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To Serve and to Protect


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Is it possible cops are taking steroids, or something, causing them to rage out ?

They had him in a compliant situation, and then just tackled him.

They had him subdued, 2 men on top of him, and then just shot him.

This reminds me of the incident in Oakland ? Where a man at a subway station was murdered by the cop who thought he was reaching for his taser, and used his gun instead. Almost identical scenario, from what I can recall.

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Is it possible cops are taking steroids, or something, causing them to rage out ?

They had him in a compliant situation, and then just tackled him.

They had him subdued, 2 men on top of him, and then just shot him.

This reminds me of the incident in Oakland ? Where a man at a subway station was murdered by the cop who thought he was reaching for his taser, and used his gun instead. Almost identical scenario, from what I can recall.

Conveniently for the cops, their body cameras "fell off" during the altercation. If the gas-station has surveillance, supposedly they do, I hope it fills in the holes left by this video. Appears to me the black man was just laying on the ground after subdued, the cop yells "he's got a gun," and then for whatever reason reaches for his weapon while the black man is just laying there.
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Gun allegedly was in the mans pocket.

How is that a threat?

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Gun allegedly was in the mans pocket.

How is that a threat?

It wasn't a threat. The man being black was the reason this guy got shot.
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Couldn't see video for some reason :/

FB is blowing up with a lot of anti-white sentiment though over it. Things are normal.

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I am a bit confused. I usually try not to watch these videos, but it is pretty clear to me what happened. And yet, from a radio report that I heard here in Atlanta, the reporter says that " it's unclear as to what exactly happened. "

While I would agree that a phone video did not record every angle, it was pretty clear from my viewing what happened. From what I saw, it looked like the cop shot a man who is being held down , at point blank range.

Looks like a murder to me.

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Couldn't see video for some reason :/

FB is blowing up with a lot of anti-white sentiment though over it. Things are normal.


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Couldn't see video for some reason :/

FB is blowing up with a lot of anti-white sentiment though over it. Things are normal.


In a way I guess.

Things like this make people throw logic out the window. When people who classify themselves as black start attacking others classified as white, while having many (I would assume) white friends on FB, it becomes more sad than funny.

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Couldn't see video for some reason :/

FB is blowing up with a lot of anti-white sentiment though over it. Things are normal.

I haven't seen that sentiment at all. I've seen posts that suggests people are growing fatigued of hearing about brutal attack after brutal attack by the police that suggests overt racism still exists.
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It's murder..don't see how it's not. It's also saddening that b/c of a few officers like this that the good ones are getting a ton of flack. I'm a black man and been through all the unnecessary regular stuff that comes with being so. I've never really fully trusted the police and avoid them as much as possible but i still respect them if i do encounter them. I just try to make it short and sweet as possible and keep my cool. I admit it's hard to do at times b/c you just want to go about your business and you have someone questioning you when you're doing nothing like any other regular citizen.

And it's not just an attack on blacks these days with cops b/c whites are also seeing this with power trip cops who can now use the defense of i felt threaten to justify their uncalled actions. And it's certainly not just white cops doing it b/c i've ran into a couple bad black cops who i wish i could smack the h3ll out of. Sometimes they're the worst ones in regards to encountering their own race b/c they have a badge to hide behind.

I feel bad for this family. The guy had been in trouble before but that doesn't mean he was wrong in this situation. It's just sad when i clearly see murder and a cop can get away with it and then go read articles where they're putting parents in jail for spanking their kids. It's crazy! One lady just had charges dropped on her b/c she whooped her kids b/c she found out they had stole from someone and she was put in jail for it. They've been good kids up until that point and she was furious and did something about it; as she should. She made it known she in no way raised them like that and works very hard to support her family. We need more parents like that but the law would rather lock them up. If that was my mother she'd kill me herself...along with rest of the elders in my neighborhood.

We have so many issues to try to fix in this country with violence. We need to focus on them ALL. I certainly do my part with my own kids and mentoring other young black men b/c i want to help with black on black crime. There's also rise in domestic violence against women. At the same time murder is murder (speaking only on this situation). It's sad and i pray for the family.

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I think this was more than racially motivated. Like ( seldom agree with raptor) but this might have been personal target murder. No excuse will soften it. A situation occurred in Louisiana last year when two black cops targeted a white guy over a personal vendetta only injuring him but killing his young son. Which probably wasnt racial but personal. The victim's background is irrelevant when he is facedown on the ground, unarmed being shot point blank.

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I think this was more than racially motivated. Like ( seldom agree with raptor) but this might have been personal target murder. No excuse will soften it. A situation occurred in Louisiana last year when two black cops targeted a white guy over a personal vendetta only injuring him but killing his young son. Which probably wasnt racial but personal. The victim's background is irrelevant when he is facedown on the ground, unarmed being shot point blank.

Completely agree with your first sentence and your last sentence. I hope the victim's family gets justice, but given how these situations have turned out recently, I have my doubts.

