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Chris Hodges- Church of the Highlands Pastor Controversy


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Pastor Chris Hodges responds to social media controversy

Pastor Chris Hodges

Pastor Chris Hodges, founder of the Church of the Highlands.


The pastor of Alabama’s largest church has come under fire for following and liking social media posts by Charlie Kirk, president of the conservative non-profit Turning Point USA, a high school and college campus organization often controversial for its political stances.

A Birmingham high school English teacher did a post on Facebook pointing out that Pastor Chris Hodges, founder of the Church of the Highlands, repeatedly “liked” social media posts by Kirk.

“I do not attend Church of the Highlands,” said Jasmine Faith Clisby, who teaches English at Carver High School, has a degree in English from the University of Alabama, a master’s degree in education from UAB and is working on a doctorate in education at UAB.


“I would be upset if it comes off as me judging him,” she said. “It’s not that. I’m not saying he’s a racist. I’m saying he likes someone who post things that do not seem culturally sensitive to me.”


She said she found it objectionable and noteworthy that Hodges followed Kirk on social media.


“One of the main things Kirk harps on is white privilege being a myth,” Clisby said.


“I found something troubling," Clisby said. "I can’t see into Pastor Chris Hodges’ heart.”


One meme shared by Kirk featured a photo of Donald Trump standing alongside Muhammad Ali and Rosa Parks, with the caption, “The racist Donald Trump in the 1980s,” next to a photo of Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam in a photo of two men wearing blackface and a KKK costume in a 1984 yearbook photo for Eastern Virginia Medical School. The caption for the second photo was “Progressive Leftist Ralph Northam in the 1980s.”


Clisby also shared a screen shot of that post with Hodges as one of those who “liked” the post on social media. Another screen shot showed Hodges liking a post about former President Barack Obama playing golf beneath a quote from Michelle Obama urging people to stay home except for essential activities. Another screen shot shows Hodges liking a photo of Kirk donating blood above the sentence, “We all must do our part to defeat China Virus.”


Hodges, who has been active in the Evangelicals for Trump Coalition, addressed racism in his online sermon Sunday morning and mentioned the social media post.


“White supremacy or any supremacy other than Christ, is of the devil,” Hodges said. “Some have even brought our church or even me into question. They’re wondering, where do you really stand? I think some saw something on social media that questioned my character. And, I’ll own it, by the way, but that is not what I believe.”

Hodges devoted much of his morning sermon on Sunday and a prayer service on Saturday morning to discussing racism.


It has been an incredibly tough season for our nation,” Hodges said Sunday. “Not only the coronavirus, which has tensions at their highest, but of course the racial injustices we’re experiencing,” he said.


“On Monday, once again, an unarmed black man died needlessly, as a police officer knelt on George Floyd’s neck," Hodges said. "I know with each new incident, with this one, Ahmaud Arbery, I think of Atatiana Jefferson, it’s disgraceful that racism, injustice, bigotry, prejudice, still even exists at all. I want you to know that I believe it makes God angry and it makes us angry too. I know we need to do something. We need to pray. We need to be the church. But Proverbs 31 says to speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves. Ensure justice for those who are being crushed. Think of that verse. Speak up for the poor and the helpless. Be sure that they get justice. I know our nation needs healing. It needs change. There’s many things that need to take place, beyond just prayer. I think prayer is probably the most important, personally I believe that. But I recognize a lot needs to be done. But as the Bible teaches, as Jesus teaches, as Dr. King taught so beautifully, that hatred cannot drive out hatred, violence doesn’t heal violence. It’s okay to be angry about an unfair system, injustices, but Romans 12:21 says don’t be overcome by that evil, overcome the evil with good. And I recognize that we need to speak up. People have asked, is Highlands going to say anything? I feel like we have, but I will make sure today. If that has not been clear to you, I’m going to make sure today that racism, bigotry, prejudice are real, they exist, and they are of the devil.

“It is not what we teach," Hodges said. "I understand how this has made you feel and I apologize. Honestly, it’s understandable to me. I don’t take it personally. I know people are hurting right now and they want clarity. I would love for you to not just look at a microscopic zoom-in but look at the totality of 37 years of ministry and 19 years as a church. If you look at that it will be abundantly clear that we value every person. For every person that has been marginalized, rejected or belittled, abused or even afraid because of how God made you, Tammy and I, the Church of the Highlands family, stand with you.”


Hodges added, “We will never stop fighting for liberty and justice for all. I love you. I’m sorry for perhaps the way you feel. I beg for us to come together in unity under the name of Jesus. And I really believe that God will heal our land.”


Clisby said she listened to Hodges’ sermon on Sunday and his reference to the social media.


