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Joint Address


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8 minutes ago, japantiger said:

Homey's still stuck in the past Raptor...still trying to trot out the same lame horse***t that didn't work in the election cycle...and do I really need to trot out all the articles that highlight that Trump used bankruptcy a total of 6 times while running a combined total of over 500 businesses....so, let's see; I'll take that batting average...considering the last guy went "0'fer" on literally everything...I'll take that kind of win %.... 

You have no idea of what you are talking about.


"Lost contracts, bankruptcies, defaults, deceptions and indifference to investors—Trump’s business career is a long, long list of such troubles, according to regulatory, corporate and court records, as well as sworn testimony and government investigative reports. Call it the art of the bad deal, one created by the arrogance and recklessness of a businessman whose main talent is self-promotion.

He is also pretty good at self-deception, and plain old deception. Trump is willing to claim success even when it is not there, according to his own statements. “I’m just telling you, you wouldn’t say that you're failing,” he said in a 2007 deposition when asked to explain why he would give an upbeat assessment of his business even if it was in trouble. “If somebody said, ‘How you doing?’ you're going to say you're doing good.” Perhaps such dissembling is fine in polite cocktail party conversation, but in the business world it’s called lying.

And while Trump is quick to boast that his purported billions prove his business acumen, his net worth is almost unknowable given the loose standards and numerous outright misrepresentations he has made over the years. In that 2007 deposition, Trump said he based estimates of his net worth at times on “psychology” and “my own feelings.” But those feelings are often wrong—in 2004, he presented unaudited financials to Deutsche Bank while seeking a loan, claiming he was worth $3.5 billion. The bank concluded Trump was, to say the least, puffing; it put his net worth at $788 million, records show. (Trump personally guaranteed $40 million of the loan to his company, so Deutsche coughed up the money. He later defaulted on that commitment.)

Trump’s many misrepresentations of his successes and his failures matter—a lot. As a man who has never held so much as a city council seat, there is little voters can examine to determine if he is competent to hold office. He has no voting record and presents few details about specific policies. Instead, he sells himself as qualified to run the country because he is a businessman who knows how to get things done, and his financial dealings are the only part of his background available to assess his competence to lead the country. And while Trump has had a few successes in business, most of his ventures have been disasters.

Read the full article at:


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3 minutes ago, AU64 said:

It was about how it got spent.....$800 million bucks and nothing to show for it. when it was gone...well other than securing the votes of his base constituencies with handouts to union friends.  

Hoping this time there are some physical plant items left behind for this generation and the next.

Nothing to show for it?

Well, my $500,000 loss was recouped.  That's something.

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8 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

His best speech by default. Full of lies, hyperbole, demagoguery, but a more effective tone and largely stuck to TelePrompTer.

His tone was so "normal" the content got obscured.  Low bar.

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On the very same day in which Trump had tried to deflect blame for Ryan’s death and other problems of the Yemen raid, saying (incredibly) of military leaders “they lost Ryan”; on the very day after he said publicly that the nation’s military “doesn’t win any more” and “we don’t fight to win”—at that moment, Donald Trump thought it suitable to use a grieving widow in this way. And then to say, as the applause finally died down, that the cheers had “set a record.”

If you thought this “presidential,” fine.

For me, it was too easy.

The president I worked for, Jimmy Carter, forthrightly took personal responsibility after his administration’s most dramatic failure, the attempted rescue of American hostages from the embassy in Teheran. “It was my decision to attempt the rescue operation,” he said on national TV. “It was my decision to cancel it … The responsibility is fully my own.” The first president I remember, John F. Kennedy, took public responsibility early in his administration for the failed invasion of Cuba’s Bay of Pigs. Our most recent president, Barack Obama, said after an intelligence failure, “Ultimately, the buck stops with me.” This is, finally, what presidents do. As George W. Bush put it, each is “the decider.” They can accept credit for success, but they must take responsibility for failures.

           I am not yet aware of the latest incumbent ever taking public responsibility for a mistake or a failure. That will be the next step in becoming presidential.


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1 hour ago, RunInRed said:

His tone was so "normal" the content got obscured.  Low bar.

First President credited for displaying impulse control for a whole hour. ;)


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IMHO it was a great speech, Very Presidential. The Dims showed their true colors in clearly demonstrating they care more about themselves than the country. Their childish actions were on display last night for the whole country to see. Their wounds are so deep from losing the election they just don't know which way to turm. They are nothing but losers and have the perfect party symbol.....a jackass.

