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I nominate Tiger Al...

DKW 86

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Al you deserve the award. Just know that you are still proudly an AU Tiger with this guy. ;)

Merry Christmas, Brother.

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Thanks!!! I knew all my hard work would pay off!!! But, I really accept this award, not for my own achievements, but for those of the many, many unamed and unrecognized people who have selklessly worked so hard this past year so that I may re...What's the award FOR, anyway!!!

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I guess for hanging in there on a board full of mostly conservatives would be my guess. You don't take the political talk personal like others do (that includes liberals and conservatives). Your arguments, even though they are wrong most of the time :lol: , do have some merit to them and they make for good debate. Your debates only suffer when Donutboy gets involved, then all logic and sense is thrown out the window. :D Overall, regardless of your difference of you poitical views with a large number of the members, you come across as a gentleman and overall good guy. Not bad for a liberal. ;)

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