“He admitted to it; he owns up to it,” she said. “He says he doesn’t believe that.”


Clisby said she was making a point about cultural sensitivity.


“With the racial unrest going on in our country, awareness is important in things that spark up tough conversations,” she said. “He more than likely is a great man. When we come from different backgrounds, it’s hard for those worlds to intertwine. We don’t talk about things that are hard to discuss.”

While majority white, the Church of the Highlands draws thousands of black worshippers, including at two inner-city Birmingham congregations, meeting at Woodlawn High School and at Parker High School in west Birmingham. Former Auburn University football player Mayo Sowell, who is black, is the campus pastor at the Parker High School location and preaches the sermons there. At more than 20 other branch locations across the state, sermons by Hodges were shown on video as part of in-person worship services before shutting down as a precaution against the coronavirus. For the past 12 weeks, the Church of the Highlands has held online worship services without Sunday morning in-person group gatherings. Hodges has discussed bringing back Sunday in-person worship services by June 21, although no final determination has been made.


On Tuesday, June 2, Hodges sent out the following apology:


I want to talk to you from my heart.


The first thing that I want to do is apologize. I’m sorry. As a pastor and, more importantly, as a follower of Jesus, I work to consider every action carefully, weigh every word, and be respectful of every person and opinion, as Christ taught.

I realize that I have hurt people that I love deeply because I “liked” multiple insensitive social media posts. Each one was a mistake. I own it. I’m sorry. I’ve learned so much in the past few days about racial disparities in America. I wish I could sit down and have a conversation with everyone impacted or hurt by my actions.


I have realized I can’t thoughtlessly scroll through social media and click "like" on a post while not fully understanding all that post represents. After taking the time to review and reflect, I can tell you those social media posts that I "liked" do not reflect, in any way, my true feelings or beliefs. I now realize they were hurtful and divisive, and I sincerely apologize.


I own my mistakes and ask forgiveness from those I have offended. Please know that I have learned, and will continue to learn, so much from this.


Over the last 20 years, our church and I have fought for the disenfranchised, marginalized, and hurting of ALL races in our community. But this week, I’ve learned that even with 20 years of loving and serving people, it’s still possible to have a blind spot that you just didn’t know was there.


I realize it is my responsibility to have more conversations to become better aware of the pain and the hurt, and to understand ALL people better.

As painful as this has been for many of you, it has opened my eyes to something that I just didn't fully understand. Not because I didn't want to, but because I didn't realize I didn’t see it, and comprehend it like I should.


Through conversations this week where I just listened, I am learning more about unconscious bias and privilege. I have always had the privilege of never being followed around a store because of the color of my skin. That's a privilege I didn't even realize I had. I've never had to sit down with my kids and teach them the beauty of their skin color because someone at their school had devalued them merely because of it.


I can tell you this: With revelation comes responsibility. I have the responsibility of learning new thoughts and new points of view. Conversations I wish I had engaged in years ago will now shape who I will be in the years to come. Soon, I will be holding forums at our church to hear from Highlands members of all races, to share their experiences and heart. I am determined to listen, learn, and be a part of the solution.


I understand my influence, not only in our church locally, but as a voice to many churches globally. I take my responsibilities very seriously. I love you so much, and I’m deeply sorry that I hurt you. I have spent my lifetime loving and pouring into people, and moving forward, I will prove to you that even at 56 years old, you can still learn, you can get better, you can make changes and love people more deeply. I’m committed to that.

I can promise you one thing: As a pastor, I will continuously do my best to lead you to Jesus, and I will also teach you, by my actions, what it looks like to need Him. This won't be the last mistake that I make or the last bit of mercy I will need. I need God's compassion and your mercy.


All of us need God’s grace and mercy in this season, and I’m asking you to help me, help us, get better. Let’s all learn more, pray more, love better, and stand stronger so that we can see His Kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.


With love,


Pastor Chris

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Birmingham agencies drop church over pastor's social media


BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — A large Alabama church has lost its leases with the city of Birmingham's school district amid criticism of social media activity by its senior pastor.

The Birmingham City Schools Board of Education voted Tuesday to terminate its leases with the Church of the Highlands, which had been holding services inside two high schools, news outlets reported.

And the day before, Birmingham's Housing Authority voted to end its partnership with the church, which had provided outreach programs and social services in a public housing community.

Senior Pastor Chris Hodges recently apologized after screenshots shared online showed him “liking” posts by Charlie Kirk, the president of the pro-Trump organization Turning Point USA. The posts were criticized as being racially insensitive, news outlets reported.

