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Trump rally cancelled in Chicago due to safety concerns


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If Trump's support is so violent, why aren't they out going to other candidates campaigns/rallies and causing problems and disrupting other events?

It's more like Trump's support that is violent is isolated to wherever a Trump event is, not spilling over to other events.

LOL at the peaceful protest narrative. Just because they're not physically assaulting people, that makes them peaceful.... :rolleyes: I guess yelling and trying to take over an event by rushing the stage or arguing with Trump supporters are really constructive and create a peaceful atmosphere.

No one should have to face assault or violence but don't go provoking it or trying to incite chaos by being hostile to views that are different from the "peaceful" protesters.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with protesting in opposition to Trump at one of his rallys as long as it doesn't directly interfere with the rally. In fact, it's beneficial to our political discourse.

I am certainly no fan of Trump. I think the man is a fool. And no offense to anyone here, but his followers have been fooled.

I do feel he has a right to speak and his listeners the right to hear him. The protesters at his recent rallies have been deliberately trying to interfere with this right. There is simply no logical defense for this. You don't like what he speaks, go vote his ass out at the polls. It is not as complicated as some here would make it.

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The people that were assaulted didn't do anything wrong whatsoever

Not every case you mentioned, no. The woman who was assaulted didn't do anything wrong. That's the only incident you referenced that the protester didn't do anything wrong.

The old man that sucker punched that guy in North Carolina was charged with assault and arrested the day after he assaulted the protester in case you were wondering.

The guy that got assaulted was being led out by police when the old man sucker punched him. The guy was giving the middle finger on his way out before he got sucker punched. He wasn't being peaceful. Unless you consider flipping people off peaceful. Now that's still no excuse for what the old man did by sucker punching him but to say the protester was innocent before the sucker punch is not accurate. Police were leading him out. The group he was with was antagonizing Trump supporters and yelling. So the police came over to get them all out.

Both parties that participate in this crap are creating the problem. If you're going to escalate a situation by trying to provoke or antagonize a crowd don't be shocked if something happens.

I'm not going to get into a pissing contest with you Cole. People that try to disrupt or provoke things are not innocent. Yes it's wrong what's happened to the protesters and hopefully everyone that assaulted those protesters are charged and spend time in jail. Violence is not acceptable. I don't condone it and hope things don't get worse. However; protesters that are hostile and get in people's faces and "peacefully" protest, they're antagonizing and helping create an unsafe environment also. They may not be violent but they're not peaceful and innocent either. They want to shut down Trump events by provoking crowds and are trying to interfere with the right to free speech.

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If he was being escorted out and he hadn't touched anyone he was innocent. I'm glad people like Dr king were criminals then....And also you don't know what was being screamed out to him. Fact is if he wasn't touching anybody, and he wasn't he was being peaceful. Period. And the dude being arrested the next day isn't good enough actually. There were five policemen who saw that man punch that guy. And all five of them jumped the guy that was punched.

But yeah we want get into a pissing contest because that guy did nothing to deserve getting punched and dragged out.

And why you don't condone it you keep going on and on about the people being at the rally but very little is mentioned about people getting assaulted

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with protesting in opposition to Trump at one of his rallys as long as it doesn't directly interfere with the rally. In fact, it's beneficial to our political discourse.

But that's not their intent. They want to shut down Trump's rally's. The protesters openly cheered that he shut down the rally. That's what they wanted. That's their goal.


Supporters of Trump still inside chanted "We want Trump" after the event was canceled. Protesters, meanwhile, shouted "We shut s*** down" and "We stumped Trump." Others chanted "Bernie" as supporters whipped out Bernie Sanders campaign signs.

Maria Hernandez, a 25-year-old community organizer, broke out into dance as a Trump campaign staffer announced that the rally had been canceled.

"I've never been more proud of my city," Hernandez told CNN.

From your same article:

In any campaign, responsibility starts at the top," Cruz told reporters in Rolling Meadows, Illinois.

"When you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence," he continued, "you create an environment that only encourages that sort of nasty discourse."

Cruz added that the violence was a "predictable consequence" of Trump's posture toward protesters at his events.

"But putting that aside for a moment, the tone and tenor of Donald Trump's rallies over the last few months has been disturbing to a lot of people," he continued.

