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Trump rips the NFL for disrespecting the flag. Then he jokes about a military flag ceremony.


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After he had repeatedly railed against professional athletes over perceived slights to the American flag and military, President Trump joked on Wednesday about a bugle call that is part of the armed forces’ time-honored tradition of showing respect for the Stars and Stripes.


The bugle call occurred during Trump’s interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, conducted in an airplane hangar used by the Pennsylvania Air National Guard in Harrisburg and before the president’s address on tax revision.

“What a nice sound that is. Are they playing that for you or for me?” Trump said before turning to the audience. “They’re playing that in honor of his ratings,” he added, referencing the popularity of Hannity’s news program.

Trump went back to speaking about economic growth as several audience members behind him stood up. The bugle call was “Retreat,” which signifies the lowering of the American flag on a military installation. Although Trump attended a military high school, the commander in chief appeared unaware of the music’s meaning.


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Service members talking or exercising will stop. It they are driving a vehicle, they will pull over.


Not true chief. Another BS belittle President Trump article. Guess Fort Benning and and Tyndall AFB are wrong.... 

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14 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Service members talking or exercising will stop. It they are driving a vehicle, they will pull over.


Not true chief. Another BS belittle President Trump article. Guess Fort Benning and and Tyndall AFB are wrong.... 

He belittles himself--you just haven't noticed.

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8 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

He belittles himself--you just haven't noticed.

Sure I have noticed Tex....that give every outlet in the media to keep putting out complete Bullshet. waste of time. Trump voters can not read.

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29 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

Service members talking or exercising will stop. It they are driving a vehicle, they will pull over.

Yep. This does not happen at all. If anything, many SM’s dodge the song by jumping into cars, latrines, any infrastructure with four walls right before it plays or plans their day around avoiding the song.  Don’t remember seeing any SM’s pull over either. 

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15 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

Yep. This does not happen at all. If anything, many SM’s dodge the song by jumping into cars, latrines, any infrastructure with four walls right before it plays or plans their day around avoiding the song.  Don’t remember seeing any SM’s pull over either. 

Well Jeff, isn't the above disrespect? What is wrong with players kneeling....just saying someone will ask the question to deflect this bash post.

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1 hour ago, SaltyTiger said:

Well Jeff, isn't the above disrespect? What is wrong with players kneeling....just saying someone will ask the question to deflect this bash post.

No. It’s not disrespectful to dodge a song beforehand when you have to hear it a thousand times a year. It’s not like the song is playing and the SMs are still moving away during song. It’s similar to why some military officers try to drift their walking paths away from incoming enlisted personnel that are required to salute the officers in passing. Because if they don’t manage to walk past the enlisted SMS with distance between them, they are forced to render a salute back to any enlisted soldier or tight group of soldiers that they meet on their journey.  

The whole disrespect thing is overblown if everything is viewed within a vacuum. I said it’s fine to to use the flag in protest when it’s a necessary evil.  I pointed out the Vietnam Vets protested the federal government by burning flags and they were in the right. Specific issues with the government were noted and a common objective was declared. In other words there was actually a reason behind the protest of the flag. The NFL player protest is straight up sorry, and not one damn person has even told me why it’s essential that they protest the flag or the common objective behind it. It’s already lasted over a year, but yet nobody knows the endgame of these protests. Not only are they incorporating politics into my favorite pro sport, but they are using the flag as an unnecessary vehicle of protest. If you know the flag is meaningful to someone( sometimes it’s the replacement to a loved one that died in service), then don’t use it and then say “it’s not about the flag.” If it’s not about the flag, then don’t make it about the flag. What sense does it make to call for “unity” when the players know that the majority of the Americans don’t agree with the kneeling but yet they do it anyways?

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3 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:

Service members talking or exercising will stop. It they are driving a vehicle, they will pull over.


Not true chief. Another BS belittle President Trump article. Guess Fort Benning and and Tyndall AFB are wrong.... 

They are supposed to, whether they do or not depends on them.


2 hours ago, aujeff11 said:

Yep. This does not happen at all. If anything, many SM’s dodge the song by jumping into cars, latrines, any infrastructure with four walls right before it plays or plans their day around avoiding the song.  Don’t remember seeing any SM’s pull over either. 

And they always lost my respect by doing that. Granted I was always a stickler on those things, and I'm sure some of my soldiers on more than one occasion called me an A hole or worse for it. But my opinion always was; if you are gonna wear the uniform, then you are going to do what's expected of you. That means no cell phones out and walking, no eating and walking, stop for retreat, don't slouch, don't have wrinkled clothes/unshined boots (before they took that away), don't be a POS and try to sprint indoors to get out of it.


