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I think Gus May be Tubberville 2.0

Eagle Eye 7

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I am beginning to believe that Gus is the second coming of Tubberville because of the following:

1. They both have ties to Arkansas 

2. They both used Arkansas to help their paycheck. Tubby by hiding out there and Gus by threading to go there.

3. They both played down to or lost to teams they should have beaten.

4. Both have beaten teams they shouldn’t have. 

5. Tub got fired because of his offense woes . Gus is working in the same direction.

6 both didn’t recruit at the highest level but did a lot with the talent they got.

now if Gus can complete the transformation and beat the turds seven straight years, I could grow to keeping him for a while. ?

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i will never ever diss tub. i am not saying you can't for the record. but any coach that made the turd fans cry six in a row is a pretty damn good coach to me.............

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Clearly there is something in the water down in Auburn that turns every coach we hire into this. What separates Auburn from other programs with comparable winning percentages, is that whatever coach we hire comes out of the gate SMOKIN', looking like a genius hire.  It literally makes no logical sense how he could go from producing offenses that averages 500 yards a game per season, to what we are seeing now. 

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6 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

i will never ever diss tub. i am not saying you can't for the record. but any coach that made the turd fans cry six in a row is a pretty damn good coach to me.............

Let’s be real.....he was up against Shula and not Saban. Think that had a lot to do with it. (This is not a diss on you)

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3 minutes ago, wareagle7298 said:

Clearly there is something in the water down in Auburn that turns every coach we hire into this. What separates Auburn from other programs with comparable winning percentages, is that whatever coach we hire comes out of the gate SMOKIN', looking like a genius hire.  It literally makes no logical sense how he could go from producing offenses that averages 500 yards a game per season, to what we are seeing now. 


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Looking back Tubbs could have been better. Could have taken even more of an advantage while Bama was down and on probation. Why are we having to develop 2 and 3 star athletes when Bama was a train wreck and little competition. Didn’t quite cease the moment completely. Once Saban moved in it was all over.

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7 minutes ago, CAReeves2010 said:

One difference between the two is Tuberville tried to find ways to change his struggling offenses, the last one just cost him his job. He was also a defensive guy and it showed on that side of the ball.

Didn't he try to hire Gus and JJ made him hire Franklin? Of course, he would've never moved any of his assistants, so the point might be moot.

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say what ya want i stand by my statement. those six years of football were some of the most glorious times i can remember. but where i am from turd fans are seventy to eighty percent here. watching their crying and handwringing was epic and something i will never forget.

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24 minutes ago, BJCrawford said:

Let’s be real.....he was up against Shula and not Saban. Think that had a lot to do with it. (This is not a diss on you)

He did a decent job against Saban's LSU teams.

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I'd still take Tuberville or Chizik over Malzahn. At lease I had heard of Tuberville and Chizik before. However, when Malzahn was hired as OC/QB coach, I had never even heard the guy.

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Gus and Tubs recruiting were not comparable at all. That is really the only thing I disagree with in this. The rest is spot on. Gus has us recruiting better than any stretch in AU history and Tubs was pretty lazy when it came to recruiting. He barely had any top 10 classes in his 10 seasons here.The biggest difference is Tubs absolutely smokes Gus when it comes to player development. Guys never really seem to play up to their star rating here under Gus with obviously some exceptions.

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46 minutes ago, auburn4ever said:

I'd still take Tuberville or Chizik over Malzahn. At lease I had heard of Tuberville and Chizik before. However, when Malzahn was hired as OC/QB coach, I had never even heard the guy.

You know funny thing is I remember wondering who Chizik was at the time and why we hired a coach with a 5-19 record as a head coach. This is not a nasty statement.  Think our fan base was big time ticked and then we had a national title. Go figure. Being an Auburn fan is such a major roller coaster ride, but I just can’t stop being a fan. I’ve tried to just go away and not think about it but I always come back?. Guess I truly am “Aubsessed”.

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2 hours ago, wareagle7298 said:

Clearly there is something in the water down in Auburn that turns every coach we hire into this. What separates Auburn from other programs with comparable winning percentages, is that whatever coach we hire comes out of the gate SMOKIN', looking like a genius hire.  It literally makes no logical sense how he could go from producing offenses that averages 500 yards a game per season, to what we are seeing now. 

I don’t think it’s in the water but a lot of Auburn family just doesn’t get the hired gun philosophy. When you go out and pay $49 million you expect results that equal those that are paid that kind of money. Auburn is paying as high as any teams in the country we should not be ok with mediocre results. If you are ok with that then just go out each year and hire a high school coach for a couple of hundred thousand and you can get the same results . 

