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Allen Greene needs to step up concerning vaccinations

Eagle Eye 7

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2 minutes ago, Butthead said:

And who shall be the arbitrator of who is deserving?  Or shall we just defer to the old angry guy who sits in in house all day posting on internet message boards?

Ever hear of triage?  Just add it to the protocol.

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2 minutes ago, Butthead said:

And who shall be the arbitrator of who is deserving?  Or shall we just defer to the old angry guy who sits in in house all day posting on internet message boards?

The arbitrator is the choice that people make. Freedom isn't free. You are free to refuse the vaccine, but in doing so you make the choice in a triage situation to put yourself behind those who chose to be responsible to themselves, their family, their friends and their communities by getting the vaccine.

There's precedent for this all over medicine. You on the list for a liver transplant and choose to drink while someone else on the list does what they are supposed to do and does not? You've made the choice. They go first.

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LSU requiring proof of vaccination or a negative test in last 72 hours to attend football games. Will other SEC schools follow suit?


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On 8/20/2021 at 4:44 PM, Eagle Eye 7 said:

I don’t care what the Coach’s opinion on Covid is. He works for the university and is supposed to be doing what’s best for the players and the university. Saben has Alabama at 100%. Why? Because if we are not we can expect to lose a couple of games because of players getting the virus. This isn’t the coaches call it the University presidents call and Greene should tell Coach H that failure to do it would be cause to fire him without completing his contract. Just stupid. Now the coach has Covid and probably has spread it to the team. I beginning to think we hired the wrong guy. 

Can't Fix Stupid GIFs | Tenor

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1 minute ago, gravejd said:

LSU requiring proof of vaccination or a negative test in last 72 hours to attend football games. Will other SEC schools follow suit?


Not in AL.  You can thank Kay Ivey for that.  She banned Covid passports. 

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7 minutes ago, CleCoTiger said:

The arbitrator is the choice that people make. Freedom isn't free. You are free to refuse the vaccine, but in doing so you make the choice in a triage situation to put yourself behind those who chose to be responsible to themselves, their family, their friends and their communities by getting the vaccine.

There's precedent for this all over medicine. You on the list for a liver transplant and choose to drink while someone else on the list does what they are supposed to do and does not? You've made the choice. They go first.

Ok, let's get a fine point on this so we know where you stand.  Two patients show up at the hospital with COVID (assume, bad) symptoms, but there is only one bed.  Same age, same gender, both wearing AU gear.  Triage determines both are in equally bad shape.

Patient A has a lung defect since birth that minimizes function.  Otherwise normal and healthy.  No vaccine (reason not specified).

Patient B is morbidly obese and Type 2 diabetic.  Fully vaxxed.  

You admit B every time and on Sunday, right?




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I wouldn’t vote to deny people medical care on the basis of whether or not they’d been vaccinated, but I’d be willing to compromise as long as others who ignore major health recommendations are similarly sent to the back of the line. I think refusing treatment to drug users, chronic alcoholics and those injured in the commission of felonies might set Darwin back to work in our gene pool.  

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2 hours ago, metafour said:

Jesse Jackson and his wife are both vaxed and they're both currently HOSPITALIZED with COVID. So not only does it not protect you from getting infected, and doesn't prevent you from infecting others, it also doesn't even guarantee to "reduce symptoms" either. Oh yeah, and it's effectiveness against the new variants is basically laughable (see: Israel).

And this is the treatment that EVERYONE should just get...because?

What you actually have is people who did as they were told, who now want reassurance in the form of everyone else in society being subjected to the same fate as themselves. It's an extremely common human psychological crutch that has been proven through experiment. All masked under some pseudo-moralistic veil of being "on the right side" of something. No, you aren't a hero who is saving the planet - you're just doubtful and scared yourself, and it feels comforting if everyone else in the tribe is injected with the same potion.


Be careful using 2 prople and apply that to everyone. 

Nearly this entire post is wrong

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13 minutes ago, passthebiscuits said:

I respect a person’s right to make decisions for oneself (with a doctors’ input as well). I understand the pushback to the idea that the government mandates or coerces us into anything. I also understand the hesitancy regarding the vaccine’s safety. I am keenly aware of the talking points and the uncertainties inevitable to these kinds of issues. 

However, there are some things that are clear at this point: 

1) Covid is real, and despite it being 99% survivable, it causes long term complications in many. And that 1% that have succumbed to the illness are real people. Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, pregnant patients, kids! I am surrounded by it every day as I work as a physician. We have no beds.Unvaccinated hospitalized covid patients cost our health care system over 2 billion dollars in June and July alone.  I have watched people die with Covid. 

