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I have not been giving Barack Obama a fair shake,,,,,,,,,,,


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Confused Americans for Truth - Here's How Barack Obama Can Prove He Has What It Takes

Okay, folks, I've been thinking that I have not been giving Barack Obama a fair shake. Maybe he's not an empty suit. Maybe he in fact has what it takes to lead this country for the next four years.

Barack Obama's foreign policy is rooted in a belief we can all get along if we just talk more. The problem is, in Iran and Syria we are dealing with political leaders who will stop at nothing to increase their power over us, and talking to people like that is not going to work if you take the threat of military action off the table.

So here's my challenge to the junior Senator from Illinois: prove to me that you can get a ruthless, power-hungry maniac to back down.

Convince Hillary Clinton to drop out of the nomination race.

Respectfully submitted,


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