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No spouse tickets!


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Not suprising, with students being told they couldn't return in with legitimate tickets, the fire code violations, etc they have to start weeding out non-students from the student section or expand it.

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I say a stadium expansion is in order. We could fill it up. I don't buy the argument that we don't have enough of a fanbase. It looks like many folks are having problems this year acquiring tickets. AU needs to expand the stadium to 100,000.

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I say a stadium expansion is in order.  We could fill it up.  I don't buy the argument that we don't have enough of a fanbase.  It looks like many folks are having problems this year acquiring tickets.  AU needs to expand the stadium to 100,000.


Shoot, there has been a problem for quite a few years in getting tickets. Unless you are a season ticket holder or you can get on the web at the exact time single game tickets are available and buy them withing the hour, you are out of luck in getting them. The last few times I have been able to make it to a game, I have had to buy them off e-bay or get them from a scalper on game day. What ticks me off is all these internet ticket brokers that buy alot of them and then sell them for a butt load of money. :angry:

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I would support the stadium expansion if we stopped having the likes of Buffalo come. Having almost half of the season see the stadium empty is kind of sad. The expansion would only be beneficial for the SEC games and if we had a big time non-SEC opponent

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Not suprising, with students being told they couldn't return in with legitimate tickets, the fire code violations, etc they have to start weeding out non-students from the student section or expand it.


It puts me in a jam and I'm out some money now. I bought student tickets (I'm a grad student) thinking my wife could get tickets, and now she can't. Had I known this, I would have opted to buy some cheap tickets in the nosebleeds so we could go to the games together. Or, I could have gotten a friend to buy one for me. Now I've got $100 student ticket I won't be able to use. They should have provided prior notice. Where is this demand coming from? The school hasn't grown that much in the past few years, especially with the enrollment cap.

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I would support the stadium expansion if we stopped having the likes of Buffalo come. Having almost half of the season see the stadium empty is kind of sad. The expansion would only be beneficial for the SEC games and if we had a big time non-SEC opponent


Can we not beat this dead horse again? Every school plays its weenies, get over it. USC can't fill up their stadium and they only lost 2 games in 3 years. The money generated in the SEC and big games would be more than ample to cover the smaller revenue generated by playing easy teams. Yeah, the stadium looks empty on a few games, but so what. Its unrealistic to expect people to make the trip to AU every weekend anyways, so you might as well throw them some "off" weekends.

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I haven't even attempted to get tickets for any game this year. I just roadtrip it up to Auburn and suck it up and pay the scalper. I'm sure there are many people who do the same. I remember the student section being ridiculously overcrowded for huge games when I was in school '99-'03. I just don't see Auburn having issues with filling a stadium that is 100,000 plus as long as we are good. Now, there are other issues like the need for more hotels and parking, but I believe all of the potential problems could be solved with good planning.

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Yeah... Then that sparked a fear that you wouldn't get back in during any game. I saw some kid relieving himself in the OM game that year. His buddy was shielding him... Pretty good buddy if you ask me, I sure as heck wouldn't do that.

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They aren't selling spouse tickets this year due to demand.  Does anyone know a way around this?  I'm in a pickle.



You may not like these answers:

(a) Divorce

( B) Go by yourself (also called the do nothing option)

© Swap tix with another pickle person for a certain game.


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Not suprising, with students being told they couldn't return in with legitimate tickets, the fire code violations, etc they have to start weeding out non-students from the student section or expand it.


It puts me in a jam and I'm out some money now. I bought student tickets (I'm a grad student) thinking my wife could get tickets, and now she can't. Had I known this, I would have opted to buy some cheap tickets in the nosebleeds so we could go to the games together. Or, I could have gotten a friend to buy one for me. Now I've got $100 student ticket I won't be able to use. They should have provided prior notice. Where is this demand coming from? The school hasn't grown that much in the past few years, especially with the enrollment cap.


I agree man that does suck, definitly something that they should have made clear before tickets had gone on sell.

They don't have enough room for students is the problem. There have been years where freshmen got stiffed from big games. Good years everyone buys tickets. Bad years it doesnt matter.

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I haven't even attempted to get tickets for any game this year.  I just roadtrip it up to Auburn and suck it up and pay the scalper.  I'm sure there are many people who do the same.  I remember the student section being ridiculously overcrowded for huge games when I was in school '99-'03.  I just don't see Auburn having issues with filling a stadium that is 100,000 plus as long as we are good.  Now, there are other issues like the need for more hotels and parking, but I believe all of the potential problems could be solved with good planning.


Yes this is true and did happen.

I remember the most crowded game was Bama '03; people standing in every aisle even on the stairs. I remember there was some jerk with kids in there who complained to the cop he couldn't see around my date and I, so the cop told us to move, but there was literally nowhere else to go.

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They need to make a rule that says anyone with any rival team stuff on can't enter the student section. It ticks me off to see a bunch of alabama fans in the AU student section.

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I don't care if it is your best friend all your life. For those four hours, he/she is the enemy. After the game you can kiss and make up. No enemy allowed in the student section.

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They used to do that way back in the day. It's called segragation. Maybe you read about it in history books. :big:

I tell you what, why don't YOU tap all the Bama fans on the shoulder that may be in the student section and ask them to leave. See how far you get....

