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Hillary to Honor #BlackLivesMatter at DNC. Police Union Calls Her Out

To salute the #BlackLivesMatter movement (see #BlackLivesMatter Stops Sick Baby From Getting To Hospital and ‘PROGRESS’: BlackLivesMatter Protesters Stomp, Spit on Flag for ‘Black Power’), Hillary Clinton and the DNC are having family members of people who were killed by police officers speak. The Philadelphia Police Union wants to know, what about the family members of police officers who were killed?



Remember folks, this is the woman who supported 100,000 new cops and profiling, back in the 90's. And now, in order to garner as many votes as she can, she'll do ANYTHING , even if it means slapping the face of those very same cops she claims to support. 

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I dont see a problem with bringing the family members on stage.  It's not like she is siding with the movement and blaming everything on the cops. The DNC is in a mess though.

A lot more is coming out of these wikileak emails than just a suggestion to attack Bernie's religion. 





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Lefties be like divisiveness good....unity bad.

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16 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

Lefties be like divisiveness good....unity bad.

No one is interested in unity.

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Just now, AUUSN said:

No one is interested in unity.

Hard to argue on many fronts, but I believe there is a core of this country that truly seek it. 

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What is the purpose of highlighting and endorsement of the mothers of thugs and the hate group BLM?

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2 hours ago, AUFAN78 said:

Hard to argue on many fronts, but I believe there is a core of this country that truly seek it. 

Certainly not in the GOP.

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11 minutes ago, AFTiger said:

What is the purpose of highlighting and endorsement of the mothers of thugs and the hate group BLM?

Well, at least Trump has brought ya'll out of the closet. 

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3 hours ago, homersapien said:

Well, at least Trump has brought ya'll out of the closet. 

If by " y'all " you mean those like Milwaukee co. sheriff ...




then yeah. We out. 

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Trump’s Proposed First Move Eerily Like Hitler’s


As a Jew, I don’t like people making Hitler comparisons. I don’t like when they do it to President Obama. I didn’t like when people did it to President Bush. There was only one Hitler, and we have not had a politician who rose to that level — yet.

That said, a chill went down my spine when I saw private remarks from Chris Christie, regarding one of Donald Trump’s first moves, if he is elected. Reutersreports:

If he wins the presidency, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would seek to purge the federal government of officials appointed by Democratic President Barack Obama and could ask Congress to pass legislation making it easier to fire public workers, Trump ally, Chris Christie, said on Tuesday.

Why is this scary? It is literally one of the first moves made by Adolf Hitler, upon democratically attaining power.

The Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service was passed just two months after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.

It was such a major piece of his plan to ultimately become dictator, that the Holocaust Museum notes it on their timeline of events:

The German government issues the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service (Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung des Berufsbeamtentums), which excludes Jews and other political opponents of the Nazis from all civil service positions.


Gutting government of any civil service officers who are not completely and blindly loyal to the new leader usually is one of the first moves of someone looking to become a dictator. Another act is one Trump previously voiced support for - tighter control over a free press.

Whether dictatorship is the overt intent of Donald Trump or not, what cannot be denied is that a move like this runs completely counter to the very idea of our Republic, whose very Constitution goes to very, very great lengths to prevent usurping of that kind of power.

Whether it is Saddam, or Stalin, going after the bureaucracy, purging it, and installing loyalists is almost always a first step for a rising dictator.

Apparently, that has not gone unnoticed by Trump, who openly admires Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un and Saddam Hussein.

This is not hyperbole.

This is not a joke.

This is real.

Donald Trump’s man in charge of putting together a government seriously just said that one of Donald Trump’s first moves will be the same as one of Hitler’s.

Conservatives often talk a big game about the Constitution, about fighting tyranny.

Now that Donald Trump’s plans are transparent, we’ll see just how serious they are about that.


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Guest NC1406

Trump has taken over this Hillary thread. Not sure he will be a good president but he owns a lot of real estate in people's heads.  

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Seriously .

Nets Ignored Clinton Firing 93 U.S. Attorneys, Fret Over Bush's 8 --3/14/2007

The broadcast network evening newscasts, which didn't care in 1993 about the Clinton administration's decision to ask for the resignation of all 93 U.S. attorneys, went apoplectic Tuesday night in leading with the "controversy," fed by the media, over the Bush administration for replacing eight U.S. attorneys in late 2006 -- nearly two years after rejecting the idea of following the Clinton policy of replacing all the attorneys. Anchor Charles Gibson promised that ABC would "look at all the angles tonight," but he skipped the Clinton comparison. Gibson teased: "New controversy at the White House after a string of U.S. attorneys is fired under questionable circumstances. There are calls for the Attorney General to resign." CBS's Katie Couric declared that "the uproar is growing tonight over the firing of eight federal prosecutors by the Justice Department" and fill-in NBC anchor Campbell Brown teased: "The Attorney General and the firestorm tonight over the controversial dismissal of several federal prosecutors. Was it political punishment?" Brown soon asserted that "it's a story that has been brewing for weeks and it exploded today" -- an explosion fueled by the news media.


And this is how the networks twist and distort the news. They interject obscene hyperbolic language into a story, while IGNORING relevant facts, which paint a picture that's completely distorted from the truth.  Random Joe citizen who hears that a story was brewing for weeks and EXPLODED today may not have any clue about what the facts are, and will simply react to the hysterical tone put out by the MSM.   And as we've seen w/ the DNC e-mail release by WikiLeaks, the MSM are more than willing to accommodate Hillary  on damn near every front. 

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Guest NC1406

BLM may not be a hate group but some that attend the BLM protests chant they want cops dead. Not really a love group. 

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12 hours ago, AURaptor said:

Hillary to Honor #BlackLivesMatter at DNC. Police Union Calls Her Out

To salute the #BlackLivesMatter movement (see #BlackLivesMatter Stops Sick Baby From Getting To Hospital and ‘PROGRESS’: BlackLivesMatter Protesters Stomp, Spit on Flag for ‘Black Power’), Hillary Clinton and the DNC are having family members of people who were killed by police officers speak. The Philadelphia Police Union wants to know, what about the family members of police officers who were killed?



Remember folks, this is the woman who supported 100,000 new cops and profiling, back in the 90's. And now, in order to garner as many votes as she can, she'll do ANYTHING , even if it means slapping the face of those very same cops she claims to support. 

Its always about votes in politics and most politicians will do what ever is necessary to win those votes but the Clintons are on another level. The dangerous caveat is, just as soon as someone makes them a better deal they'll turn on a dime and sell out everything they previously "stood for"

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1 hour ago, NC1406 said:

BLM may not be a hate group but some that attend the BLM protests chant they want cops dead. Not really a love group. 

Name me any national organization that doesn't have anomalies that goes too extreme at times

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1 hour ago, AFTiger said:

BLM is a hate group. To deny that is to accept the lie.

It is not and to push that it is just shows the bigotry that are in the people that do so hearts

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27 minutes ago, cole256 said:

Name me any national organization that doesn't have anomalies that goes too extreme at times

TEA Party, for one. 

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