Rubio added, "If you're running for president, you have to understand that that kind of rhetoric from a president -- or a major presidential candidate -- has ramifications," Rubio said. "The images that the world must be looking at now must seem to them like our republic is fracturing."

Ohio Gov. John Kasich blasted Trump in a statement.

"Tonight, the seeds of division that Donald Trump has been sowing this whole campaign finally bore fruit, and it was ugly," he said. "Some let their opposition to his views slip beyond protest into violence, but we can never let that happen."

Even the other Republican candidates are saying that Trump is stirring this, inviting this, and is being irresponsible by not realizing (I should say not caring, cause he knows what he is doing) about the violence that goes along with his narrative.

And of course some young Hispanic organizer is gonna dance when Trump cancels. Having lived there for two years I will tell you that the majority of your Trump supporters are in the collar counties.... Naperville, Downers Grove, Batavia, St Charles, Geneva, etc. Those areas are all white, and I do mean all white, and they are more racist than the majority of places you will find in Alabama. I lived out there, I know exactly what they think, say, and feel about Hispanics and Blacks.

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Why did Mr Trump choose such hostile terrain for his rally, just a few days before yet another important series of primary elections on March 15th? In the days before, online petitions and messages on social media indicated that Mr Trump would not get a friendly welcome. Over 10,000 said on Facebook that they would protest against his event. More than 300 worried UIC staff members signed a letter imploring the head of the university to cancel the event. The letter mentions recent instances where protesters have been pushed and punched before being escorted from Trump rallies. On the day before the planned rally in Chicago, a 78-year-old man in North Carolina was charged with assault for punching a black protester as he was removed from a Trump rally. “He deserved it,” said the unrepentant assailant in a televised interview after the confrontation. “Next time, we might have to kill him.” Mr Trump said he is toying with the idea of paying the legal fees of the septuagenarian.

Mr Trump may have taken the calculated risk of disappointing thousands of his supporters in the Chicago area in the safe knowledge that his rally would get far more attention by not happening. Some compared the scenes of Friday night to the violent clashes in Chicago during the Democratic National Convention in 1968, when protests were directed at the political establishment responsible for the war in Vietnam. This comparison suits Mr Trump: the bedlam of 1968 swept into power Richard Nixon, a hardline Republican whose campaign tactics and slogans bear some resemblance to Mr Trump’s.

The question now is whether the Chicago rally is a turning point that puts a definitive end to any of the dreams of a post-racial society that were inspired by America’s first black president. Lerry Knox, a businessman in Chicago, thinks the Trump movement is the last hurrah of Americans who regret the end of slavery. Other black residents of Chicago think this teleological view is too optimistic; they argue that bouts of racism are cyclical and that America will always live with the stain of its original sin.

Most agree that the aggression and provocation will not end and may yet grow uglier. Disturbances continued on March 12th at a Trump rally in Dayton, Ohio, where a man charged towards Mr Trump’s stage and was quickly surrounded by security personnel. “I was ready for him, but it’s much easier if the cops do it,” said the ever-combative Republican front-runner. On March 13th Mr Trump threatened to send his people to disrupt Sanders rallies. In an early-morning message Mr Trump tweeted “Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren’t told to go to my events. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours!”


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Well, sorry, Trumpkins, but I’m angry too. I’m angry that people I’ve respected and groups to which I’ve freely given both my time and talents, have unceremoniously tossed aside every principle for which they once claimed to stand, in favor of kissing the ring of a completely amoral wannabe tyrant. So, in an effort to abate my own anger, here is my (non-exhaustive) list of seven things that Trump supporters are no longer allowed to complain about.

  • Obama Cultists

We all watched in disbelief when, starting in 2007, a growing portion of the American electorate were willing to suspend all rational disbelief in favor of a man who deliberately campaigned as a sort of blank slate onto which people could project their own wishes and wants: “He’s going to pay my bills!” “He’s going to unite the country!” “He’s going to restore our country’s good name!” We sounded the alarm every time the façade slipped a bit to give us a peek at the true man underneath, only to be decried as racists. This pattern continued after his election. Why? Because Obama.

Many of us on the Right are now experiencing a sort of horrified deja vu: “He’s going to get my job back!” “He’s going to grow the party!” “He’s going to make America great again!” And every time Trump’s own painfully transparent façade slips, anyone with the temerity to point it out is shouted down, often in vile terms. Why? Because Trump.