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Frattys do it to Auburn students so why can't the Auburn nation insist that there be no rival fans in student section during games? What is up with the frattys anyway? They just join a group to party together and think they run the place. I really disliked frattys when I was at Auburn.

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90,000+ people with tickets in their hands? Who is gonna enforce that rule???

But I wish you all the luck in the world on that.

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Frattys do it to Auburn students so why can't the Auburn nation insist that there be no rival fans in student section during games?  What is up with the frattys anyway?  They just join a group to party together and think they run the place.  I really disliked frattys when I was at Auburn.


I did the frat thing, if only a quarter of the stuff GDI's said was true.

I actually found GDI's to be worse about being judgemental without knowing someone at Auburn. I honestly the entire time never heard a single person put someone down because they were not in a fraternity, but I heard it several times from independents.

I'm sure there are some that are real jerks and think they are it, but there is just as many independents that think they are it because they didn't go that route.

Only difference is frat guys don't sit around there house or on message boards discussing how much independents suck and are hated.

I joined cause I was 1000 miles away from home and knew noone, personally I didn't give a flying #@#$ if you were in one or not. If you were cool you were cool.

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That's fine. I just had a few run-ins with frat guys during my time at AU. I was at the AU-Wyoming game and a few of us independants decided to stake out a good place to sit. We got to the game kinda early and found some decent seats, not knowing that these were near the fratty section. About 15 minutes before gametime a fratty president comes up to me and says you and your friends have to leave. I said why? Because you are in our section. We weren't even in his fratty section, we were two rows behind them. I said no I'm not leaving. He blows his top and I just stood there and said nothing while he threw his temper- tantrum. The guy went to get the lions club security man and he asked us to leave. Only then did I leave and only then. I felt the whole incident was unnecessary and rude.

Another time I was invited to a frat party with several friends, one of whom was black. As we approach the door, one of the frat guys says we aren't gonna allow this group because of the n*****. We were invited by one of the brothers and he said everything was gonna be cool. Well it wasn't and I will never forget that.

I don't necessarily have a problem with frat guys as a whole, it is just that many of them walk around like they are tough s*** and only talk smack when there brothers are around. I know there are some decent guys who go fratty, but many of them have their head up their butts. Sorry if I offended you Texan4Auburn. That was not the intention of my first post.

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My reply as a 3rd year student at Auburn:

...... Have you been to Tuscaloosa??? Once?? Not trying to diss anybody here.... but over there, your either Greek or your out. Ever heard of the "machine?" My whole Mom's side of the family has been, or is, greek at Alabama. They aren't out to kill... but you definitely notice the agenda.

Regardless, my experiences as being a "non-frat" guy on Auburn's campus has been great. I have never once been asked to leave a frat house because I wasn't "in a frat."

As a matter of fact, guys I just met in class who were in frats have always actually lended a helping hand. For instance, moving... I had to move a couple of semesters ago and a friend of mine was able to gather around 3 of his brothers just to help in the process. After we were all done moving, I offered to pay them for the great help they were. Instead, they told me to save the money...and told me to come over that night as they were having quite the fiesta.

IMO, it just seems Auburn's greek lifestyle is more open than alot of schools to people who aren't greek. I'm sure alot of people on this board who have been to Auburn or are Auburn students would agree.

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I have heard of "the machine", but have no idea what it is about. What exactly is the purpose of the so called "machine"? As I said earlier, all frat guys are not bad guys. I was directly involved in a few incidents that formed my opinion on fraternities. Maybe I am coming across as labeling all frats, but I don't mean to. But, I won't deny that these things occurred and some of them really bothered me, particularly the incident where my friend was called a n*****. It is easy to label or stereotype entire groups of people and we are all guilty of this in one way or another.

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Wasn't this thread about spouse tickets? To adress the whole greek thing though, I feel that the greek system at Auburn is a legitimate social option however, and this is what many schools have problems with, not a neccesity by any means. For the most part the two groups get along and that is a great thing about Auburn. No doubt both independents and greeks both have their jackasses who think those unlike them are jerks/stupid/uncool or whatever. I don't have an issue with the idea of block seating myself but I feel that the block seats should be moved to the endzone because if you want reserved seats and the ability to show up 5 minutes before kickoff you should have to concede the good seats. That being said the fraternities that get stuck down low in the corner have the worst possible seats I could imagine and if I was a brother I wouldn't even sit there.

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Posts take on a mind of their own all the time. No big deal to me. The only reason this discussion went toward the fraternity thing is because I never understood why they are allowed to block off huge sections of the student section thus causing massive problems for the rest of the Auburn student body. There is really nowhere to sit for the big games if you are an independant and arrive at the game 30 minutes or less before kickoff. But, all the frat guys get there whenever they feel like and receive preferential treatment. Really aggravating. Also there are many fans of other schools that get into the Auburn student section and I never could figure that one out. You go to some of the other big football schools like LSU, Florida, and some others and you wouldn't think about going into their section with Auburn stuff on. They will harrass the hell out of you until you leave or maybe worse. Auburn already has problems with the student section being too small and think about the hundreds of people who stand on the ramps the entire game and the many who don't even get into the game. Auburn could definitely support a stadium expansion and I believe these examples explain why.

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