2) The shot is safe and effective. It is a true miracle. To the very best that we can study a vaccine that was needed in record time, it is safe. Early August’s numbers alone show that 11,600 unvaccinated people in Alabama have died of Covid. 26 died of Covid that have been vaccinated. Even a Bama fan can tell you that the score 11,600-26 is real.

3) I am on the front lines. I don’t wear a lab coat. I probably stand with you in your grocery store. I am probably the least politically motivated person in the  world. I am also a cancer survivor. I am a physician.  I am absolutely dismayed at the lack of empathy and compassion toward human life. The shot saves people. This is absolutely a public health issue and not a political one. 

In summary: There is no debate. If you care about yourself, get the shot. If you care about those around you, get the shot. If you make a decision NOT to get the shot based on your own personal health reasons, personal religious convictions, or because you’ve had the virus and feel that you have antibodies—fine. But please, I’m begging you here, don’t make the decision based on political ideology. It’s not worth it. 

What I think we are seeing in real time is distrust. We don’t trust our government, leaders, politicians, church-leaders, doctors, etc.. To whom do we turn to then? I am a Christian. My Bible says that I am to treat others better than myself. (Phil 2)  I wonder sometimes if we fight each other to win the argument so much that we miss the big idea that what we should trust is God’s unfailing love for us. 

I have only your best interests at heart. I want to see all of you in Jordan-Hare healthy. I don’t think it’s Harsin’s job to tell anyone to get the shot or not. At this point, it’s out there and trustworthy people have spoken. 

War Eagle. 


Excellent post Biscuits!

Thank you for efforts combating COVID and helping others as a physician.

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21 minutes ago, passthebiscuits said:

I respect a person’s right to make decisions for oneself (with a doctors’ input as well). I understand the pushback to the idea that the government mandates or coerces us into anything. I also understand the hesitancy regarding the vaccine’s safety. I am keenly aware of the talking points and the uncertainties inevitable to these kinds of issues. 

However, there are some things that are clear at this point: 

1) Covid is real, and despite it being 99% survivable, it causes long term complications in many. And that 1% that have succumbed to the illness are real people. Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, pregnant patients, kids! I am surrounded by it every day as I work as a physician. We have no beds.Unvaccinated hospitalized covid patients cost our health care system over 2 billion dollars in June and July alone.  I have watched people die with Covid. 

2) The shot is safe and effective. It is a true miracle. To the very best that we can study a vaccine that was needed in record time, it is safe. Early August’s numbers alone show that 11,600 unvaccinated people in Alabama have died of Covid. 26 died of Covid that have been vaccinated. Even a Bama fan can tell you that the score 11,600-26 is real.

3) I am on the front lines. I don’t wear a lab coat. I probably stand with you in your grocery store. I am probably the least politically motivated person in the  world. I am also a cancer survivor. I am a physician.  I am absolutely dismayed at the lack of empathy and compassion toward human life. The shot saves people. This is absolutely a public health issue and not a political one. 

In summary: There is no debate. If you care about yourself, get the shot. If you care about those around you, get the shot. If you make a decision NOT to get the shot based on your own personal health reasons, personal religious convictions, or because you’ve had the virus and feel that you have antibodies—fine. But please, I’m begging you here, don’t make the decision based on political ideology. It’s not worth it. 

What I think we are seeing in real time is distrust. We don’t trust our government, leaders, politicians, church-leaders, doctors, etc.. To whom do we turn to then? I am a Christian. My Bible says that I am to treat others better than myself. (Phil 2)  I wonder sometimes if we fight each other to win the argument so much that we miss the big idea that what we should trust is God’s unfailing love for us. 

I have only your best interests at heart. I want to see all of you in Jordan-Hare healthy. I don’t think it’s Harsin’s job to tell anyone to get the shot or not. At this point, it’s out there and trustworthy people have spoken. 

War Eagle. 

Thank you so much for posting this, PTB. I would have thanked you no matter how much it did or didn't align with my perspective. Have been hoping to hear from you. 

Stay safe, dude. 

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6 minutes ago, UncommonGrackle said:

I wouldn’t vote to deny people medical care on the basis of whether or not they’d been vaccinated, but I’d be willing to compromise as long as others who ignore major health recommendations are similarly sent to the back of the line. I think refusing treatment to drug users, chronic alcoholics and those injured in the commission of felonies might set Darwin back to work in our gene pool.  

@DAG has posted many times that that's exactly how it goes. 

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26 minutes ago, passthebiscuits said:

I respect a person’s right to make decisions for oneself (with a doctors’ input as well). I understand the pushback to the idea that the government mandates or coerces us into anything. I also understand the hesitancy regarding the vaccine’s safety. I am keenly aware of the talking points and the uncertainties inevitable to these kinds of issues. 