As the saying goes: fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. But isn’t it even more shameful, after having watched your adversary fall for a fraud, to then allow yourself to be duped by an even more obvious fraud of the same sort? Say what you will about Obama (and I have), but at least his guys can claim with credulity that they were taken in by his charisma; Trump supporters don’t even have that much.

  • Obamacare

Despite the claims of the frequent propaganda being shoveled our way by those in power, Obamacare has been a disaster for the vast majority of people who have been affected by it thus far — and it’s still not even fully implemented. The fight against Obamacare was a defining moment for the conservative movement in this country: the Democrats may have won in the end, but they had to do so by abusing their power, the law, and the English language, and ended up losing majorities in the House and Senate for their trouble. A victory, perhaps, but a pyrrhic victory at best.

Now, however, Trump supporters are poised to hand the presidential primary to a man who lauded single payer health care from the Republican debate stage, and has publicly praised the Obamacare mandate. Good job, guys.

  • RINOs

In the aftermath of the Hawaii caucus, the Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA) sent out an email celebrating the fact that Donald Trump and Ted Cruz had placed first and second, respectively, saying, “You, the 75%, sent a powerful message to the RINO establishment which has controlled our party and been cozy with Democrats and their harmful agenda for far too long.” (RINO, for anyone who may have been living under a rock for the last decade or so, stands for “Republican In Name Only.”)

Has there been a better example in this primary of a RINO who is “cozy with the Democrats and their harmful agenda” than Donald Trump? The man who has praised and funded the worst among the Democrats for years? The man whofinanced the Gang of Eight, the man who shoveled money to Mitch McConnell in an effort to stem the Tea Party tide? The man whose stated positions on even his key policies are “negotiable,” who can’t even keep his own policy positions straight? If Donald Trump did these things with a (D) next to his name — as, frankly, would be far more befitting— you would be excoriating him, and rightly so. But with that ® he’s pasted up there, he’s apparently beyond reproach.

  • Corruption in Politics

Even when people we send to Washington, D.C. start out as principled conservatives, too often they end up turning their backs on the people who sent them there in favor of the party establishment. Why? Because that’s where the money is.

For years, conservatives have met with derision the denouncement of lobbyists and special interests by the very same politicians who are neck-deep in such “donations.” Now, it seems some on our side want to up the insanity and reject the shills of the donor class by cutting out the middle man and electing a member of the donor class itself. You don’t get to complain about corruption in D.C. and then support the man who has bragged about bribing a politician to attend his wedding.

  • The Popular Portrayal of American Conservatives

I became a full-fledged conservative in the summer of 2008. It had been coming on for a while, but the process was difficult, in large part because I had been steeped for so long in the popular portrayal of conservatives as intolerant, uncaring, greedy, bigoted fascists. Some conservatives dismiss this portrayal out of hand, but it is a significant stumbling block for people of good will who don’t know any better. Indeed, it was actually meeting conservatives and seeing that they weren’t any of those things, and knowing that I wasn’t either, that helped me get past that.

Now, after years of fighting against baseless accusations of racism, a large portion of the conservative base is flocking to the man who is being praised by both David Duke and Louis Farrakhan. After spending years blasting Barack Obama for executive overreach, you are now cheering on a man who has so little regard for the separation of powers that he openly threatens the Speaker of the House. And what better way to combat the appellations of “greedy” and “uncaring” than to fall in line behind a man who’s being sued for defrauding people to such an extent as to merit a comparison to Bernie Madoff?

Of course, let’s not forget the ever popular War on Women meme. The Left turned a phrase from Mitt Romney’s innocuous story about wanting more women in his inner circle into such a heinous byword that it was, for a time, effectively impossible to gauge the functionality of a binder by checking its reviews on Amazon. Imagine the field day they’ll have with Donald “blood coming out of her whatever” Trump, whose campaign is currently denying clear-cut evidence that his thug campaign manager assaulted a female reporter, and who routinely treatswomen as sex objects to the point of even

his own daughter.

  • Mistreatment of Our Troops and Veterans

Since Obama came into office, our troops have become more vulnerable both athome and abroad. Morale is low, as it’s fairly common knowledge in our armed services that they’re serving under a Commander-in-Chief who thinks that their greatest value is as props for his speeches. Veterans, too, are having a rough go of it, as the VA scandal has surfaced and passed with little more than lip service to answer it. Vets are committing suicide at unprecedented rates, and those who seek help are sent to voice mail.

