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Standard operating procedure?


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I am going to TRY and communicate this as plainly as possible.

The grownups in the room could not care less if this was about WHO was doing it wrong. The fact that any number of stupid people in DC did it wrong MAKES NOT ONE IOTA OF DIFFERENCE.

If they were doing it wrong, that doesnt make it okay for the rest of the world to do it wrong as well.

To make it plain as can be: If they did the same thing, here's hoping they all get tossed in Leavenworth.

Ich machts nicht.

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I am going to TRY and communicate this as plainly as possible.

The grownups in the room could not care less if this was about WHO was doing it wrong. The fact that any number of stupid people in DC did it wrong MAKES NOT ONE IOTA OF DIFFERENCE.

If they were doing it wrong, that doesnt make it okay for the rest of the world to do it wrong as well.

To make it plain as can be: If they did the same thing, here's hoping they all get tossed in Leavenworth.

Ich machts nicht.

Okay then! Lock'em all up!

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What a surprise,right? The State Dept has politicized this issue buy throwing 2 former republican administration's SoS under the bus as if that somehow relieves Hillary of any accountability whatsoever. Here's an idea. Appoint an independent prosecutor to investigate all of them and indict them all who broke the law. Problem fixed,right?It really gets old watching every dept in this banana republic administration justify the politicization of issues involving law breakers that should be beyond party politics.

Hillary used a private server. That alone separates her from the business as usual protective umbrella because nobody has ever done that....and, according to her own words, she put the nation at risk for her own convenience! She should be wearing an orange Mao suit as we post.

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What a surprise,right? The State Dept has politicized this issue buy throwing 2 former republican administration's SoS under the bus as if that somehow relieves Hillary of any accountability whatsoever. Here's an idea. Appoint an independent prosecutor to investigate all of them and indict them all who broke the law. Problem fixed,right?It really gets old watching every dept in this banana republic administration justify the politicization of issues involving law breakers that should be beyond party politics.

Hillary used a private server. That alone separates her from the business as usual protective umbrella because nobody has ever done that....and, according to her own words, she put the nation at risk for her own convenience! She should be wearing an orange Mao suit as we post.

Private email account = private server.

Do you even IT network bro?

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What a surprise,right? The State Dept has politicized this issue buy throwing 2 former republican administration's SoS under the bus as if that somehow relieves Hillary of any accountability whatsoever. Here's an idea. Appoint an independent prosecutor to investigate all of them and indict them all who broke the law. Problem fixed,right?It really gets old watching every dept in this banana republic administration justify the politicization of issues involving law breakers that should be beyond party politics.

Hillary used a private server. That alone separates her from the business as usual protective umbrella because nobody has ever done that....and, according to her own words, she put the nation at risk for her own convenience! She should be wearing an orange Mao suit as we post.

No it doesn't absolve Hillary of whatever she did.

What it might do, is shed a little light on why her actions aren't generating the amount of outrage you seem to think it should. This is a relatively new issue. Heck, as I recall, there are some fairly recent SOS that didn't even use e-mail, which is hard to imagine.

That's not to say what she did wasn't wrong and it doesn't need to be investigated, but to accuse her of being deliberately criminal is a stretch.

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Doesn't matter if someone was deliberately criminal or not. If they broke the law then they should be held accountable. That's for all of them.

If you don't think this was done for politicizing the issue then there is no hope for you.

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Doesn't matter if someone was deliberately criminal or not. If they broke the law then they should be held accountable. That's for all of them.

If you don't think this was done for politicizing the issue then there is no hope for you.

Yeah! How dare anyone try to politicize this issue!

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Doesn't matter if someone was deliberately criminal or not. If they broke the law then they should be held accountable. That's for all of them.

If you don't think this was done for politicizing the issue then there is no hope for you.

I agree with your first three sentences. I don't understand the last

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“I wish they would release them so that a normal, air-breathing mammal would look at them and say, ‘What’s the issue?’”

Can't wait for our Plutonian response. :nopityA:

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