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Connect all these DISGRACED POLITICIANS using ONE WORD...

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Connect all these DISGRACED POLITICIANS using ONE WORD...

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was sentenced to 10 years

Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick 28 years

Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich 14 years

Birmingham, Alabama, Mayor Larry Langford 15 years

Charlotte Mayor Patrick Cannon

Trenton Mayor Tony Mack

San Diego Mayor Bob Filner

North Carolina District Attorney Mike Nifong


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Money has a lot to do with it, but not the singular word that describes them all.

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Democrats. Going all the way back to Tammany Hall, at least.

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So ICHY, if anyone goes against the "agenda", they are just stupid rednecks?

I'm not sure what you mean by the "agenda" but, no. However, there are far too many people who believe the President is solely responsible for all of our problems. There are far too many who believe conservative ideology will solve all of our problems. It is all simplistic nonsense. It is a distraction and a distortion. It is the product of media designed to entertain rather than inform ( that door swings to the left and right).

BTW, I know some very intelligent "rednecks". They are people who think for themselves. They do not simply regurgitate popular rhetoric.

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Hey main, lemme tell you sumpin bout dat dubya main, he bees dun loss me all my fo o 1 k! If dubya aint took us to wo wit iraq, eyes wud be rich now yo! All dat white man fault.

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Hey main, lemme tell you sumpin bout dat dubya main, he bees dun loss me all my fo o 1 k! If dubya aint took us to wo wit iraq, eyes wud be rich now yo! All dat white man fault.

I don't believe you can lay all problems at the feet of President Bush either. That would be just as foolish. It would be equally foolish to absolve him of any responsibility as well.

The premise of this thread, like too many threads, is partisan stupidity. It doesn't take a genius to realize that you can produce the same type list for "conservatives" or Republicans. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that both parties have done, and will do, good and bad. Therein lies the problem. We are too willing to believe the rhetoric we are fed rather than, employ the critical thinking required to see beyond it. We would rather be entertained than informed. In short, as a whole, what has become popular thinking, isn't really thinking at all. It is just dumb.

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Congressman Rick Renzi from Arizona

Federal District Judge Samuel Kent from Texas

Congressman Bob Ney from Ohio

Congressman Duke Cunningham from California

Congressman Wes Cooley from Oregon

Congressman Buz Lukens from Ohio

All Republicans. It's a poor point to make as the door quite clearly swings both ways. If anything, we can safely infer that both parties have established a pattern of corruption. Before the partisan responses arrive, keep in mind that I am not a Democrat.

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Congressman Rick Renzi from Arizona

Federal District Judge Samuel Kent from Texas

Congressman Bob Ney from Ohio

Congressman Duke Cunningham from California

Congressman Wes Cooley from Oregon

Congressman Buz Lukens from Ohio

All Republicans. It's a poor point to make as the door quite clearly swings both ways. If anything, we can safely infer that both parties have established a pattern of corruption. Before the partisan responses arrive, keep in mind that I am not a Democrat.

Neither am I. However, that is part of the stupidity.

Iffen you aint with us then yous got to be agin us.

The parties are becoming more like cults, the rhetoric like indoctrination.

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The point: If you read the attached article, i was really trying to point out that when the slimeball is a democrat, the media really try and not disclose that. Some of the articles the author wrote on did not identify these slimeballs as Democrats until the 4th paragraph or so, if they did at all.

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Congressman Rick Renzi from Arizona

Federal District Judge Samuel Kent from Texas

Congressman Bob Ney from Ohio

Congressman Duke Cunningham from California

Congressman Wes Cooley from Oregon

Congressman Buz Lukens from Ohio

All Republicans. It's a poor point to make as the door quite clearly swings both ways. If anything, we can safely infer that both parties have established a pattern of corruption. Before the partisan responses arrive, keep in mind that I am not a Democrat.

Neither am I. However, that is part of the stupidity.

Iffen you aint with us then yous got to be agin us.

The parties are becoming more like cults, the rhetoric like indoctrination.

Strange that both of you missed the point of the original post. Which is that reporting of those politicians their party affiliation was either not mentioned or mentioned and then quickly moved in. But when it's a Republican being reported on, party affiliation is prominent and prolonged. Oh and BTW I'm not a Republican.
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Congressman Rick Renzi from Arizona

Federal District Judge Samuel Kent from Texas

Congressman Bob Ney from Ohio

Congressman Duke Cunningham from California

Congressman Wes Cooley from Oregon

Congressman Buz Lukens from Ohio

All Republicans. It's a poor point to make as the door quite clearly swings both ways. If anything, we can safely infer that both parties have established a pattern of corruption. Before the partisan responses arrive, keep in mind that I am not a Democrat.

Neither am I. However, that is part of the stupidity.

Iffen you aint with us then yous got to be agin us.

The parties are becoming more like cults, the rhetoric like indoctrination.

Strange that both of you missed the point of the original post. Which is that reporting of those politicians their party affiliation was either not mentioned or mentioned and then quickly moved in. But when it's a Republican being reported on, party affiliation is prominent and prolonged. Oh and BTW I'm not a Republican.

Right, who would have known they were all Dimocraps.

That there lame screen media done covers up for the libtards.

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The point: If you read the attached article, i was really trying to point out that when the slimeball is a democrat, the media really try and not disclose that. Some of the articles the author wrote on did not identify these slimeballs as Democrats until the 4th paragraph or so, if they did at all.

I actually got the article's point, but that is not what I was responding to. After all, it's a biased website pointing out opposing bias. The media is not a collective entity with a collective agenda. There is conservative-biased media, and there is liberal-biased media. There is even unbiased media, though not much anymore admittedly. The biased media that represents whichever ideology is most powerful is typically the loudest. I am not surprised or outraged when biased media acts consistent with its nature. More importantly, I do not consider a corrupt official's party affiliation to be very relevant, it is little more than a red herring. That is the point I was making.

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So ichy, anybody that doesn't agree with the MSM or you is uneducated?

How open minded of you...not.

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Oh I agree. Corruption is on both sides and in spades. It was just a pet peeve of mine in reading about Nagin that they were obviously leaving the party out. But corruption does indeed run both ways.

I just hate it when there is an obvious bias, EITHER WAY.

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So ichy, anybody that doesn't agree with the MSM or you is uneducated?

How open minded of you...not.

Sorry you are offended. I often agree with you but,,,,,,,,,,,,, not always. I do respect your opinions.

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