“But Donald Trump loves veterans! Remember that fundraiser he did?” This would be a great argument if that money had actually made it to the veterans’ groups he was ostensibly helping; unfortunately, much of it has not, making that whole event look suspiciously like a cynical man using our veterans as props in his own spectacle of self-aggrandizement. (Sound familiar?) As to our active duty troops, he has loudly asserted that not only would he order them to commit war crimes, but “they’ll do as I tell them” — “or else” being the obvious completion of that thought. In other words, Donald Trump neither knows nor cares what sorts of men and women comprise the American military, why they joined in the first place, nor to what (rather than whom) they have sworn their oath.

  • Betrayal

Betrayal, like anger, is another term frequently bandied about by Trump supporters — again, not without reason. Betrayal is a powerful motivator, as it is a visceral and deeply personal experience: in order to be betrayed, one must first have made an investment of some sort. The larger the investment, the more it hurts.

You Trump supporters have vociferously condemned the GOP elite for abandoning their base — and in many ways you are right — but I ask you to consider how the rest of us feel right now. We all have our lists: Hannity, Coulter, Ingraham, Limbaugh, Palin, Drudge, Breitbart News, and now Ben Carson. My personal list also includes the aforementioned HIRA and the Honolulu Tea Party. We’ve vouched for you. We’ve invested our time, our talents, and our resources in you. We’ve trusted you, because we believed that we had common values. We believed we shared the same principles of Constitutional governance, of wanting to bring our nation closer to the desires of our Founders, who envisioned a land of equal opportunity and self-determination. You have sold out each and every one of your conservative colleagues who has stood beside and behind you for a man who would turn George Washington’s stomach, for a man who will set the conservative movement back fifty years — for a man who, in some ways, makes Barack Obama look reasonable. After years of denouncing those on both sides of the political aisle who demand that all dissenters shut up and get in line, conscience be damned, you turn on those of us who are ringing the alarm bells and call us traitors for not turning off our brains and worshipping your oddly-coiffed golden calf. In short, in these few short months you have become everything we have fought against. You’re not about principles; you’re about power.

You have betrayed us, and the sad part is that it will all be for nothing. Donald Trump doesn’t see you as his base; he sees you as his mark. He is a proven liar who is interested in exactly one thing: himself. He will use you for as long as he needs you, and then he will cast you aside like the dross he believes you to be.

Sooner or later, that day will come. When it does, don’t come complaining to me.


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I'm torn . Is it your reading comprehension that's weak or your ability to understand sarcasm?

Throughout history Anerica has seen times of greatness, no doubt. But it hasn't always been great for everyone. Based on Trump's rhetoric, who do you think he wants to make America great for?

When America was great, it wasn't because of the inequities and denial of freedoms upon others. It was STILL great, despite those shortcomings. And much progress has been made, so when I see folks mock and ridicule desires to " go back ", I have to shake my head in disbelief that anyone actually believes Trump , or any Republican / Conservative in any way wants to reinstate Jim Crow laws, segregation, and hell, even repeal Woman's suffrage. It's a gross display of the worst sort of propaganda , and yet that is what seems to motivate those who " protest " violently, at things like Trump rallies or TEA party town hall meetings.

What I honestly think is really going on is that there are unions and degenerates who simply don't want their free ride to come to an end, and instead of dealing with having to face working for a living, they fabricate these false fears. Like how Joe Biden claimed the GOP wants to " put y'all back in chains ". Outright rubbish.

The way Republucans vote says different on women's rights. In 2012 they voted AGAINST Equal Pay for Equal Work for Women and the Violence Against Women act which educates law enforcement on violent crimes against women.

I don't think that's propaganda at all.

Glass ceiling at the White House: Female staffers earn $12,350 (and 15.8%) less than their male counterparts


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I'm torn . Is it your reading comprehension that's weak or your ability to understand sarcasm?

Throughout history Anerica has seen times of greatness, no doubt. But it hasn't always been great for everyone. Based on Trump's rhetoric, who do you think he wants to make America great for?

When America was great, it wasn't because of the inequities and denial of freedoms upon others. It was STILL great, despite those shortcomings. And much progress has been made, so when I see folks mock and ridicule desires to " go back ", I have to shake my head in disbelief that anyone actually believes Trump , or any Republican / Conservative in any way wants to reinstate Jim Crow laws, segregation, and hell, even repeal Woman's suffrage. It's a gross display of the worst sort of propaganda , and yet that is what seems to motivate those who " protest " violently, at things like Trump rallies or TEA party town hall meetings.

