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Biden says Democrats have stopped talking to white, working-class voters


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He's not wrong either.  They also take a steaming dump on the quarter to third of their base that's pro-life, but that's another discussion:



Biden took care not to criticize Clinton directly but scolded his party for acting like a bunch of "limousine liberals" who offer solutions without taking time to listen and learn about problems. Here's the exchange:

SCARBOROUGH: We all are asking about Donald Trump. You're talking about a guy who's connecting with those workers in Scranton, Pa., who's connecting with those people in Youngstown, Ohio, who's connecting with those white, working-class voters in a way that you have your entire career — and a way that Hillary Clinton is not. You can just look at the numbers right now. Why is that?

BIDEN: That's why I'm going to be living in Pennsylvania and Ohio and Michigan —

SCARBOROUGH: — over the next six months. But why is that?

BIDEN: I think it's two reasons. One, I think the Democratic Party overall hasn't spoken enough to those voters. They've done the right thing for the voters — haven't spoken to them. ...

SCARBOROUGH: Have Democrats stopped talking to white, working-class voters?

BIDEN: I think we have, in part. And the reason is we've been consumed with crisis after crisis after crisis. And so I go in my old neighborhoods, and they go, "Joe. Hey, Joe, over here. What about me?" And I say, "Well, look, all these things that are happening."

Look, you know, what are the things that affect middle-class families? Let me define what I mean by middle-class: Being able to own your own house, not have to rent it. Being able to send your kid to a park; they can come home safe. Being able to take care of your geriatric parent after the other one dies. Being able to send your kid to a local school; they do well, they get to college, and if they get there you can get 'em there, if they get in. That's not asking too much. And so I say, "Look. Look what we're doing. Look what we're doing on college assistance and Pell grants." We have the right policies, but I don't think we spend enough time — I know we're running out of time.

Let me say it this way: I had a Senate staff, and it was pretty consistent. I mean, they knew me well, and they knew my modus operandi. Got to be vice president. New people, new staff. And anybody who would begin to say, "You're going to speak to such and such; here's an outline," and I said, "Just every speech you write, just understand one thing: In the very beginning, make sure that they know that I know what they're concerned about, that I know what their problem is. Whether I agree with them or not on the solution, let them know that I know what's worrying them and why it's not illegitimate that they're worried. And then give an answer." We instead go in and sort of — in the old days, the "limousine liberals" — we go in and say, "I got the answer for you."




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Bit late in the game to go pandering now, ain't it Joe ? 


Speaking of BLUE collars, why would any wife, husband, father, mother, son or daughter of a police officer even THINK of voting Democrat ? They are about as anti- police as they could possibly be. 

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That will be a short conversation. 


Democrats: We really like you guys. If you vote for us we'll let you go ahead and give us a whole bunch more of your hard-earned money so we can spread your wealth around. Yeah, we also need to bring in a few hundred K Syrian immigrants, for starters. We don't have enough jobs for Americans, but don't worry about that. It's the new world order. Germany and France what? They love the crime wave, it keeps them on their toes. 

White males: okay......,bye now. 

Yep, that is it. They just aren't talking to them enough. It doesn't have a thing in the world to do with their policies. 

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The African American Community says hello. 

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26 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

The African American Community says hello. 

Both have valid complaints but righties don't want to discuss poor whites voting repub.

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12 minutes ago, tiger88 said:

Lol. They'll ignore this one. 

That's because the GOP haven't kept them in govt housing, put them on welfare, and broken up their family structure, but let's not deal about all that. 

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There's that compassionate conservative. 


Sorry poor white folk. We just need your vote. Good luck on that other 'stuff'

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3 hours ago, AURaptor said:

That's because the GOP haven't kept them in govt housing, put them on welfare, and broken up their family structure, but let's not deal about all that. 

The Forum Idiot is rolling tonight .

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7 hours ago, homersapien said:

The Forum Idiot is rolling tonight .

Tell me where he's got it wrong. Tell me where he's an idiot. Step right up, homer. Man up, and tell HIM he's wrong. 

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

"Man up" weasel and admit you're arguing anecdotes against facts.

Like I said, Forum Idiot.

 Weasel. You're the one packing the stats here. As a percentage of the entire group, how many blacks are on welfare?  


The issue is not how many blacks make up a percentage of those who take welfare.  Blacks make up a smaller percentage of total population, and yet as a group have a higher percentage within themselves of being on welfare. I guess you didn't see the video, did you? 

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:


Did you ever take a math class?  So, whites; that represent ~75% of the total population consume ~40% of all assistance; all other races; 25%; consume 60% of all assistance...nearly 3x their statistical representation.  I don't think you proved the point you were trying to make.  

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53 minutes ago, japantiger said:

Did you ever take a math class?  So, whites; that represent ~75% of the total population consume ~40% of all assistance; all other races; 25%; consume 60% of all assistance...nearly 3x their statistical representation.  I don't think you proved the point you were trying to make.  

So what's your point?  Surely you aren't trying to say there are the same proportional number of poor whites as poor blacks.  

So why is that?  Is it Democratic policies which is another way of saying it's their own fault)?

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 40% > 25.5%.  In Homie world, that's all that really matters. 

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Blacks make up 14 percent of the U.S. population. 

Everytime someone looks at our prison population and points to the percentage of blacks being incarcerated as being an example of discrimination. They seem to forget that they are also responsible for about 50 percent of the crimes committed currently.

The other stat thrown out all the time that bothers me is government jobless claims. Those numbers are always first time unemployment petitioners. Not how many people are unemployed at the time and are looking for jobs.


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7 minutes ago, WDavE said:

Blacks make up 14 percent of the U.S. population. 

Everytime someone looks at our prison population and points to the percentage of blacks being incarcerated as being an example of discrimination. They seem to forget that they are also responsible for about 50 percent of the crimes committed currently.

The other stat thrown out all the time that bothers me is government jobless claims. Those numbers are always first time unemployment petitioners. Not how many people are unemployed at the time and are looking for jobs.


And it's all the Democrat's fault - right?

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53 minutes ago, homersapien said:

So what's your point?  Surely you aren't trying to say there are the same proportional number of poor whites as poor blacks.  

So why is that?  Is it Democratic policies which is another way of saying it's their own fault)?

Homey, glad you recognized that it is the result of 60 years of ongoing Democrat wet dream policies that try to substitute Gov't for personal accountability.  Not sure why 50 years after Moynihan correctly identified the issue, both parties now feel the need to institutionalize poverty and dependence.       

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1 hour ago, japantiger said:

Homey, glad you recognized that it is the result of 60 years of ongoing Democrat wet dream policies that try to substitute Gov't for personal accountability.  Not sure why 50 years after Moynihan correctly identified the issue, both parties now feel the need to institutionalize poverty and dependence.       

Translation:  The high poverty rate of black people is their own fault.  Blame the victims.  Don't help them.

And 60 years ago, black kids couldn't even attend the school I attended in Irondale, AL.  I guess that was their fault also. 


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