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I think Gus May be Tubberville 2.0

Eagle Eye 7

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3 minutes ago, kd4au said:

And he was beating them 9-0 when he should have been beating them 59-0 as I recall. They were really bad then.

One real knock on Tubs was that his teams often played up or down to the competition.

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6 minutes ago, kd4au said:

And he was beating them 9-0 when he should have been beating them 59-0 as I recall. They were really bad then.

A few were bad like in 2000 but a few others were decent (2002, 2005)

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5 hours ago, Eagle Eye 7 said:

I am beginning to believe that Gus is the second coming of Tubberville because of the following:

1. They both have ties to Arkansas 

2. They both used Arkansas to help their paycheck. Tubby by hiding out there and Gus by threading to go there.

3. They both played down to or lost to teams they should have beaten.

4. Both have beaten teams they shouldn’t have. 

5. Tub got fired because of his offense woes . Gus is working in the same direction.

6 both didn’t recruit at the highest level but did a lot with the talent they got.

now if Gus can complete the transformation and beat the turds seven straight years, I could grow to keeping him for a while. ?

Gus can beat Arkansas......Tuberville not so much.........like fifty cant dog Tuberville as he did many positive things for Auburn..........of course I wont even speak ill of Coach Barfield.........not really my nature.

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It's the behind the scenes stuff that drives our coaches into complacency.


I believe that will stop with AG as AD. He doesn't seem like the type of hire to stick with the status quo. I like the guy a lot

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2 hours ago, abw0004 said:

The only thing I will mention is we are developing our defensive players really well.  I know that is on Steele however so I don’t know that fits this conversation, but I am at the point now where if I see a new/young player on the field I know they are capable.  If Steele trusts them, I trust them.  

Def talking about our offensive guys because that is what Gustav is known for. I truly do not get why any High profile WR's would come here. Like of course I am elated to get them when they commit and sign but in the back of my head I go dang they would of been much better off in a offense that could use their talents to the best of their ability and develop them. Go figure the side of the ball that Gus is hands off with has a lot of success with churning out draft picks and develops our players a lot better. On the defensive side of the ball Gus makes a lot better hires as well because he is not so focused on getting people he "trusts" like he is on his side of the ball. It leads to better results and a lot better hires. 

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6 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Tub was good at what he was good at— D. Gus sucks at what he’s “good” at— O.

That’s one of my biggest gripes. Why is the offense never consistently good. Isn’t this essentially his strength? Those who defend him to the very end never can answer this question without misdirection.

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Some of this is redundant to what others have said:

-Tuberville was only an okay recruiter, except for maybe from 2000-2002 or so, and a remarkable developer of talent. Gus recruits at a very high level and is becoming a specialist at ruining the careers of his offensive personnel except for the occasional RB. Defense is going very well. 

-To that point, as said above, Tubs was a defensive guy and his defenses were always good. Gus is an offensive guy and his offense has more or less gotten worse each season. Last year was a brief reprieve that still saw 4 losses and some serious stinkers from the offense to go along with the big wins. 

-Tuberville learned under one of the most successful college *and* NFL coaches of all time. Gus learned under guys like Houston Nutt and Gene Chizik. 

-Tubs had at least 3 assistants go on to get high profile head coaching gigs and most of them made a horizontal or better move when leaving here. Gus has had 1 guy leave for a head coaching gig- one of the same ones that Tubs can claim- and no others have made vertical moves. He's had a couple make horizontal moves and a couple have taken the same job at smaller programs. 

-To reiterate the previous points, Tuberville was part of and continued a coaching tree. Gus can claim neither. 

-Tubs earned a reputation for having good teams that would lose a game they shouldn't. Right now, Gus looks like he has a bad team that should be a pretty good team. For at least the 2nd time in 6 years. 

-Tubs steadily got better from the time he was hired until 2004, and then he stayed at a high level. 2003 was the exception because he showed poor judgment because of to whom he entrusted the offense, which was not his specialty. Gus had immediate success on offense- his specialty- in his 1st year and now in his 6th year is coaching one of the worst offenses in the SEC. His defenses have steadily gotten better.

-Tubs saw the writing on the wall in 2008 and dramatically changed the offense in an effort to compete against bama. And the offense he chose ended up being the only type of offense to beat bama since. He called the right play but he didn't execute it, and the PTB with their hair trigger and itchy finger finished the job they started in 2003. Gus, meanwhile, seems to be crawling back into a shell with a conservative and unimaginative offense instead of evolving to change with the times. 

-Tubs hired the best DCs he could find and they worked together to maintain a quality defense year in, year out. Gus hires guys he's familiar with who he thinks will help him run his offense. It clearly isn't working.

-Tubs was favored by the media. Our beat all but openly mock Gus. 

-Tubs fielded an undefeated team and arguably the greatest team in program history in his 6th year. This was immediately after the AD was fired and he got a new OC. Gus is in year 6, the AD just got fired, he's on his 2nd year with this OC and this team is decidedly not championship caliber. 


There are things working against Gus that weren't working against Tubs. Tubs was indeed competing against a down bama program, while Gus is competing against possibly the greatest run in CFB history. Actually, that's probably about it. But Saban now vs that clown show Tubs was thumping every year also has a lot to do with the differences in recruiting. 

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Gus has recruited more (or at least higher ranked)  talent than Tuberville did...he’s coached them down in many ways.  Tuberville usually got the most out of mid tier talented guys. Points 1 and 5 are about the only real similarities...other than the fact that they both idolize Spurrier.

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3 hours ago, McLoofus said:

-To reiterate the previous points, Tuberville was part of and continued a coaching tree. Gus can claim neither.

This hurts Gus in a lot of different ways, especially when it comes time to hire assistant coaches and off field analysts.  It's probably his biggest negative.

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Both guys got more and more conservative the deeper they got into their tenures. LOL after his first few seasons Tubs thought if we put up 17 points on the board that the offense could take the rest of the day off.

What is happening behind the scenes that make our HCs start coaching so scared after achieving some success?


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18 hours ago, WDE_OxPx_2010 said:

It's the behind the scenes stuff that drives our coaches into complacency.


I believe that will stop with AG as AD. He doesn't seem like the type of hire to stick with the status quo. I like the guy a lot

Really?  The behind the scenes stuff that has gone on in the past at AU  are the very things that would keep me on my toes if I were an AU coach.  The shenanigans going on behind Tubs back (JetGate), and the stuff that was cooked up to can Sunny Golloway would have me nervous as a cat - becoming complacent would be the last thing I'd do.:-[

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