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Merry Christmas


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As a Pastor of 30 plus years, and a Christian since the tender age of 7, it is sometimes tough to remain silent on here but I realize that rules apply to all-- regardless.  So I try to abide by that I said I would when I joined.  But it is in this time of year I feel I can express myself the most and not offend or break that which I have committed to.

Christmas is made up of so many things.  Because of that, many have good and not so good memories of this time.  But Christmas of itself is simple.  It is the story of God loving man so much He gave His SON.  It was the ultimate Gift.  Where separation and no way to ever heal a broken relationship was, God came and extended His mercy and grace and love to a fallen race.  When they could never come to Him, He came to them.  He was that Gift!  The Angel said it best to the Shepherds.  God extended "  Peace, Good Will "  towards US.....  

a STRANGE way to save the World, is one song.  It matters not whether you are a believer or not for Christmas goes beyond that.  It did not happen for an individual, it happened for all.

Merry Christmas my Auburn brothers.  God is with Us.  Emmanuel.  May you all know the Joy and the Peace of Christmas.( regardless to where you are a believer or not)

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Very well said Brother. God Bless. Merry Christmas!!! “Long lay the earth in sin and err opining, until HE appeared and the Soul felt its Worth “.......

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26 minutes ago, lost said:

As a Pastor of 30 plus years, and a Christian since the tender age of 7, it is sometimes tough to remain silent on here but I realize that rules apply to all-- regardless.  So I try to abide by that I said I would when I joined.  But it is in this time of year I feel I can express myself the most and not offend or break that which I have committed to.

Christmas is made up of so many things.  Because of that, many have good and not so good memories of this time.  But Christmas of itself is simple.  It is the story of God loving man so much He gave His SON.  It was the ultimate Gift.  Where separation and no way to ever heal a broken relationship was, God came and extended His mercy and grace and love to a fallen race.  When they could never come to Him, He came to them.  He was that Gift!  The Angel said it best to the Shepherds.  God extended "  Peace, Good Will "  towards US.....  

a STRANGE way to save the World, is one song.  It matters not whether you are a believer or not for Christmas goes beyond that.  It did not happen for an individual, it happened for all.

Merry Christmas my Auburn brothers.  God is with Us.  Emmanuel.  May you all know the Joy and the Peace of Christmas.( regardless to where you are a believer or not)

Thank you Lost. Merry Christmas to you. 

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Thank you Lost. It would truly be a sad case if you couldn't express your Christmas feelings here. God bless you and your family and have a blessed Christmas.

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Just say “Merry Christmas to all “ and a Happy New Year to all of the Auburn Families out there!

War Eagle 🦅 

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Thank you for reminding us of the real reason for Christmas. Celebrating our Lord and all he has done for us. Merry Christmas to all.

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DSCN3069.JPGAbove all, all hands...BE SAFE!

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11 hours ago, McLoofus said:

My house is full of presents, food, liquor, children, in-laws, and a 16-yr old dog struggling with incontinence.


Image result for christmas vacation gif

Now THAT's Christmas.

Merry Christmas to all of you.

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1 hour ago, augolf1716 said:

You should be in bed waiting for Santa at this time of night

OK...tucked in and ready for Santa 


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Remember the true meaning of today, Happy birthday Jesus, the greatest gift of all. He can take the ordinary and make it truly extraordinary.

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