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What if Gus wants out


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But what if we are looking at this situation wrong.  

What if Gus went to TPTB on Sunday and said "I want out. I am willing to lower my buy out and we part ways for less money so that it is better for all involved".

The man could have other offers, I SOOOOO HOPE SO, and is trying to part ways that make sense for both parties. 
I just have a hard damn time believing that he agreed to less money on a buyout and agreed that he has zero say so on staff changes.


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Then you just announce that Gus and Auburn have decided to part ways. That it is an amicable split, Malzahn has decided to pursue other options and Auburn wishes to go in another direction., X amount was agreed upon as this is what both parties. Clean, professional, and PR friendly.

What if the money boys just found out that Auburn's program and the level of candidates they thought they could get are not what they hoped. That people would be saying WTF, we just payed out $32 million and now X is who we got? So they try the offer bit thinking Gus won't take it but he does. Then they can fire him and say we tried to work with him, he wouldn't compromise, and Gus takes his large buyout and one of those gigs and looks like the bad guy for strong arming the university. Cause that is what people have been saying, his work doesn't justify the contact. So Gus did exactly what many on here said he should do, reduce amounts because he isn't earning his money.

Perhaps Gus isn't super high on where he can move at the moment, that Sexton might know of something happening in the future. Gus gets to stay at Auburn, but at the end of next year when people ask why didn't Gus improve (if that happens) then you point to the restrictions, the damage to recruiting, lack of support, built in excuses if he is fired. Gus is the good guy, he worked with the University by taking the new contract, he was committed to Auburn, he worked under the restrictions that the Auburn power men put on him. If he wins big, then he did it despite Auburn which ups his stock.

That might not come out as clear as I wanted it to. But, in the end the result is Auburn wasn't gonna find an improvement that justified 32 million and tried to save face. Gus gets defenses for any failures next season if he starts job hunting. He walks out the good employee, that took less, worked with the administration, and tried to prove his loyalty while exposing the Auburn administration and PTB for what many coaches around the country already know they are.



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Just now, Texan4Auburn said:

Then you just announce that Gus and Auburn have decided to part ways. That it is an amicable split, Malzahn has decided to pursue other options and Auburn wishes to go in another direction., X amount was agreed upon as this is what both parties. Clean, professional, and PR friendly.

What if the money boys just found out that Auburn's program and the level of candidates they thought they could get are not what they hoped. That people would be saying WTF, we just payed out $32 million and now X is who we got? So they try the offer bit thinking Gus won't take it but he does. Then they can fire him and say we tried to work with him, he wouldn't compromise, and Gus takes his large buyout and one of those gigs and looks like the bad guy for strong arming the university. Cause that is what people have been saying, his work doesn't justify the contact. So Gus did exactly what many on here said he should do, reduce amounts because he isn't earning his money.

Perhaps Gus isn't super high on where he can move at the moment, that Sexton might know of something happening in the future. Gus gets to stay at Auburn, but at the end of next year when people ask why didn't Gus improve (if that happens) then you point to the restrictions, the damage to recruiting, lack of support, built in excuses if he is fired. Gus is the good guy, he worked with the University by taking the new contract, he was committed to Auburn, he worked under the restrictions that the Auburn power men put on him. If he wins big, then he did it despite Auburn which ups his stock.

That might not come out as clear as I wanted it to. But, in the end the result is Auburn wasn't gonna find an improvement that justified 32 million and tried to save face. Gus gets defenses for any failures next season if he starts job hunting. He walks out the good employee, that took less, worked with the administration, and tried to prove his loyalty while exposing the Auburn administration and PTB for what many coaches around the country already know they are.



The early signing period may have something to do with it.....just another possibility. 

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I have a very different way of looking at things, from my perspective we're a top 4 team and we're going to the playoffs

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7 minutes ago, autigeremt said:

The early signing period may have something to do with it.....just another possibility. 

If I am a recruit with multiple offers I'm not touching that line until something is set in stone of who is coaching Auburn next year.

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8 minutes ago, autigeremt said:

The early signing period may have something to do with it.....just another possibility. 

No one's tricking any recruit or their parent with signing early while all this mess is up in the air.  JMHO

I know for a fact, as a parent of any highly rated recruit I'd damn sure be asking some serious questions of Auburn and I'd be weighing my options for a more stable program.  Nothing forced these kids to sign early, they've got 8-10 more weeks to watch this clown show expose themselves.

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9 minutes ago, cole256 said:

I have a very different way of looking at things, from my perspective we're a top 4 team and we're going to the playoffs

This is the football forum.