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2 hours ago, wareagle7298 said:

Clearly there is something in the water down in Auburn that turns every coach we hire into this. What separates Auburn from other programs with comparable winning percentages, is that whatever coach we hire comes out of the gate SMOKIN', looking like a genius hire.  It literally makes no logical sense how he could go from producing offenses that averages 500 yards a game per season, to what we are seeing now. 

Meddling boosters? 

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57 minutes ago, auskip07 said:

Meddling boosters? 

honestly not enough of a killer instinct. Seems a lot of TPTB are just content on where we are as a program and that trickles down to the fanbase. We do not demand excellence like we need too.

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1 hour ago, GwillMac6 said:

Gus and Tubs recruiting were not comparable at all. That is really the only thing I disagree with in this. The rest is spot on. Gus has us recruiting better than any stretch in AU history and Tubs was pretty lazy when it came to recruiting. He barely had top 10 classes in his 10 seasons here.The biggest difference is Tubs absolutely smokes Gus when it comes to player development. Guys never really seem to play up to their star rating here under Gus with obviously some exceptions.

Yep, tubs knew how to develop players and at the very least I knew walking into the stadium there was always a chance with his teams. Although I also knew he could easily give up a game too. At this point with Gus, I am pretty positive he will manage to win against the lower tier, more times than not lose against teams comparable or stronger and definitely don't expect a bowl victory.

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1 hour ago, GwillMac6 said:

Gus and Tubs recruiting were not comparable at all. That is really the only thing I disagree with in this. The rest is spot on. Gus has us recruiting better than any stretch in AU history and Tubs was pretty lazy when it came to recruiting. He barely had top 10 classes in his 10 seasons here.The biggest difference is Tubs absolutely smokes Gus when it comes to player development. Guys never really seem to play up to their star rating here under Gus with obviously some exceptions.

This. Tubby was a lazy recruiter but developed guys with lesser talent. He also wore out his welcome by having Sexton rumor him to different jobs every year. We were fairly competitive with him as HC with one glorious year, a string of baffling losses and a lot of missed opportunities. Those pining for the Tubby days need to look objectively at the record. And, if beating a “down” UA every year is enough to satisfy folks.... well, I think we should expect more. The early results for return on our $49 million investment aren’t very encouraging.

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The Tubs years were mostly very good and we always felt like the team was going to at least come out competitive and prepared (except for noon Arky games).

However, between the BBQ Gang & Jetgate, he just never quite reached the comfort level that Pat Dye or Shug had.  Not sure that's even what Auburn needs now.

As much as I WANT that and relish the Dye years, I understand today's a different day, generations are different and "the business" is different so I'm leaning towards the "hired gun" group think.  Get away from Auburn ties and just get someone fresh and innovative.  If you're willing to pay $7 mil per year you can convince a LOT of coaches to come to Auburn.

People on here ask "so who would you hire?"

Well my answer is "not Gus."

We've beat our heads against this wall for 4+ years now.  I'd rather give an up and comer a shot at this point than continue with the garbage we KNOW we've got.  At least it would be something different.

Oh....and hopefully they'd be open to leaving the Defense as-is.... but that's meddling so I know that's not reasonable.

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2 hours ago, GwillMac6 said:

Gus and Tubs recruiting were not comparable at all. That is really the only thing I disagree with in this. The rest is spot on. Gus has us recruiting better than any stretch in AU history and Tubs was pretty lazy when it came to recruiting. He barely had top 10 classes in his 10 seasons here.The biggest difference is Tubs absolutely smokes Gus when it comes to player development. Guys never really seem to play up to their star rating here under Gus with obviously some exceptions.

The only thing I will mention is we are developing our defensive players really well.  I know that is on Steele however so I don’t know that fits this conversation, but I am at the point now where if I see a new/young player on the field I know they are capable.  If Steele trusts them, I trust them.  

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53 minutes ago, fredst said:

if beating a “down” UA every year is enough to satisfy folks.

And he was beating them 9-0 when he should have been beating them 59-0 as I recall. They were really bad then.

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4 hours ago, wareagle7298 said:

Clearly there is something in the water down in Auburn that turns every coach we hire into this. What separates Auburn from other programs with comparable winning percentages, is that whatever coach we hire comes out of the gate SMOKIN', looking like a genius hire.  It literally makes no logical sense how he could go from producing offenses that averages 500 yards a game per season, to what we are seeing now. 

But weren't those his H.S. offenses? SEC defenses are wise to that scheme by now.

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