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3-4 vs. 4-3 vs. FL


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OK, I watched the MNC game last night and it was painfully obvious that the 3-4 Tressell ran vs. the Gators didn't work.

As I remember we ran a lot of 3-4 in the first half of the FL game and got smoked for 9 yards per play. It wasn't until the second half when we went more 4-3 and shut them down.

How are we going to make the 3-4 work, in it's first year, on the road, against a mobile QB like Tebow (and yes, he can throw the ball)???

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I really don't think the 3-4 will be the bread and butter of our defense. I believe we will use it in certain situations to take advantage of our speedy defensive ends (especially Groves). It probably won't be a"base" 3-4 anyway in that some type of blitz will be called out of it. Its all about giving multiple looks and being unpredicatable. I'm looking forward to seeing Q back from the line from time to time with some room to roam and make plays.

The 4-3 has proven to be the most effective base defense out there, however, if you have the personel that can pull it off, it doesn't hurt to throw a wrinkle in.

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Lets not forget that CTT has his finger on the defense. I doubt CTT will dump the base 4-3 for the 3-4 especially considering our talent and depth along the DL. We will probably see a more complex 3-4 scheme in CWM's 2nd season, but not as a base formation.

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I think that CWM and CTT are trying to get more size on D because CWM's style of D tends to need that size on the line especially. I don't particularly care which D we run as long as we can tackle someone.....anyone. That was my biggest disappointment this season was our lack of ability to tackle on D. Personally, I've always leaned more toward a 4-4 D or a mix of the 4-3 /3-4. I've always enjoyed a good D that mixes up their formations and doesn't stick to one base D all the time, but it does make it a little harder for younger guys to learn right away.

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The two losses last year were not the fault of the defense. The Georgia game was a complete breakdown of the offense. In the Arkansas game we managed what 10 points?

Our defense held LSU to 3 points and Florida to one of it's lowest point total all year.

The defense is in good shape and if Cox can stay healthy, get protection and our receivers can get open we will score points.

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