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From what I can tell the PTB screwed up the screw up Leath started by offering Malzahn this incredibly screwed up contract.

After this debacle I would be greatly surprised if any head coach with top notch credentials would come to Auburn, regardless of how much money is offered.

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1 hour ago, cole256 said:

I have a very different way of looking at things, from my perspective we're a top 4 team and we're going to the playoffs

Have I stumbled into the basketball forum?

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2 hours ago, Texan4Auburn said:

If I am a recruit with multiple offers I'm not touching that line until something is set in stone of who is coaching Auburn next year.

Oh I know. Just adding to the process. Lol

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2 minutes ago, autigeremt said:

Oh I know. Just adding to the process. Lol

Lol, I really think our power boys would think that. Hey, let's not let anyone anywhere know what is really going on and everybody will sign with us! Then we let them know that Gus is gone, all the coaches we wanted said no, and that we pulled Loeffler from Bowling Green.

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2 minutes ago, AU-HANDLEY-TIGER said:

If Gus decides he wants out?! I’m available on Saturdays to help pack his moving van.

PM me. I'll help too. 👍

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42 minutes ago, gr82be said:
45 minutes ago, AU-HANDLEY-TIGER said:

If Gus decides he wants out?! I’m available on Saturdays to help pack his moving van.

PM me. I'll help too. 👍

I can't help much physically with my current health condition but I'll volunteer to pass out Gatorade & Beer.

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1 hour ago, auburnphan said:

if he wanted out he would have been gone......close thread

:)   Yep...it would be much easier to leave  than to fight the current battle. 

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16 minutes ago, AU64 said:
1 hour ago, auburnphan said:

if he wanted out he would have been gone......close thread

:)   Yep...it would be much easier to leave  than to fight the current battle. 

Plus, more lucrative...

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I think Gus knows this is his last job at this level, hence his willingness to have his authority stripped away.

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49 minutes ago, CR said:

I think Gus knows this is his last job at this level, hence his willingness to have his authority stripped away.

What good is he as an HC then if he has no authority? It's like being the Queen of England, just a figurehead. 

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4 minutes ago, cctiger said:

What good is he as an HC then if he has no authority? It's like being the Queen of England, just a figurehead. 

None. I'm not defending it, this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of a coach agreeing to.

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41 minutes ago, cctiger said:

What good is he as an HC then if he has no authority? It's like being the Queen of England, just a figurehead. 

Yeah, but a FILTHY STINKIN' RICH figurehead!!

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I would like to know how our staff salaries excluding Gus are with compared to the other SEC schools?  Not sure where were are in SEC, but let's say for crunching numbers sake we are number 3 or 4. Maybe the thinking of the PTB is that yes we are OK with this level but do not want it to increase. This does merit some logic. Let's say that Chip leaves and Gus hires someone he wants besides Freeze and wants to pay him what Chip was making. This solves this problem with Gus getting a new OC.

Gus will still get 7 million next year regardless and will still be a top 5 paid coach so he is not taking a cut in salary but just a reduction in buyout. I honestly think that Gus wants a new OC & OL coach. I see no changes on the defensive side of the ball coach-wise. We have no idea of what the PTB wanted to get the buyout down to and for numbers sake, let's say it is $24 million with a 6 million reduction of which is still close to a staggering figure.

What needs to be done asap to stop the media feeding frenzy and to get our recruiting back on track if Gus is indeed staying is to do the following:

PTB go on record stating that Gus is our coach for 2019 and beyond and we will do all we can to support him and give him what is needed to get us back to the top of the SEC. We are going to work on getting the football only facility off of the ground as soon as possible and will work with getting the funding sources secured to make this happen in the near future.

Upgrades to JHS will also be initiated and funding sources for this project will be secured as well. If Gus is staying, this needs to be done asap to stop this unnecessary bleeding . If the PTB will go on record with this before the sun sets for not too many days, then this thing will die down quickly and recruiting can get back on track.

I would love to hear comments on this. If I am off base, then so be it. I do not mind being wrong and try to learn from my mistakes.



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12 hours ago, cctiger said:

What good is he as an HC then if he has no authority? It's like being the Queen of England, just a figurehead. 

The Queen is upset with Brexit from what I hear; an exit much like ours!

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14 hours ago, CR said:

None. I'm not defending it, this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of a coach agreeing to.

This is the same coach that “took a knee” three minute from half with 3 timeouts and the same one that ran the clock out at the end of the game to keep the Bama’s offense on the bench. He has been neutered, this just prove it.

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