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I think this was more than racially motivated. Like ( seldom agree with raptor) but this might have been personal target murder. No excuse will soften it. A situation occurred in Louisiana last year when two black cops targeted a white guy over a personal vendetta only injuring him but killing his young son. Which probably wasnt racial but personal. The victim's background is irrelevant when he is facedown on the ground, unarmed being shot point blank.

Agree. I don't think it's racial either. I moreso believe it was someone with having a power trip. Good point though...it could be a situation where the officers had dealt with him before and where waiting for him to do anything suspiciously to use force against him. Didn't mean to come off like it's racial b/c i don't see this as being a huge factor. It will be interesting to see and hear what more comes out.

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I think this was more than racially motivated. Like ( seldom agree with raptor) but this might have been personal target murder. No excuse will soften it. A situation occurred in Louisiana last year when two black cops targeted a white guy over a personal vendetta only injuring him but killing his young son. Which probably wasnt racial but personal. The victim's background is irrelevant when he is facedown on the ground, unarmed being shot point blank.

Completely agree with your first sentence and your last sentence. I hope the victim's family gets justice, but given how these situations have turned out recently, I have my doubts.

I'd be surprised. I don't see it happening.

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I think this was more than racially motivated. Like ( seldom agree with raptor) but this might have been personal target murder. No excuse will soften it. A situation occurred in Louisiana last year when two black cops targeted a white guy over a personal vendetta only injuring him but killing his young son. Which probably wasnt racial but personal. The victim's background is irrelevant when he is facedown on the ground, unarmed being shot point blank.

Agree. I don't think it's racial either. I moreso believe it was someone with having a power trip. Good point though...it could be a situation where the officers had dealt with him before and where waiting for him to do anything suspiciously to use force against him. Didn't mean to come off like it's racial b/c i don't see this as being a huge factor. It will be interesting to see and hear what more comes out.

I don't think it had anything to do with a power trip. It would've been done different if it was a power trip. Looks like the cops saw the gun and they thought they found an excuse to shoot him me. Kinda like the excuse I've heard before, "kick a knife over there and claim defense." The guy may have been targeted though. That in itself could have racist reasons behind that too. We don't know if he was targeted and why he was targeted if he was targeted.
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I think this was more than racially motivated. Like ( seldom agree with raptor) but this might have been personal target murder. No excuse will soften it. A situation occurred in Louisiana last year when two black cops targeted a white guy over a personal vendetta only injuring him but killing his young son. Which probably wasnt racial but personal. The victim's background is irrelevant when he is facedown on the ground, unarmed being shot point blank.

Agree. I don't think it's racial either. I moreso believe it was someone with having a power trip. Good point though...it could be a situation where the officers had dealt with him before and where waiting for him to do anything suspiciously to use force against him. Didn't mean to come off like it's racial b/c i don't see this as being a huge factor. It will be interesting to see and hear what more comes out.

I don't think it had anything to do with a power trip. It would've been done different if it was a power trip. Looks like the cops saw the gun and they thought they found an excuse to shoot him me. Kinda like the excuse I've heard before, "kick a knife over there and claim defense." The guy may have been targeted though. That in itself could have racist reasons behind that too. We don't know if he was targeted and why he was targeted if he was targeted.

True. So many unknowns at this point.

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I think this was more than racially motivated. Like ( seldom agree with raptor) but this might have been personal target murder. No excuse will soften it. A situation occurred in Louisiana last year when two black cops targeted a white guy over a personal vendetta only injuring him but killing his young son. Which probably wasnt racial but personal. The victim's background is irrelevant when he is facedown on the ground, unarmed being shot point blank.

Agree. I don't think it's racial either. I moreso believe it was someone with having a power trip. Good point though...it could be a situation where the officers had dealt with him before and where waiting for him to do anything suspiciously to use force against him. Didn't mean to come off like it's racial b/c i don't see this as being a huge factor. It will be interesting to see and hear what more comes out.

I don't think it had anything to do with a power trip. It would've been done different if it was a power trip. Looks like the cops saw the gun and they thought they found an excuse to shoot him me. Kinda like the excuse I've heard before, "kick a knife over there and claim defense." The guy may have been targeted though. That in itself could have racist reasons behind that too. We don't know if he was targeted and why he was targeted if he was targeted.

True. So many unknowns at this point.

correct. And to clarify. I am not saying I don't think race was a factor but it seems to be more of a hit than hate.
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Love to have a little chat with this officer to find out WTH he was thinking. Appalling.

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Different angle. More graphic. The end shows the cop reaching into the victims pocket to pull the gun out.

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I can't get the video from policeone.com to play jeff but I just watched a different angle from a retweet from KK and I assume it's the same one you've linked. You do hear the one officer screaming "he's got a gun!" and it appears his (the deceased) right hand is at the pocket from where the gun is pulled out after he was shot. Just a terrible gut wrenching situation to watch.

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Different angle. More graphic. The end shows the cop reaching into the victims pocket to pull the gun out.

The " anonymous " report was that a man was threatening people w/ a gun.

This man in fact did have a gun.

In his pocket. Not out, brandishing it, in any sort of threatening manner.

He was subdued. He was down, with 2 trained officers on him.

I would expect the trigger man to spend many years behind bars to think about the life he took.

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