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Like him or not Bobo called a great game last night. The confidence to throw the ball still isn’t there but the creativity to get the run game to be respected did happen especially late. It will be interesting to see what added wrinkle to the RPO that worked so well last night get implemented this week. 

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The play calling has been pretty good, it would've looked a lot better with better execution but that's every play. From missed blocks, bad drops, bad overthrows, we keep shooting ourselves in the foot. 

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Speaking of play-calling - wth didn't we go for 2 after the late TD? would have made it a 6 point game vs 5. At least give yourself a chance at OT. (I know this isn't Bobo-related, but it's the only lingering annoyance from the game)

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Bobo and play calling have not been the issue this year. It's execution. Even with all the bad execution last night, the play calling put us in a position to win. Very creative with the RPO's and rolling Bo out to protect the tackles. Played to Bo's strengths. The toss call to Hunter on that last drive out the timeout was absolutely perfect for that situation. Wonder if Harsin and Kiesau were more hands on

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