What I honestly think is really going on is that there are unions and degenerates who simply don't want their free ride to come to an end, and instead of dealing with having to face working for a living, they fabricate these false fears. Like how Joe Biden claimed the GOP wants to " put y'all back in chains ". Outright rubbish.

The way Republucans vote says different on women's rights. In 2012 they voted AGAINST Equal Pay for Equal Work for Women and the Violence Against Women act which educates law enforcement on violent crimes against women.

I don't think that's propaganda at all.

Glass ceiling at the White House: Female staffers earn $12,350 (and 15.8%) less than their male counterparts


The usefulness of that data is dubious without sorting it for job type.

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If Trump's support is so violent, why aren't they out going to other candidates campaigns/rallies and causing problems and disrupting other events?

It's more like Trump's support that is violent is isolated to wherever a Trump event is, not spilling over to other events.

LOL at the peaceful protest narrative. Just because they're not physically assaulting people, that makes them peaceful.... :rolleyes: I guess yelling and trying to take over an event by rushing the stage or arguing with Trump supporters are really constructive and create a peaceful atmosphere.

No one should have to face assault or violence but don't go provoking it or trying to incite chaos by being hostile to views that are different from the "peaceful" protesters.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with protesting in opposition to Trump at one of his rallys as long as it doesn't directly interfere with the rally. In fact, it's beneficial to our political discourse.

I am certainly no fan of Trump. I think the man is a fool. And no offense to anyone here, but his followers have been fooled.

I do feel he has a right to speak and his listeners the right to hear him. The protesters at his recent rallies have been deliberately trying to interfere with this right. There is simply no logical defense for this. You don't like what he speaks, go vote his ass out at the polls. It is not as complicated as some here would make it.


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I don't have a problem with protesters if they conduct the protest outside and allow folks into the building. I do have a problem with them protesting inside and disrupting an event. By doing that you may swing votes his way. Meaning there are people who attend these events to hear the candidate in person and then decide who to vote for after attending some of the rallies of the different candidates. So for those of you who are giddy about the cancelation take a look at what the protesters were doing inside the rally. There are youtube videos of it out there. They are inside dancing around and shouting, holding Bernie signs...that is disruption and I believe that some of you who are giddy would be speaking a different tune if this was done at a Bernie or H rally.

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I don't have a problem with protesters if they conduct the protest outside and allow folks into the building. I do have a problem with them protesting inside and disrupting an event. By doing that you may swing votes his way. Meaning there are people who attend these events to hear the candidate in person and then decide who to vote for after attending some of the rallies of the different candidates. So for those of you who are giddy about the cancelation take a look at what the protesters were doing inside the rally. There are youtube videos of it out there. They are inside dancing around and shouting, holding Bernie signs...that is disruption and I believe that some of you who are giddy would be speaking a different tune if this was done at a Bernie or H rally.

They start sending out the same messages as Trump I will sing the exact same tune.

Hell to be honest, with all the claims of these are professional and paid protestors, I wouldn't put it past Trump to be the person that hired them. Man is running the campaign like it is a TV and he knows how to give people what they want.

Kinda like Bozworth trashing Elway and then selling anti-Boz shirts to the Denver fans.

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I don't have a problem with protesters if they conduct the protest outside and allow folks into the building. I do have a problem with them protesting inside and disrupting an event. By doing that you may swing votes his way. Meaning there are people who attend these events to hear the candidate in person and then decide who to vote for after attending some of the rallies of the different candidates. So for those of you who are giddy about the cancelation take a look at what the protesters were doing inside the rally. There are youtube videos of it out there. They are inside dancing around and shouting, holding Bernie signs...that is disruption and I believe that some of you who are giddy would be speaking a different tune if this was done at a Bernie or H rally.

They start sending out the same messages as Trump I will sing the exact same tune.

Hell to be honest, with all the claims of these are professional and paid protestors, I wouldn't put it past Trump to be the person that hired them. Man is running the campaign like it is a TV and he knows how to give people what they want.

Kinda like Bozworth trashing Elway and then selling anti-Boz shirts to the Denver fans.

