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Just for fun...


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I figured in the spirit of unity and the holidays, it might be a good time for a little exercise. If you're left leaning, name your favorite GOP politician. If you lean right, your favorite Democrat. It could be anyone at the state or national level, either current or maybe a prominent former officeholder. We might just learn a lot about each other, who knows? I'll get it started.

Tulsi Gabbard, US Representative from Hawaii.

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George Wallace, Strohm Thurman, Lester Maddox, Robert Byrd....all fine upstanding Democrats...


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George Wallace, Strohm Thurman, Lester Maddox, Robert Byrd....all fine upstanding Democrats...

OK, maybe we should stick to the modern era. Too many people want to act like the Southern Strategy wasn't a thing.

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Changing the rules in mid game, huh? Because you don't like the outcome ?

Not very sporting.

No, I just don't care to watch wingnuts go full wingnut. I would have reacted the same way if one of the board's lefties had said their favorite Republican was Charles Sumner.

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Changing the rules in mid game, huh? Because you don't like the outcome ?

Not very sporting.

No, I just don't care to watch wingnuts go full wingnut. I would have reacted the same way if one of the board's lefties had said their favorite Republican was Charles Sumner.

He could take a cane upside the head with the best of them. Can't help but admire that. ;D

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Trump, he's not who we need... but he's who we deserve.

Also, sometimes a person has to hit rock bottom before realizing changes need to be made, maybe the same will hold true for a country.

My favorite politician ever is still GWB. Raised my pay in the military quite a bit, and was always funny in speeches, even if he didn't mean to be.

and because I want OBGYNs to be free to practice their love with women as well!

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Trump, he's not who we need... but he's who we deserve.

Also, sometimes a person has to hit rock bottom before realizing changes need to be made, maybe the same will hold true for a country.

My favorite politician ever is still GWB. Raised my pay in the military quite a bit, and was always funny in speeches, even if he didn't mean to be.

and because I want OBGYNs to be free to practice their love with women as well!

"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"

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Two come to mind:

Bob Casey, Sr. - former Governor of PA

Daniel Patrick Moynihan - former Senator of NY

It's getting harder to find current ones I like but Bernie Sanders strikes me as a decent person on balance (other than a galling blind spot regarding the unborn).

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Dems/Libs I admire: Sanders, Moynihan, JFK, LBJ, FDR, Paglia, Hichens, Maher, Jon Stewart, Carlin, Clinton (balancing the budget.)

Reps/Conservatives I admire: T Roosevelt, Lincoln, Reagan, NIxon (on environmental issues), Gingrich (balancing the budget), Milton Friedman...

Christians: Pope John-Paul, Mother Theresa, Billy Graham, Pope Francis...many others not of the mindless materialist church of things.

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Modern Democrat would be Bernie. Don't agree with him but I like that he has his beliefs, sticks with them, and is a genuinely good guy. I had a fondness for Howell Heflin. Guy had a,wicked sense of humor.

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Modern Democrat would be Bernie. Don't agree with him but I like that he has his beliefs, sticks with them, and is a genuinely good guy. I had a fondness for Howell Heflin. Guy had a,wicked sense of humor.

Yep, I knew Sen. Heflin and his staff well. Been in home several times and remain good friends with some of his old staff. Never will forget when he reached inside his coat pocket to get a handkerchief and pulled out a pair of ladies panties.

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In the spirit of unity and the holidays, Matt Bevin. :party:

Merry Christmas old friend.

Merry Christmas and War Eagle, PT.

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In the spirit of unity and the holidays, Matt Bevin. :party:

Merry Christmas old friend.

Merry Christmas and War Eagle, PT.

Same to you. We are in Bend, Oregon with relatives and the ground is white with deep snow. We will awake to a white Christmas.

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