“I can tell you those social media posts that I ‘liked’ do not reflect, in any way, my true feelings or beliefs,” Hodges said in the June 2 statement. “I now realize they were hurtful and divisive, and I sincerely apologize.”

Some of these posts promoted President Donald Trump, attacked former President Barack Obama, and questioned the idea that white privilege exists.

Kirk tweeted this in response to the backlash: “If you cave to the leftist, activist media mob they will come for you next. Stand up to the mob, have courage, trust in the Lord, and fight for truth!" Donald Trump Jr., meanwhile, tweeted that the city officials' decision to cut ties to the church is “absolutely insane.”

The church had paid the Birmingham school district an average of $12,000 a month to use the two high schools for services, AL.com reported. The school board did not discuss its vote to terminate the leases, which was unanimous, according to multiple news outlets.

The housing authority told news outlets that its board of commissioners “agreed that Pastor Hodges’ views do not reflect those of HABD and its residents; and Hodges’ values are not in line with those of HABD residents.”

In response, Hodges told AL.com, “We want to publicly thank the Birmingham Housing Authority for the opportunity they provided us to serve them over the years. We continue to support their work and encourage others to do the same.”

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To me, this is similar to the Dree Brees issue. Church of the Highlands (COTH) has done more for this state and for poor black people in this state than any other entity (I cannot prove this statement so please challenge me on it.) The pastor of COTH "followed" and "liked" some posts from a conservative organization (Turning Point). I don't think it has even been shown that any of the posts that he "liked" were in any way racist. So now the Birmingham City Schools and Birmingham Housing Authority refuses to be served by the church.

Does this make any sense to anyone? Once again, I am concerned that many people (black and white) are going to withdraw from the discussion because they will perceive that instead of advancing the cause of racial equality and minimizing police brutality the mission has become to bash prominent white people. I sure hope that we can stay focused on what is important.

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If it turns out he was “liking” actual racist post then I could see where they want separation. If not, looks like a knee jerk reaction. 

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12 hours ago, Grumps said:

To me, this is similar to the Dree Brees issue. Church of the Highlands (COTH) has done more for this state and for poor black people in this state than any other entity (I cannot prove this statement so please challenge me on it.) The pastor of COTH "followed" and "liked" some posts from a conservative organization (Turning Point). I don't think it has even been shown that any of the posts that he "liked" were in any way racist. So now the Birmingham City Schools and Birmingham Housing Authority refuses to be served by the church.

Does this make any sense to anyone? Once again, I am concerned that many people (black and white) are going to withdraw from the discussion because they will perceive that instead of advancing the cause of racial equality and minimizing police brutality the mission has become to bash prominent white people. I sure hope that we can stay focused on what is important.

i have read a few things and it seems he does not understand white privilege. what pisses me off is he teaches how evil dems are on a regular basis and from the handful of church goers who commented on the thread i was reading were fine with that. it is a bad look for any church that should be about love. it certainly keeps me out of church and i am not sure jesus is ok with that. my opinion is they want to play politics ignoring separation between church and state them tax em.

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12 hours ago, wdefromtx said:

And you wonder why nobody takes you serious.

he caused division in his own church. several folks have left. i take homie pretty serious. while we do not always agree i find he is honest and he always backs up his claims with links and or articles. when you make comments like you just made i do not understand why you allow yourself the privilege you would refuse him. help me understand this better if you can or will. the whole point of homies posting is because he wants a better america.

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12 hours ago, wdefromtx said:

If it turns out he was “liking” actual racist post then I could see where they want separation. If not, looks like a knee jerk reaction. 

The posts in question, according to FOX


One of the posts, according to AL.com, shows two photos — one of President Trump standing next to Muhammad Ali and Rosa Parks with the caption “The racist Donald Trump in the 1980s,” and the other Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam with two men wearing blackface and a KKK costume with the caption “Progressive Leftist Ralph Northam in the 1980s.”

Another screenshot showed former President Barack Obama playing golf beneath a quote from Michelle Obama urging people to stay home except for essential activities. Another screenshot shows Hodges liking a photo of Kirk donating blood above the sentence, “We all must do our part to defeat China Virus.”



That article also says Kirk was scheduled to speak at a Church of the Highlands youth group. Oy vey. Kirk is a provocateur and a dumbass, and I hate that the church is associating with people like him.

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13 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

i have read a few things and it seems he does not understand white privilege. what pisses me off is he teaches how evil dems are on a regular basis and from the handful of church goers who commented on the thread i was reading were fine with that. it is a bad look for any church that should be about love. it certainly keeps me out of church and i am not sure jesus is ok with that. my opinion is they want to play politics ignoring separation between church and state them tax em.

