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290,000 Illegal Aliens in 3 Months Imported into the USA

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....and each will be given a taxi ride to their final destination courtesy of President Obama. Support costs alone for these individuals will cripple many communities. 100,000 new mouths to feed per month. ET

The vast majority of 50,000 unaccompanied youths and children who have illegally crossed the Texas border during the last few months have been successfully delivered by federal agencies to their relatives living in the United States, according to a New York Times article.

A second New York Times article report revealed that officials have caught an additional 240,000 Central American migrants since April, and are transporting many of them to their destinations throughout the United States.

The 290,000 illegals — so far — are exploiting legal loopholes that allow them to get temporary permits to stay in the United States.

Experts say that President Barack Obama’s administration has failed to close the loopholes and is unlikely to deport more than a small percentage of the illegals, despite the high unemployment rates among American Latino, African-American and white youths, and the strapped budgets of many cities and towns.

The president’s policy has caused protests by frightened citizens in towns such as Murrieta. But Obama’s allies — such as La Raza, an ethnic lobby for Latinos — are eager to escalate the conflict and to paint the protestors as racists. Those protests may escalate before the November elections.

The Central American parents of the 50,000 youths and children are using a 2008 law to ensure their children are transported to them for free by a relay of border patrol and Department of Health and Human Services officials. The youths are delivered to the border patrol by smugglers, dubbed coyotes, in exchange for several thousand dollars.

Half of the 50,000 Central American youths were delivered by taxpayer-funded employees directly to their parents now living in the United States, and another third were delivered to people who said they were close relatives, said the July 3 article.

That new data was included in the 19th paragraph of a 20-paragraph July 3 article.

Top immigration officials choose to not check if the relatives or parents who pick up the children are in the country legally.

Both New York Times articles described the border-crossing illegal aliens as “immigrants.” In fact, “immigrants” is the term for people who legally migrate into the United States.

The 240,000 strong-group largely consists of many mothers and young children, most of whom are now being flown and bussed to destinations near where they wish to settle. That new 240,000 number was included in the seventh paragraph of a 24-paragraph article.

Few of the illegal immigrants are high-school graduates, or have skills that would allow them to earn more than they cost to federal, state and local taxpayers.

Officials have not said where they’ve delivered the adults or youth illegals, but pro-American activists are keeping track of some locations, including San Diego, Calif.

Officials have defended the administration’s catch-and-release policy, which critics say is inviting more Central Americans to cross the border in the hope of being arrested by the border patrol.

“When you have a noncriminal [border-crossing ] mother, they are going to be released,” David Jennings, the head of the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agency in southern California. “The most humane way to deal with this is to find out where they are going and get them there,” he said at a town meeting held in Murrieta, Calif., according to the New York Times.

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I read somewhere it is costing the taxpayers about $280 per day to care for each kind coming in right now. It doesn't seem to bother Obama, he is going down to Texas for a fund raiser Wednesday with no plans to go to the border and see the disaster personally. So he spends our money for a political trip and cares less about spending even more money on illegals.

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I read somewhere it is costing the taxpayers about $280 per day to care for each kind coming in right now. It doesn't seem to bother Obama, he is going down to Texas for a fund raiser Wednesday with no plans to go to the border and see the disaster personally. So he spends our money for a political trip and cares less about spending even more money on illegals.


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Well, that 2008 act wouldnt come into play if we, well you know, had a fence that prevented them from penetrating the border.

Then there's this:

Gladys Lopez allowed her four year-old illegal immigrant daughter to travel to the US.

Now she can’t find her.

The Obama Administration has lost track of an illegal immigrant girl. The four-year-old girl is just one of thousands who have been taken into custody by border patrol agents.

Gladys Lopez says she was able to speak with her daughter, Eliana, briefly over the phone after she was taken into custody. Lopez hasn’t heard from the girl or immigration authorities since.

Lopez says the girl was smuggled from Honduras to the U.S. along with her 17-year-old sister and niece. Little Eliana and the others were taken into ICE custody in Brownsville on june 18th. Lopez got a phone call later that day from immigration. It was the last time she heard from the girl or immigration officials.

An immigrant rights group is now working with Lopez to find her daughter.

“Unfortunately its common for ICE to transfer people and not let people know. So unfortunately she could be as far away as New York, where one of the child detention centers are,” says immigrant advocate Cesar Espinosa.

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What responsible, loving, caring parent would stick their child on a boat or airplane by themselves and ship them off to another country alone? Blows my mind.

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I remember a time where a democratic administration was returning an immigrant child home at the point of a weapon.


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