However, there are some things that are clear at this point: 

1) Covid is real, and despite it being 99% survivable, it causes long term complications in many. And that 1% that have succumbed to the illness are real people. Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, pregnant patients, kids! I am surrounded by it every day as I work as a physician. We have no beds.Unvaccinated hospitalized covid patients cost our health care system over 2 billion dollars in June and July alone.  I have watched people die with Covid. 

2) The shot is safe and effective. It is a true miracle. To the very best that we can study a vaccine that was needed in record time, it is safe. Early August’s numbers alone show that 11,600 unvaccinated people in Alabama have died of Covid. 26 died of Covid that have been vaccinated. Even a Bama fan can tell you that the score 11,600-26 is real.

3) I am on the front lines. I don’t wear a lab coat. I probably stand with you in your grocery store. I am probably the least politically motivated person in the  world. I am also a cancer survivor. I am a physician.  I am absolutely dismayed at the lack of empathy and compassion toward human life. The shot saves people. This is absolutely a public health issue and not a political one. 

In summary: There is no debate. If you care about yourself, get the shot. If you care about those around you, get the shot. If you make a decision NOT to get the shot based on your own personal health reasons, personal religious convictions, or because you’ve had the virus and feel that you have antibodies—fine. But please, I’m begging you here, don’t make the decision based on political ideology. It’s not worth it. 

What I think we are seeing in real time is distrust. We don’t trust our government, leaders, politicians, church-leaders, doctors, etc.. To whom do we turn to then? I am a Christian. My Bible says that I am to treat others better than myself. (Phil 2)  I wonder sometimes if we fight each other to win the argument so much that we miss the big idea that what we should trust is God’s unfailing love for us. 

I have only your best interests at heart. I want to see all of you in Jordan-Hare healthy. I don’t think it’s Harsin’s job to tell anyone to get the shot or not. At this point, it’s out there and trustworthy people have spoken. 

War Eagle. 

Amen brother! Wish you all the best.

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greene said there has been no discussions about proof of vaccines that leads me to think likely wont be any at Auburn.

tennessee saying they wont require any

I’ve been told from someone with Tennessee Athletics that fans will not need proof of vaccination or a negative test prior to entering Neyland Stadium.
kentucky is only requiring masks
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2 hours ago, Butthead said:

i am the exact opposite of a parasite to society.  i have a job, pay taxes, pay for my own health insurance, raise a family, do volunteer work, donate to charity, donate to my schools and those of my children and family, put money away for retirement and for my children to attend college, and give my time to my local community.  i have never collected unemployment.  since i graduated from auburn i have never NOT had a job.  i am 50 plus and in really good shape.  other than when my children were born, i have never spent a night in a hospital.  i am not obese.  i don't have any preexisting conditions.  i don't smoke.  i have never had a flu.  i have never had a flu shot either.  i have O blood type.  i have somehow managed to avoid COVID.

you on the other hand have thousands of posts on a message board and think you know what's best for me.  thanks but no thanks.

Lmao. This reads like satire.

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14 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

@DAG has posted many times that that's exactly how it goes. 

People really don’t understand how healthcare works it seems

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8 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

@DAG has posted many times that that's exactly how it goes. 

He did say something similar but what I understood was chronic drug users aren’t competing for treatment because they don’t require the same resources as a covid patient.

If he was suggesting they outright reject alcoholics, drug users, the morbidly obese and others some might characterize as undeserving of resources im gonna have to throw a flag. 

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Just now, DAG said:

People really don’t understand how healthcare works it seems


*comments about these people out here really fighting to keep profit margins high for insurance companies redacted*


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6 hours ago, AUDevil said:

A savior is born!  His name is Vax and he’s been baptized by Fauci, where the spirit of health descended upon him in the Jordan.  Save us o Holy Vax!  You are our only hope!

 Now let’s turn to the book of CNN and read tonight’s scripture.




I hope this was satire made with tongue in cheek if not, yikes, the self-awareness is lacking.

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5 hours ago, Maverick.AU said:

I had to see my oncologist for 3 straight months from April to June, after not seeing him in 2020 due to Covid. However, that was due to keeping an eye on my hematocrit count since it was elevated. My oncologist did not say anything one way or another about the vaccine, so it is just my choice.

Welp not the answer I was hoping for. Unfortunate.

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Just now, UncommonGrackle said:

He did say something similar but what I understood was chronic drug users aren’t competing for treatment because they don’t require the same resources as a covid patient.

If he was suggesting they outright reject alcoholics, drug users, the morbidly obese and others some might characterize as undeserving of resources im gonna have to throw a flag. 