This was pushed by Moveon.org who by the way endorsed sanders. This wasn't trump. And since you are saying the same message, bernie is supporting a redistribution of wealth which is like inciting violence in some circles. For all of those that believe in that fine but please be the first to start splitting your money with people that don't make as much as you do. For instance the next time you are up for a raise tell your boss that you want it to go to the guy who is sweeping the floor or cleaning up the trash as that is a person who probably doesn't make as much as you do so you should start that practice...
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I don't have a problem with protesters if they conduct the protest outside and allow folks into the building. I do have a problem with them protesting inside and disrupting an event. By doing that you may swing votes his way. Meaning there are people who attend these events to hear the candidate in person and then decide who to vote for after attending some of the rallies of the different candidates. So for those of you who are giddy about the cancelation take a look at what the protesters were doing inside the rally. There are youtube videos of it out there. They are inside dancing around and shouting, holding Bernie signs...that is disruption and I believe that some of you who are giddy would be speaking a different tune if this was done at a Bernie or H rally.

They start sending out the same messages as Trump I will sing the exact same tune.

Hell to be honest, with all the claims of these are professional and paid protestors, I wouldn't put it past Trump to be the person that hired them. Man is running the campaign like it is a TV and he knows how to give people what they want.

Kinda like Bozworth trashing Elway and then selling anti-Boz shirts to the Denver fans.

This was pushed by Moveon.org who by the way endorsed sanders. This wasn't trump. And since you are saying the same message, bernie is supporting a redistribution of wealth which is like inciting violence in some circles. For all of those that believe in that fine but please be the first to start splitting your money with people that don't make as much as you do. For instance the next time you are up for a raise tell your boss that you want it to go to the guy who is sweeping the floor or cleaning up the trash as that is a person who probably doesn't make as much as you do so you should start that practice...

Comment on the bolded:

Are you serious? That is not even close to the same thing as ACTUALLY encouraging violence.

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I don't have a problem with protesters if they conduct the protest outside and allow folks into the building. I do have a problem with them protesting inside and disrupting an event. By doing that you may swing votes his way. Meaning there are people who attend these events to hear the candidate in person and then decide who to vote for after attending some of the rallies of the different candidates. So for those of you who are giddy about the cancelation take a look at what the protesters were doing inside the rally. There are youtube videos of it out there. They are inside dancing around and shouting, holding Bernie signs...that is disruption and I believe that some of you who are giddy would be speaking a different tune if this was done at a Bernie or H rally.

They start sending out the same messages as Trump I will sing the exact same tune.

Hell to be honest, with all the claims of these are professional and paid protestors, I wouldn't put it past Trump to be the person that hired them. Man is running the campaign like it is a TV and he knows how to give people what they want.

Kinda like Bozworth trashing Elway and then selling anti-Boz shirts to the Denver fans.

This was pushed by Moveon.org who by the way endorsed sanders. This wasn't trump. And since you are saying the same message, bernie is supporting a redistribution of wealth which is like inciting violence in some circles. For all of those that believe in that fine but please be the first to start splitting your money with people that don't make as much as you do. For instance the next time you are up for a raise tell your boss that you want it to go to the guy who is sweeping the floor or cleaning up the trash as that is a person who probably doesn't make as much as you do so you should start that practice...

Let me know when Sanders actually starts encouraging violence as in physical violence like Trump is doing.

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This was pushed by Moveon.org who by the way endorsed sanders. This wasn't trump. And since you are saying the same message, bernie is supporting a redistribution of wealth which is like inciting violence in some circles. For all of those that believe in that fine but please be the first to start splitting your money with people that don't make as much as you do. For instance the next time you are up for a raise tell your boss that you want it to go to the guy who is sweeping the floor or cleaning up the trash as that is a person who probably doesn't make as much as you do so you should start that practice...

Not only is the bolded part an absolutely asinine false equivalency, the rest is a load of hogwash. Raising some tax rates and no longer letting people who make all their income on capital gains pay a lower tax rate than the school teacher isn't giving your raise away to the guy sweeping the floor or any such nonsense. And this "redistribution" is largely (at least in his plans) offering things that would benefit everyone such as universal health care. In that way it's more like using taxes to pay for federal highways and interstates and such than it is "giving it away" to others.

You don't have to like the idea to be able to describe it honestly.

