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FOX NEWS: Why I don't watch it.


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I rarely watch any news on t.v. anymore. Most of my info comes from radio and the internet. If there's something of great visual significance, I'll flip on the t.v. for a few minutes. I'll check FOX then, because they'll likely be playing the video feed. In fact, that's all they seem to do, showing 'shocking' video feeds over and over and over......it's beyond tedious. And it's in part why I stopped watching FOX news. They so rarely offer NEWS anymore. Everything is a FOX ALERT! . Bull$hit! Planes flying into buildings or Tsunami's are worth of ' ALERTS'. Anna Nicole Smith still being dead is NOT a fracking NEWS ALERT!!! And stop telling me about Jon Benet Ramsey's still unsolved murder being an urgent news update that I should drop everything for and huddle up next to the t.v. !! It's damn 'Tragedy T.V.', and it's played to the hilt by the folks at FOX. So I stopped watching. Years ago, to be honest. I noticed that CNN , after getting its a$$ handed to it by FOX changed its set and essentially became FOX - light, and that's fine. It still doesn't matter.

News isn't suppose to be tabloid journalism. The anchors and producers aren't supose to lead with innuendo and gossip as their 'catch' to draw us into watching. It's suppose to be info which is IMPORTANT and that the public needs to hear. Why gas prices are going up. What's going on with the Iran/British sailor situation. What will the weather be like tomorrow. Stuff I can USE, and stuff I should know, because there's a whole big world out there which is constantly full of ongoing events.

So, I don't watch. Sorry for you folks out there who think I'm such a FOX drone, that I can't think for myself or that I'm told what to think by Brit Hume or Sean Hannity.

So, who tells YOU what to think ?

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I rarely watch any news on t.v. anymore. Most of my info comes from radio and the internet. If there's something of great visual significance, I'll flip on the t.v. for a few minutes. I'll check FOX then, because they'll likely be playing the video feed. In fact, that's all they seem to do, showing 'shocking' video feeds over and over and over......it's beyond tedious. And it's in part why I stopped watching FOX news. They so rarely offer NEWS anymore. Everything is a FOX ALERT! . Bull$hit! Planes flying into buildings or Tsunami's are worth of ' ALERTS'. Anna Nicole Smith still being dead is NOT a fracking NEWS ALERT!!! And stop telling me about Jon Benet Ramsey's still unsolved murder being an urgent news update that I should drop everything for and huddle up next to the t.v. !! It's damn 'Tragedy T.V.', and it's played to the hilt by the folks at FOX. So I stopped watching. Years ago, to be honest. I noticed that CNN , after getting its a$$ handed to it by FOX changed its set and essentially became FOX - light, and that's fine. It still doesn't matter.

News isn't suppose to be tabloid journalism. The anchors and producers aren't supose to lead with innuendo and gossip as their 'catch' to draw us into watching. It's suppose to be info which is IMPORTANT and that the public needs to hear. Why gas prices are going up. What's going on with the Iran/British sailor situation. What will the weather be like tomorrow. Stuff I can USE, and stuff I should know, because there's a whole big world out there which is constantly full of ongoing events.

So, I don't watch. Sorry for you folks out there who think I'm such a FOX drone, that I can't think for myself or that I'm told what to think by Brit Hume or Sean Hannity.

So, who tells YOU what to think ?

Out of curiousity, which radio shows/stations do you get your news from?

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My extended family now entertain ourselves with how long we can go without a Anna Nicole Smith is still dead update.

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My extended family now entertain ourselves with how long we can go without a Anna Nicole Smith is still dead update.

That's the main reason I find it hard to watch TV news anymore. Nothing but fluff, Entertainment Tonight type stories. If I wanted that, I'd buy the Hollyweirdo magazines they have at the grocery checkout line.

There's a goldmine waiting on the person that can bring actual news back to television. "Build a better news service and the world will beat a path to your door."

Disclaimer: Anyone that builds a better news service and, indeed, finds the world beating a path to their door and profits from it will be obligated to share said windfall (15-20%) with yours truly.

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Hey, ask any PR person. 80% of all television news is soft news. The medium is built around visually rewarding the viewer, so they put on the most lurid stuff they can find. Even when you find a discussion of policy, the news stations typically have to find an example of a person who is affected, so the viewer can relate.

Unfortunately, that creates an advantage for big government advocates. After all, whose heart doesn't go out to the unemployed or the sick? By creating sympathy for that person, you automatically create sympathy for the program or policy in question--regardless of whether it makes any sense or not.

I think Richard Nixon said it best: "Television news is to news what bumper stickers are to philosophy." That may not be the exact quote, but it's pretty close.

The other thing is that television news is a gigantic waste of time. I can find out much more detail of what's going on in the world by spending 10 minutes on the internet. Why would I spend 30 watching a news report that, according to journalistic mandates, is literally written for those with a 3rd graders vocabulary?

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Out of curiousity, which radio shows/stations do you get your news from?

AM stations 920 WGKA , 640 WGST and 750 WSB, in no specific order. Shows I listen to are Bill Bennett, Neal Boortz, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Medved, which shed light more on issues, and not so much 'news'.

Hope that answers your question.

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I have a lot of trouble sleeping at night, so guess what I put on my TV to help me fall asleep? You guessed it, Fox News. Don't get me wrong it is my preferred news network if I had to choose one, but basically, I could put it on CNN or MSNBC also and get the same desired effect. I do agree that Fox goes overboard with their "Fox News Alert".

An example..."Fox News Alert, this just in. A cat is stuck in a tree in Ft. Meyers, Florida. Local animal control agents are trying to rescue it at this very moment. We will keep you updated all throughout the day until this crisis is resolved. Now back to Studio B with Shepard Smith:.

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My extended family now entertain ourselves with how long we can go without a Anna Nicole Smith is still dead update.

WHAT? Anna is still dead? I better turn on the TV!!!

She was a curvy thing. Famous for being famous.

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Well Fox News could start by firing the incomprehensible Sheppard Smith and the inconsequential Wesley Clark.

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Well Fox News could start by firing the incomprehensible Sheppard Smith and the inconsequential Wesley Clark.

Oh come on. If they fired Shepard, they wouldn't know what to do with that little box he sits on or all the ken doll clothes from Mattell.

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Well Fox News could start by firing the incomprehensible Sheppard Smith and the inconsequential Wesley Clark.

Oh come on. If they fired Shepard, they wouldn't know what to do with that little box he sits on or all the ken doll clothes from Mattell.

They could send those with him. Or let the box read the prompter, it could probably read it better than Shep.

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Well Fox News could start by firing the incomprehensible Sheppard Smith and the inconsequential Wesley Clark.

Oh come on. If they fired Shepard, they wouldn't know what to do with that little box he sits on or all the ken doll clothes from Mattell.

They could send those with him. Or let the box read the prompter, it could probably read it better than Shep.

But then we wouldn't have things like this to amuse us.

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