Please post what you have read that indicates that he does not understand white privilege. Please show me ANYTHING he has taught that is negative about democrats. I think you are honest so, in this case, I think you are just mistaken.

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11 minutes ago, AUDub said:

The posts in question, according to FOX


That article also says Kirk was scheduled to speak at a Church of the Highlands youth group. Oy vey. Kirk is a provocateur and a dumbass, and I hate that the church is associating with people like him.

If you can find the article that says that Kirk was scheduled to speak at the church would you please provide a link for it? I could not find it and would love to see it.

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6 minutes ago, Grumps said:

Please post what you have read that indicates that he does not understand white privilege. Please show me ANYTHING he has taught that is negative about democrats. I think you are honest so, in this case, I think you are just mistaken.

grumps the white privilege thing is on your own post. the comments made about dems being evil were from members of that church and altho it was only two or three they all agreed. and it was a discussion on facebook. you believe what you want. i just had an old GF get saved and after coming out of her church she claimed wow dems are evil. if you do not want to believe it fine. what reason do i have to lie about it?

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7 minutes ago, Grumps said:

If you can find the article that says that Kirk was scheduled to speak at the church would you please provide a link for it? I could not find it and would love to see it.


Kirk, who was scheduled to speak to Church of the Highlands' youth group, told Fox News he is "deeply saddened" that he is "being slandered by the mob for stating mainstream pieces of widely-cited data and public information."
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11 minutes ago, Grumps said:

Please post what you have read that indicates that he does not understand white privilege. Please show me ANYTHING he has taught that is negative about democrats. I think you are honest so, in this case, I think you are just mistaken.

i just told you brother grumps. i was told in a discussion many members were leaving and most were minorities. my side is i knmow little about kirk but it would appear he is racist of some kind? i will try to look him up when i get through my morning rounds. right now i have about three windows open i need to look at first. to be fair it is my understanding that the church has done some great things. i know they were considering taking over the the old entertainment  center at oxford lake. not sure if temp or trying to move in permanent.

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

i have read a few things and it seems he does not understand white privilege. what pisses me off is he teaches how evil dems are on a regular basis and from the handful of church goers who commented on the thread i was reading were fine with that. it is a bad look for any church that should be about love. it certainly keeps me out of church and i am not sure jesus is ok with that. my opinion is they want to play politics ignoring separation between church and state them tax em.

And that's exactly why a pastor posting political comments on the Internet is a dumb ****.

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I have no association with COTH.  Never attended any of their services or watched one online at home.  I know a handful of people who attend one of the campuses here in Alabama.

But having watched them in the community, read about their involvement in B'ham and other cities around the state, and researched Chris Hodges' history and background, I'm having a hard time seeing him as some closet racist that accidentally outed himself with some ill-advised social media follows and likes.  I do think pastors need to be a lot more aware of how follows and likes can be interpreted by others.  They are often not seen as just a meaningless chuckle at a single joke or point being made in isolation, but an endorsement of all that the original poster's views.  Fair or not, it's what happens and it's not just pastors who get into trouble over it.  Celebrities, CEOs, politicians and others have come under similar scrutiny.  So I think he should have been a lot more careful about who he followed online and posts he liked, especially when those posts and accounts talk a lot about social and political matters.  (And don't even get me started on the tendency of white evangelicals to reflexively support all things politically conservative/Republican)

All that said, when I look at his track record, I look at the posts he liked, and I look at his apology, I think this thing has gotten completely overblown.  And from what I do know about Birmingham city politics, this stuff with the leases and such is more about a cadre of political leaders up there who've had their nose out of joint about COTH over other stuff seizing upon any flimsy opportunity they can to stick it to them and try and get the church out of certain areas of town than a serious and thoughtful objection to what he actually did.   And I also think Hodges' response to this is telling - there's nary a trace of complaint or hitting back.  Just a commitment to continue helping the city's residents in any way they can going forward.  He's obeying Christ in turning the other cheek on what I think is some unfair treatment all things considered.

I believe if this humble attitude and willingness to listen and learn continues, a few months from now this will be largely forgotten.  COTH will adapt and figure out new ways to continue helping their communities regardless of any access to city facilities, and whatever these council members were trying to accomplish with this move will be a failure in the long run.

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2 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

grumps the white privilege thing is on your own post. the comments made about dems being evil were from members of that church and altho it was only two or three they all agreed. and it was a discussion on facebook. you believe what you want. i just had an old GF get saved and after coming out of her church she claimed wow dems are evil. if you do not want to believe it fine. what reason do i have to lie about it?

You said "he teaches how evil dems are on a regular basis ." Now you say "two or three they all agree." If you keep walking it back you may get to the truth.