As someone who hates the left as much as he hates the right, Trumps a hypocritical POS, everyone should have known this already, but making a big deal of kneeling and not even having a clue what retreat was/means... I hate to think of how dangerously deluded his followers must be.

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5 hours ago, Mims44 said:

And they always lost my respect by doing that

It was pretty commonplace. I don’t know if you would’ve had any more respects to lose. I never saw one soldier actually sprint to get out of the song though. I don’t know if that was hyperbole on your part or what... It was moreso just an awareness of the time and environment. If I’m walking home from the PX with my pogeybait bag in hand, I’m not gonna want to get caught by the song, so I plan accordingly so I can get back in time. And that is perfectly fine and no sgt with an ax to can grind can say s*** about it.


5 hours ago, Mims44 said:

and not even having a clue what retreat was/means...

It would be nice to trace our lineage of all Presidents to West Point or the Naval Academy but we can’t. And in this case, Trump is the CIC so we got what we got. Maybe he should’ve known the song and maybe he should know all of the military courtesies and customs, but he don’t. But I also don’t imagine many civilians can put the name to the song either so let’s not act like Trump is some tool for not knowing it. As far as the kneeling thing, you can’t criticize getting worked up over kneeling and then get worked up over him not knowing the Retreat. That makes you just as hypocritical as the rest.


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3 hours ago, aujeff11 said:

1)It was pretty commonplace. I don’t know if you would’ve had any more respects to lose. I never saw one soldier actually sprint to get out of the song though. I don’t know if that was hyperbole on your part or what... It was moreso just an awareness of the time and environment. If I’m walking home from the PX with my pogeybait bag in hand, I’m not gonna want to get caught by the song, so I plan accordingly so I can get back in time. And that is perfectly fine and no sgt with an ax to can grind can say s*** about it.


2) It would be nice to trace our lineage of all Presidents to West Point or the Naval Academy but we can’t. And in this case, Trump is the CIC so we got what we got. Maybe he should’ve known the song and maybe he should know all of the military courtesies and customs, but he don’t. But I also don’t imagine many civilians can put the name to the song either so let’s not act like Trump is some tool for not knowing it. As far as the kneeling thing, you can’t criticize getting worked up over kneeling and then get worked up over him not knowing the Retreat. That makes you just as hypocritical as the rest.


1) I saw my share of privates double timing.

2) That's not equivalent. My problem isn't that not knowing retreat is bad and kneeling is good... that was never my argument.

It's that if you are going to tout yourself as some big supporter of America and it's military, you should probably know some of the basics. It's not like I'm pissed cause he doesn't know the maximum effective range of a 249. It's retreat, as military knowledge goes it's pretty basic.


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1 hour ago, Mims44 said:

It's that if you are going to tout yourself as some big supporter of America and it's military

He really hasn’t done this. He touts patriotic ideals and self-serving ideals that involves the military but he doesn’t across as much of a military buff. No more than the citizens which are probably “‘Murica AF, man” but yet don’t know anything about the military.

Lot of people are clueless about the military in general. They just don’t understand. 

You were never asked “Oh, you’re in the Army, do you know such n such? He’s my cousin..”

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On 10/13/2017 at 1:12 PM, AUUSN said:

After he had repeatedly railed against professional athletes over perceived slights to the American flag and military, President Trump joked on Wednesday about a bugle call that is part of the armed forces’ time-honored tradition of showing respect for the Stars and Stripes.


The bugle call occurred during Trump’s interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, conducted in an airplane hangar used by the Pennsylvania Air National Guard in Harrisburg and before the president’s address on tax revision.

“What a nice sound that is. Are they playing that for you or for me?” Trump said before turning to the audience. “They’re playing that in honor of his ratings,” he added, referencing the popularity of Hannity’s news program.

Trump went back to speaking about economic growth as several audience members behind him stood up. The bugle call was “Retreat,” which signifies the lowering of the American flag on a military installation. Although Trump attended a military high school, the commander in chief appeared unaware of the music’s meaning.


Hypocrisy is Trunp's trademark. 

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Just now, GiveEmElle said:

I see you've mastered Trump's use of meaningless quotation marks. Kiss your brain. 

Ok well, I don’t know what you’re talking about unless Trump is code for fellow DA, homer. Because he only says it on every other political thread, Princess Oblivious. 

Can you tell me what exactly Trump did that was so wrong during that so called ceremony? Thanks 

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1 minute ago, aujeff11 said:

Ok well, I don’t know what you’re talking about unless Trump is code for fellow DA, homer. Because he only says it on every other political thread, Princess Oblivious. 

Can you tell me what exactly Trump did that was so wrong during that so called ceremony? Thanks 

Trump constantly uses unnecessary quotation marks around words in his tweets. Who is oblivious? 