He said that, generally speaking, those who treat their bodies poorly are de-prioritized for scarce resources. Heavy emphasis on scarce resources because, remember, there aren't a ton of resources that are truly scarce- organs would be an exception- until you have half the country with their heads up their asses trying as hard as they can to stupid their way into intensive care. 

Don't get me wrong, I have no interest in defending the priorities of our healthcare system. But it's not like what you're suggesting isn't a foreign concept that hasn't been implemented. 


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9 minutes ago, UncommonGrackle said:

He did say something similar but what I understood was chronic drug users aren’t competing for treatment because they don’t require the same resources as a covid patient.

If he was suggesting they outright reject alcoholics, drug users, the morbidly obese and others some might characterize as undeserving of resources im gonna have to throw a flag. 

I am not suggesting anything . I am telling you insurance companies , surgeons , etc take into account your medical history and adherence to health. That’s why you insurance becomes sky high if you do the things that actively puts your body at risk. That is why you may fail to get a heart transplant , lung or liver transplant if you don’t meet a certain criteria. I have no idea where people thought you can just do whatever you want and qualify for unlimited health . It doesn’t work that way strictly from a financial Basis , which runs healthcare. It is the same thing with mental health as well. You can be denied going into IOPs, residential programs etc if you prove to be non-adherent simply by your insurance company refusing to cover your stay. Can you afford 2500 dollars a day for a 4-6 week program out of pocket? 

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53 minutes ago, CleCoTiger said:

The arbitrator is the choice that people make. Freedom isn't free. You are free to refuse the vaccine, but in doing so you make the choice in a triage situation to put yourself behind those who chose to be responsible to themselves, their family, their friends and their communities by getting the vaccine.

There's precedent for this all over medicine. You on the list for a liver transplant and choose to drink while someone else on the list does what they are supposed to do and does not? You've made the choice. They go first.

Hhhmmm, so let me see if I have this straight.  A 30 year old presents with Covid, unvaxed; no other pre-existing conditions.  90 year old vaxd with 3 co-morbities presents...you treat the 90 year old?

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8 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

He said that, generally speaking, those who treat their bodies poorly are de-prioritized for scarce resources. Heavy emphasis on scarce resources because, remember, there aren't a ton of resources that are truly scarce- organs would be an exception- until you have half the country with their heads up their asses trying as hard as they can to stupid their way into intensive care. 

Don't get me wrong, I have no interest in defending the priorities of our healthcare system. But it's not like what you're suggesting isn't a foreign concept that hasn't been implemented. 



1 minute ago, DAG said:

I am not suggesting anything . I am telling you insurance companies , surgeons , etc take into account your medical history and adherence to health. That’s why you insurance becomes sky high if you do the things that actively puts your body at risk. That is why you may fail to get a heart transplant , lung or liver transplant if you don’t meet a certain criteria. I have no idea where people thought you can just do whatever you want and qualify for unlimited health . It doesn’t work that way strictly from a financial Basis , which runs healthcare. It is the same thing with mental health as well. You can be denied going into IOPs, residential programs etc if you prove to be non-adherent simply by your insurance company refusing to cover your stay. Can you afford 2500 dollars a day for a 4-6 week program out of pocket? 

I’m a fully vaccinated person who listens to my doctor and advocates for others to do the same. I am not against you. I understand your frustration. My wife, mother and best friend are in healthcare. I know how triage works. I know how insurance works. I understand how transplant lists work. I know that procedures can be denied.

I also know that hospitals don’t boot heroin addicts, COPD,  DUI wreck and gang war victims out to die in the street. 

There are those in this thread advocating for unvaccinated to not be treated or to even seek treatment. Again, I get the frustration. It seems that some people are putting themselves and others at risk through their behavior after being informed of the risk and then taking up resources. 

All I’m saying is if a segment of the population who does things we don’t agree with are left entirely on the outside looking in for healthcare why stop there. Maybe we make em sign a legal document, you can do whatever you want, no vaccines, heroin is legal, juggle chainsaws whatever but don’t call us when it goes bad. 

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6 minutes ago, japantiger said:

Hhhmmm, so let me see if I have this straight.  A 30 year old presents with Covid, unvaxed; no other pre-existing conditions.  90 year old vaxd with 3 co-morbities presents...you treat the 90 year old?

How many detours did you have to take to go that far out of your way to avoid getting the point?

How's this: All else being equal, those who are vaccinated get priority.

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I see certain folks are finding any little thing they can to latch on to to avoid acknowledging the facts- the safest course of action is getting the vaccine- and to avoid discussing personal responsibility, to one's family and to one's community.

It's pathetic behavior. Truly.

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