Is is telling that the best the Dims could do for their response was to have an EX Governor give it. Pathetic.

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21 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

IMHO it was a great speech, Very Presidential. The Dims showed their true colors in clearly demonstrating they care more about themselves than the country. Their childish actions were on display last night for the whole country to see. Their wounds are so deep from losing the election they just don't know which way to turm. They are nothing but losers and have the perfect party symbol.....a jackass.

Is is telling that the best the Dims could do for their response was to have an EX Governor give it. Pathetic.

You've never watched these before or is your memory gone?

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11 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

First President credited with impulse control.


Van jones even said Trump won the night. 



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4 hours ago, AURaptor said:

Van jones even said Trump won the night. 



Only someone watching for the purpose of having their mind made up in advance or just looking for anything negative would disagree. It was a grad slam!! And I didn't have very high expectations ahead of time. This speech will mark the cornerstone of his presidency. Can he fulfill all his promises, who knows. Time will tell. Buy he is truly a POTUS wanting to serve the people and not a pawn of a bunch of rich donors.

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34 minutes ago, Proud Tiger said:

Only someone watching for the purpose of having their mind made up in advance or just looking for anything negative would disagree. It was a grad slam!! And I didn't have very high expectations ahead of time. This speech will mark the cornerstone of his presidency. Can he fulfill all his promises, who knows. Time will tell. Buy he is truly a POTUS wanting to serve the people and not a pawn of a bunch of rich donors.

"This speech will mark the cornerstone of his presidency."  :-\

By that standard, Obama is the greatest president in American history.

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10 hours ago, homersapien said:

You have no idea of what you are talking about.


"Lost contracts, bankruptcies, defaults, deceptions and indifference to investors—Trump’s business career is a long, long list of such troubles, according to regulatory, corporate and court records, as well as sworn testimony and government investigative reports. Call it the art of the bad deal, one created by the arrogance and recklessness of a businessman whose main talent is self-promotion.

He is also pretty good at self-deception, and plain old deception. Trump is willing to claim success even when it is not there, according to his own statements. “I’m just telling you, you wouldn’t say that you're failing,” he said in a 2007 deposition when asked to explain why he would give an upbeat assessment of his business even if it was in trouble. “If somebody said, ‘How you doing?’ you're going to say you're doing good.” Perhaps such dissembling is fine in polite cocktail party conversation, but in the business world it’s called lying.

And while Trump is quick to boast that his purported billions prove his business acumen, his net worth is almost unknowable given the loose standards and numerous outright misrepresentations he has made over the years. In that 2007 deposition, Trump said he based estimates of his net worth at times on “psychology” and “my own feelings.” But those feelings are often wrong—in 2004, he presented unaudited financials to Deutsche Bank while seeking a loan, claiming he was worth $3.5 billion. The bank concluded Trump was, to say the least, puffing; it put his net worth at $788 million, records show. (Trump personally guaranteed $40 million of the loan to his company, so Deutsche coughed up the money. He later defaulted on that commitment.)

Trump’s many misrepresentations of his successes and his failures matter—a lot. As a man who has never held so much as a city council seat, there is little voters can examine to determine if he is competent to hold office. He has no voting record and presents few details about specific policies. Instead, he sells himself as qualified to run the country because he is a businessman who knows how to get things done, and his financial dealings are the only part of his background available to assess his competence to lead the country. And while Trump has had a few successes in business, most of his ventures have been disasters.

Read the full article at:


Lots of opinion there Homey...here are the facts from multiple sources....he's directly involved in over 250 buinesses and has over 500 individual businesses he's been engaged in over the years...his bankruptcies amount to a minimum of 1.5% of his total interests to a max of 3% if you take the 250 number...sorry dude; but this is a batting average we could all stand...





This is just another reason you guys are in the wilderness....a tribute paid to a man and his family who gave it all; and all he ever would be; and this is the hateful response...and then the guy realized he s*** his pants and then lied by saying it was a poorly worded tweet...there's nothing poorly worded about this...it's a very clear representation of the hate and delusion that permeates the party.  


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Speaking of the infantile left, please ban this thread.   :no:  #embarrassAU

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33 minutes ago, japantiger said:

Lots of opinion there Homey...here are the facts from multiple sources....he's directly involved in over 250 buinesses and has over 500 individual businesses he's been engaged in over the years...his bankruptcies amount to a minimum of 1.5% of his total interests to a max of 3% if you take the 250 number...sorry dude; but this is a batting average we could all stand...