Can you tell me exactly how you translate hypocrisy as he did something wrong? When you demand that NFL players stand and respect the flag then I'd expect you to do the same. Especially when you are the leader of the country that flag represents. 


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Just now, GiveEmElle said:

Trump constantly uses unnecessary quotation marks around words in his tweets. Who is oblivious? 

Apparently you are if you didn’t catch that I was mocking Homer and continue to mock him.I’m sure Trump appreciates you following his tweets though. 


Just now, GiveEmElle said:

Can you tell me exactly how you translate hypocrisy as he did something wrong?

Can you tell me what was so hypocritical of his actions if he wasn’t in the wrong?


1 minute ago, GiveEmElle said:

When you demand that NFL players stand and respect the flag then I'd expect you to do the same.

The expectation has been for the players to stand for the anthem, and that expectation has been there for some time now. Not so much for Trump when he is on set and doesn’t even know what song is playing. Not to mention that he was inside, and no military personnel, much less the POTUS, has ever been required to stand for the retreat while indoors.


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1 hour ago, aujeff11 said:

Apparently you are if you didn’t catch that I was mocking Homer and continue to mock him.I’m sure Trump appreciates you following his tweets though. 


Can you tell me what was so hypocritical of his actions if he wasn’t in the wrong?


The expectation has been for the players to stand for the anthem, and that expectation has been there for some time now. Not so much for Trump when he is on set and doesn’t even know what song is playing. Not to mention that he was inside, and no military personnel, much less the POTUS, has ever been required to stand for the retreat while indoors.


I don't pay much attention to you until you quote me. 

Hypocrisy is not practicing what you preach, not necessarily right or wrong. 

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Just to prove that Trump wasn’t disrespecting the flag by going against protocol.


What I don’t get is if people are going to pretend to be butthurt about it, why didn’t they go after Fox News for not stopping the interview? The crowd that was cheering during the song should’ve been blasted as well if the people really cared about what was going on during the song.

But let me tell you, if I was in the barracks, and the Retreat was playing outside, I would’ve continued eating, sleeping, drinking, and a bunch of other things that probably had nothing to do with giving the proper respect to anything.  That’s just the way it was and that should show you how this is so overblown. Trump is an effing CEO of a company pretending to be President and I can imagine not many CEO’s know the military customs and courtesies. 

With that said, Trump is no friend of the military. He might’ve attended military academy when he was in grade school, but that doesn’t mean anything other than he went to grade school if he can’t spot the Retreat or taps. He was a draft dodger and that should say it all. 

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1 hour ago, GiveEmElle said:

don't pay much attention to you until you quote me. 


I don’t care.

35 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

Hypocrisy is not practicing what you preach, not necessarily right or wrong. 

Generally speaking, agreed. However, you’ve yet to point out the hypocrisy in the interview.

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9 hours ago, aujeff11 said:

I don’t care.

Generally speaking, agreed. However, you’ve yet to point out the hypocrisy in the interview.

It's not just the interview, it's many of his actions. POTUS called NFL players who knelt SOB's who should be fired because the disrespected the flag and our veterans. This is the same man who said a POW wasn't a hero because he was captured. This is the same man who insulted a Gold Star family. This is the same man who invited Kid Rock, who cut a hole in a flag and wore it as a poncho, to the WH. This is the same man whose wife had to nudge him in reminder to place his hand on his heart during the anthem.  I'm sure Trump didn't know what the bugle playing was that day. I find it very sad that he has no interest in presidential etiquette. And I find it very arrogant and ignorant that it was even suggested that the bugle call was for Hannity's ratings. 

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51 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

This is the same man who said a POW wasn't a hero because he was captured.

Go find the thread, I was outraged about this as well. Like I said above, he is no friend of the military. 

51 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

This is the same man who invited Kid Rock, who cut a hole in a flag and wore it as a poncho, to the WH.

Unless he was invited to the WH in response to these actions, this is irrelevant.

57 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

I find it very sad that he has no interest in presidential etiquette.

Yeah well I expect him to push many presidential norms to the brink and I expect him to trample on many others. People wanted different and they got it, so I guess its up to the people to decide whether they want to judge it favorably or not.

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2 hours ago, aujeff11 said:

Go find the thread, I was outraged about this as well. Like I said above, he is no friend of the military. 

Unless he was invited to the WH in response to these actions, this is irrelevant.

Yeah well I expect him to push many presidential norms to the brink and I expect him to trample on many others. People wanted different and they got it, so I guess its up to the people to decide whether they want to judge it favorably or not.

It speaks to hypocrisy. A white man can cut a hole in a flag and wear it and it isn't disrespectful but a black man kneeling is. 

I've clearly supported my claim of Trumps hypocrisy. If you can't connect the dots it's not my problem,

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