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2 hours ago, homersapien said:

And that's exactly why a pastor posting political comments on the Internet is a dumb ****.

Rev Al Sharpton, Rev Jesse Jackson, Rev Ralph Abernathy, Rev MLK jr, etc...they all say hi btw. 

I think what you mean, what you almost always mean, is that anyone that disagrees with YOU should not post anything online.
That Free Speech exists only for your kind of screwy version of Wall Street so-called Neo-Liberalism.
Chris Hodges, as Titan said, really only accepted blame and moved on. 

Now, I think the good pastor, a man that is wildly successful at his job but yet has avoided becoming a TV Evangelist is doing about as well as any Pastor in America. 
His church's teaching materials are wildly popular and effective. 

But all that fades away because...dun dun dun...He doesnt agree with homeys talking points.  Damn him to heck...
Someone get the nails and lets crucify the bastard because he has committed the unpardonable sins of being a pastor with a history of very mild political communication and not agreeing with homey. 

Now, i will say that any church using a high school building should have its head examined. It was only a matter of time before the PC Police came and practiced Cancel Culture on your doorstep. Folks, this was a 100% guaranteed gonna happen at some point. I am kind of glad it was just over a speaker and few likes than something really meaningful.

I mean, if he had worn blackface like Northam, homey wouldnt have a word to say about that just like he had nothing to say about Northam. 
I mean Northam got nothing, no riots, no reprimands by the Dems, NOTHING. Northam is still proudly the Democrat Governor of VA, in blackface.

image.jpeg Nope, nothing offensive here. but liking a twitter post making fun of this, OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!
I mean really, what is offensive about a guy in Black Face standing next to a guy in KLAN Robes. Move along....


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55 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

what I do know about Birmingham city politics, this stuff with the leases and such is more about a cadre of political leaders up there who've had their nose out of joint about **** over other stuff seizing upon any flimsy opportunity they can to stick it to them and try and get the church out of certain areas of town than a serious and thoughtful objection to what he actually did

As an exercise, I- someone who ages ago had a brief and peripheral glimpse behind the scenes of Bham politics and who knows nothing concrete of this COTH situation- redacted the "defendant"'s name from the above thoughts and re-read it. And my response is pretty much:

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3 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

he caused division in his own church. several folks have left. i take homie pretty serious. while we do not always agree i find he is honest and he always backs up his claims with links and or articles. when you make comments like you just made i do not understand why you allow yourself the privilege you would refuse him. help me understand this better if you can or will. the whole point of homies posting is because he wants a better america.

Homie wants a better America that suits his own personal thoughts of what he thinks is right. That’s fine and all, but his views are wholly one sided and he doesn’t want to engage in actually listening to what the other side of the aisle has to say. Granted I see some on both sides that do the same. When Homie gets called out he gets very petulant, and wants to claim to be the victim. Starts the name calling and whines about others calling him out or dishing it back to him. Why would anyone take him seriously? He shows his true intelligence and maturity when he does that. If he wants to engage in meaningful debate I welcome it. But he and a few others have this “holier than thou” attitude when talking to people that don’t fall in block step with their thoughts. And the hypocrisy, that’s a whole other issue. He said he is trying to change his ways, so hopefully he will mature.


For instance you and I may not see eye to eye on everything, but we can have a candid back and forth. It’s respect, you show you respect others and it gets returned. Some others on here, not so much. 


Hope that helps you see my viewpoint! 

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4 hours ago, Grumps said:

You said "he teaches how evil dems are on a regular basis ." Now you say "two or three they all agree." If you keep walking it back you may get to the truth.

i am saying his ...some...church members are saying he teaches dems are evil.and they agreed with him. believe it or not i do not have to make anything up with all the crap that is out there to choose from. if you want to call something not weel stated on my part to lying then go for it big boy. nothing i say is going to convince you otherwise.

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2 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

i am saying his ...some...church members are saying he teaches dems are evil.and they agreed with him. believe it or not i do not have to make anything up with all the crap that is out there to choose from. if you want to call something not weel stated on my part to lying then go for it big boy. nothing i say is going to convince you otherwise.

Just for the record, I specifically stated that I think that you are honest. Feel free to go back and look at it.

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14 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

i am saying his ...some...church members are saying he teaches dems are evil.and they agreed with him. believe it or not i do not have to make anything up with all the crap that is out there to choose from. if you want to call something not weel stated on my part to lying then go for it big boy. nothing i say is going to convince you otherwise.

I've never heard of him being quite that partisan.  I have heard that some comments in his sermons lean heavily conservative.  But that's a blind spot a lot of pastors have across the political spectrum, not just Hodges.

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