This is just another reason you guys are in the wilderness....a tribute paid to a man and his family who gave it all; and all he ever would be; and this is the hateful response...and then the guy realized he s*** his pants and then lied by saying it was a poorly worded tweet...there's nothing poorly worded about this...it's a very clear representation of the hate and delusion that permeates the party.  


You are an idiot if you think these businesses or more accurately - "deals", for which he wasn't the one generating the primary funds - are relevant.  

"500 businesses" my ass.

There's plenty of information out there from people who were in a position to know exactly what happened when Trump leveraged himself into big, defining deals. 

People who worked for him at the time - just like the example I provided.  There are even better examples regarding the Atlantic City casino ventures.

And he's hiding something with his tax return.  I suspect it has more to do with his net worth than it does the Russians.  He's a fraud.  




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11 hours ago, homersapien said:

You have no idea of what you are talking about.


"Lost contracts, bankruptcies, defaults, deceptions and indifference to investors—Trump’s business career is a long, long list of such troubles, according to regulatory, corporate and court records, as well as sworn testimony and government investigative reports. Call it the art of the bad deal, one created by the arrogance and recklessness of a businessman whose main talent is self-promotion.

He is also pretty good at self-deception, and plain old deception. Trump is willing to claim success even when it is not there, according to his own statements. “I’m just telling you, you wouldn’t say that you're failing,” he said in a 2007 deposition when asked to explain why he would give an upbeat assessment of his business even if it was in trouble. “If somebody said, ‘How you doing?’ you're going to say you're doing good.” Perhaps such dissembling is fine in polite cocktail party conversation, but in the business world it’s called lying.

And while Trump is quick to boast that his purported billions prove his business acumen, his net worth is almost unknowable given the loose standards and numerous outright misrepresentations he has made over the years. In that 2007 deposition, Trump said he based estimates of his net worth at times on “psychology” and “my own feelings.” But those feelings are often wrong—in 2004, he presented unaudited financials to Deutsche Bank while seeking a loan, claiming he was worth $3.5 billion. The bank concluded Trump was, to say the least, puffing; it put his net worth at $788 million, records show. (Trump personally guaranteed $40 million of the loan to his company, so Deutsche coughed up the money. He later defaulted on that commitment.)

Trump’s many misrepresentations of his successes and his failures matter—a lot. As a man who has never held so much as a city council seat, there is little voters can examine to determine if he is competent to hold office. He has no voting record and presents few details about specific policies. Instead, he sells himself as qualified to run the country because he is a businessman who knows how to get things done, and his financial dealings are the only part of his background available to assess his competence to lead the country. And while Trump has had a few successes in business, most of his ventures have been disasters.

Read the full article at:


Read entire article hell. when did Trump ever have time to sit on city counsel. He probably owned the peons anyway. What were Barry's qualifications? We did survive 8 years under a community organizer Homie. Breath easy.

Great night for Trump.

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8 minutes ago, homersapien said:

You are an idiot if by thinking these businesses or deals - for which he wasn't the one generating the primary funds - are relevant.  "500 businesses" my ass.

There's plenty of information out there from people who were in a position to know exactly what happened.  People who worked for him at the time - just like the example I provided.  There are even better examples regarding the Atlantic City casino.

And he's hiding something with his tax return.  I suspect it has more to do with his net worth than it does the Russians.  He's a fraud.  




You have a lot of nerve calling someone else an idiot.

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9 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

You have a lot of nerve calling someone else an idiot.

You have a lot of nerve to even weigh in.

It was contingent on actually believing an idiotic contention.

So, do you also think that Trump's bankruptcies should be compared to 500 "at bats".  Do you also have your head up your ass??

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5 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Read entire article hell. when did Trump ever have time to sit on city counsel. He probably owned the peons anyway. What were Barry's qualifications? We did survive 8 years under a community organizer Homie. Breath easy.

Great night for Trump.

Yeah, "educate myself hell".

Obama's not a narcissistic psychopath.  Trump is. Just wait and see.

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3 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Sad to live a life with so many idiots. 

It's certainly sad to know so many identify with Auburn University.  I'd rather not even know if they went to school there.

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1 minute ago, homersapien said:

Yeah, "educate myself hell".

Obama's not a narcissistic psychopath.  Trump is. Just wait and see.

Understand your guy and his lovely wife signed a sweet book deal today. How much was he worth a few years ago?

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2 minutes ago, homersapien said:

It's certainly sad to know so many identify with Auburn University.  I'd rather not even know if they went to school there.

That road runs two ways and you would be lonely on your side of the street.

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