's like FSU-Miami or Nebraska-OU from the last 20 years or so of the 20th century. The winner of those games always had a huge leg up for the natty, and the loser was almost always eliminated from that discussion.

The Iron Bowl has always been a great rivalry. To me, it's always been #1 -- but obviously, I'm biased. I think it's going to become #1 in the national mind over the next decade or so.

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Been to a couple of GT vs UGA games, and I'm sorry, there's just no comparison. Seen both teams win, and as I gauged the crowd, before, during and after the game, absent was the feeling one gets when attending an Iron Bowl. Might not be the closest comparison to make, in terms of intense rivalry, but it's also an instate thing, which I think adds more to the mix.

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There is no other rivalry game that comes close. A distant 2nd is the OSU Michigan thing.

A rivalry game works best when it is in state, in conference and in division. Winning it actually means something when its effects whether you got to a conference championship game.

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You mean they hadn't already figured out that it is the best rivalry in the nation, hands down??!

Key word: perfect. They are saying the rivalry might be perfect. It's a pretty good article.

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USCe vs Clemson is pretty intense. Especially since YabboDabbo and Ball Coach showed up.

Still not Iron Bowl intense.

Intense to an extent but fairly meaningless outside of South Crackalacky.
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I'm as big an AU homer as there is but when Iowa and Iowa State meet the nation stops whatever else it is doing.

You forgot to use the sarcasm font. Someone is bound to take you seriously.

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I'm as big an AU homer as there is but when Iowa and Iowa State meet the nation stops whatever else it is doing.

You forgot to use the sarcasm font. Someone is bound to take you seriously.

Sarcasm? ;)
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OSU-Michigan, Texas-Oklahoma, Oklahoma-Nebraska, and FSU-Miami all had periods where both teams were contenders for the national title, including several #1 vs #2 matchups. AU-Bama easily beats all of them for passion and intensity, and now that both teams look to be perennial top-10 teams for the foreseeable future, it will become the premier rivalry game of the year. On top of that, it's always the last game of the season for both teams, and will likely have a say in determining who wins the SEC west most years. "Perfect" is a good word for it.

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Now the Iron Bowl is a hated rivalry without a doubt. Pefect may be up for discussion. In my opinion the Auburn vs Georgia game is one of the most perfect rivalries I can think of because of it's endurance and equality. You almost never know how the game will end.

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Now the Iron Bowl is a hated rivalry without a doubt. Pefect may be up for discussion. In my opinion the Auburn vs Georgia game is one of the most perfect rivalries I can think of because of it's endurance and equality. You almost never know how the game will end.

That logic is fair.

The AU-LSU rivalry of the '00s was as good as it's gotten for me. We traded wins every year from 2000-2007. 5 straight games decided by a touchdown or less from 2004-2008. The SEC West on the line every year. Duval and their band. All the other "weird" stuff that I don't have to get into. Kenny Irons going for 200+ in Red Stick. And the 2006 AU-LSU game was the best football game I've ever seen. In fact, I dare say we won't be seeing 2 defenses like that square off again anytime soon, if ever.

That all said, the Iron Bowl has the potential to absolutely blow that away in the next few years, in terms of intensity (a given), quality and high stakes.

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It's about to be 100 x worse right now. The bammers are already claiming victory, and they really feel like it's a sin to beat bama and Saban! Not only are they claiming victory, they are claiming another so called championship, lol. So sad, they are about to be Malzahned and they don't even know it. Saban may be their god but he's not GOD, and only he decides what is sin and what's not sin.WDE

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No doubt. There's also no doubt coach Malzahn will outlast that other coach.

I think this season will tell us more about that. To be honest we don't yet know about Malzahn's ability to keep a team motivated year after year, or if he will be determined to maintain discipline over time. We're all hopeful for the best and if he proves he's abloe in those areas then he should be a long term excellent HC.
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No doubt. There's also no doubt coach Malzahn will outlast that other coach.

I think this season will tell us more about that. To be honest we don't yet know about Malzahn's ability to keep a team motivated year after year, or if he will be determined to maintain discipline over time. We're all hopeful for the best and if he proves he's abloe in those areas then he should be a long term excellent HC.

Amen, nothing is in stone yet. But it's up to Auburn and CGM to prove themselves. Hate to say but that other team and that other coach has definitely solidified themselves as good.. Bout the best I can say. .

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I am afraid that things are about to change. I firmly believe that without Chizic's interference CGM would have already ended little nick's run This year AU will win again in Jordan-Hare West. The problem with the fan base from T-town is they think they are owed the wins every year and they will run off nick if he loses two in a row to Gus.WDE

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In the eyes of a large part of the country, OSU-Michigan is considered the top rivalry in football. They have always held that view for some reason. I guess in large part it was due to the large number of sportswriters and broadcasters from the midwest. That view is fading and they realize now what we have always known about this rivalry.

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Growing up in Dallas Texas , the Texas OU rivalry was extremely intense in the 1950s and 60 s. They always did and still do play in the Cotton Bowl. They would board up all of the windows in the stores in downtown Dallas starting on the Thursday night before the game and stop all traffic going down the Main Street. Fights, arrests, drunks and just good old fashion parting going on. But with all of that said it does not hold a candle to the Auburn-Alabama rivalry. Although growing up in Texas I've been an Auburn fan since the early 50's and had the good fortune to marry an Auburn grad, although she was a Bama student when we first me. I converted her to the good side. Both kids graduated from AU also.

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