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Maybe Bernie should tell his supporters to stop threatening and vandalizing an old lady's house Link

“I get all these nut cases riding by here going, ‘Feel the Bern,’ ‘[Expletive] the Trump signs.’ I had one guy, yesterday, telling me I was going to die,” Beaty says.
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If he was being escorted out and he hadn't touched anyone he was innocent. I'm glad people like Dr king were criminals then....And also you don't know what was being screamed out to him. Fact is if he wasn't touching anybody, and he wasn't he was being peaceful. Period. And the dude being arrested the next day isn't good enough actually. There were five policemen who saw that man punch that guy. And all five of them jumped the guy that was punched.

But yeah we want get into a pissing contest because that guy did nothing to deserve getting punched and dragged out.

And why you don't condone it you keep going on and on about the people being at the rally but very little is mentioned about people getting assaulted

You comparing these protesters to Dr. King is delusional. These protesters don't know how to peacefully protest.

If a white guy flipped off people at a BLM event would you say he was innocent and being peaceful too?

Many of the protesters are trying to incite the violence by trying to take over the events. They think only they have free speech and civil rights. They're intentionally trying to provoke anger by disrupting events and want to shut down free speech. They don't want to peacefully protest, they want to yell and antagonzie Trump supporters. That's their idea of protesting. The protests wouldn't even be happening if Trump wasn't winning or the frontrunner.

Violence wasn't a problem until protesters started showing up to antagonize by trying to shut down Trump's rallys. I think it's more of a reflection on the people who support Trump that behave violently than a reflection on Trump himself.

Civility goes both ways.

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If he was being escorted out and he hadn't touched anyone he was innocent. I'm glad people like Dr king were criminals then....And also you don't know what was being screamed out to him. Fact is if he wasn't touching anybody, and he wasn't he was being peaceful. Period. And the dude being arrested the next day isn't good enough actually. There were five policemen who saw that man punch that guy. And all five of them jumped the guy that was punched.

But yeah we want get into a pissing contest because that guy did nothing to deserve getting punched and dragged out.

And why you don't condone it you keep going on and on about the people being at the rally but very little is mentioned about people getting assaulted

You comparing these protesters to Dr. King is delusional. These protesters don't know how to peacefully protest.

If a white guy flipped off people at a BLM event would you say he was innocent and being peaceful too?

Many of the protesters are trying to incite the violence by trying to take over the events. They think only they have free speech and civil rights. They're intentionally trying to provoke anger by disrupting events and want to shut down free speech. They don't want to peacefully protest, they want to yell and antagonzie Trump supporters. That's their idea of protesting. The protests wouldn't even be happening if Trump wasn't winning or the frontrunner.

Violence wasn't a problem until protesters started showing up to antagonize by trying to shut down Trump's rallys. I think it's more of a reflection on the people who support Trump that behave violently than a reflection on Trump himself.

Civility goes both ways.

If anybody laid one finger on him he would be innocent. And you can say I'm delusional but you think there is any difference between how you hate these protesters and how people hated the ones in the past? Yes the point of a protest is that you're going to interrupt something and be heard....

And lastly you can type as many long paragraphs as you want but all you are doing is circling around the fact you don't want to say that those people shouldn't have put their hands on the other people. It's a reason all the racists and hate filled groups are supporting Trump.

And no the protest wouldn't be happening if trump hasn't said the things that he's said and the incident in Chicago wouldn't have happened if these old stupid men who still want slaves would keep their hands to themselves

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Just another example of the Radical Left's censorship.

Be careful when you go to your rally. Don't believe it's always going to be how that last one was....I hate to see you throw your blow but the person you swing at catches you.....

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Maybe Bernie should tell his supporters to stop threatening and vandalizing an old lady's house Link

“I get all these nut cases riding by here going, ‘Feel the Bern,’ ‘[Expletive] the Trump signs.’ I had one guy, yesterday, telling me I was going to die,” Beaty says.

I feel like I've had a pretty good picture of the vast majority of trump supporters for some time. Now the picture of some Bernie supporters is coming in view. It ain't pretty.
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Just another example of the Radical Left's censorship.

Be careful when you go to your rally. Don't believe it's always going to be how that last one was....I hate to see you throw your blow but the person you swing at catches you.....

No. Go to your rally, act like you have a brain. You'll be fine.
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Unless someone shows me some type of video of anybody behaving as if they don't that's just talk. Everybody asked for proof and video of people punching people but take the word of the other end? Don't add up.

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