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GOP unveils its convention stars


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McCain campaign chief: List of speakers will showcase the "diversity" of the Republican Party

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani will give the keynote address at the Republican National Convention next month and Democrat-turned-independent Sen. Joe Lieberman also will take center stage at the GOP gathering.

John McCain's vanquished Republican primary rivals -- and a slew of potential McCain running mates -- also have speaking roles at the four-day gathering in St. Paul, Minn.

President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, first lady Laura Bush, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lieberman, who was the Democratic vice presidential nominee in 2000 and is said to be under consideration for the same role with McCain, will open the convention on Monday, Sept. 1, with speeches that focus on service.

When asked about the RNC lineup, McCain's campaign manager Rick Davis said:

'the senator wanted the list of speakers to showcase the "diversity" of the Republican Party.

"I think one of the things that is important, especially for John McCain, as unique a politician as he is, is to demonstrate the diversity and differences of ideology I would say of our party," Davis said. "I think one of the things that people forget about is we are not a very monolithic as a party. We really want to show some of that."'

Complete schedule:

Monday, Sept. 1:

Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.)

Vice President Dick Cheney

Monday primetime (10 p.m.-11 p.m. EDT)

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-Calif.)

President Bush and first lady Laura Bush

Tuesday, Sept. 2:

Former Gov. Tom Ridge (R-Pa.)

Former California Secretary of State Rosario Marin

Former Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.)

Gov. Linda Lingle (R-Hawaii)

Former Lt. Gov. Michael Steele (R-Md.)

Tuesday primetime (10 p.m.-11p.m. EDT)

Gov. Sarah Palin (R-Alaska)

Former Mike Huckabee (R-Ark.)

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani — KEYNOTER

Wednesday, Sept. 3:

Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.)

Meg Whitman, Ebay CEO

Carly Fiorina, former HP CEO

Former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-Mass.)

Wednesday primetime (10 p.m.-11p.m. EDT)

Cindy McCain

VP nominee

Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-La); will speak after the VP nominee

Thursday, Sept. 4

Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R-Minn.)

Gov. Charlie Crist (R-Fla.)

Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas)

Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla)

Thursday primetime (10 p.m.-11 p.m. EDT)

John McCain (video before his speech)


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Looks like a great convention to me. A great setup for the mccain landslide that will follow as obama continues to be exposed as green and unprepared.

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Sounds like a lot more of the same last 8 years to me. In other news, The GOP has also released the theme of this convention: Country First: 2008 Republican National Convention to Highlight Service, Reform, Prosperity and Peace

In other words, they intend to focus like a pack of frickin' laser-beam equipped sharks on everything they don't provide.

Maybe I'm misreading this. It could be an example of the kind of literary inversion John Kennedy used in his "Ask not," speech. Maybe what they meant to say was "For the first time in our country, Republicans will give a damn about service, reform, prosperity, and peace."

Otherwise, there's the problem of a party that's left us with two open-ended wars bragging about "peace." The party that's left us with an unprecedented level of corruption and cronyism talking about "service" and "reform." And the party that's generated the worst economy in thirty years while running up a tab that our great-great grandkids will still be paying talking about "prosperity."

Speakers for Monday night, which will focus on "Service," will include Joe Lieberman demonstrating his ability to serve any forum that will feed his petty ego. Lieberman will be scheduled on the same evening as his war buddy Dick Cheney and official Lil' Abner Mattress Testing Award Winner, George W. Bush.

Tuesdays "Reform" brings Rudy Giuliani to talk about how you can reform law, order, and heroism to mean anything you want. And 9/11. Lots and lots of 9/11.

Speaking on "Prosperity" will be Cindy McCain, who will explain the traditional Republican means of getting by in hard times: inherit millions from your daddy. Cindy will demonstrate her pity for the middle class workers struggling to get by on three million a year, and for the poor who must survive with no more than two vacation homes.

And finally, John McCain will be there on Thursday night to focus on (I'm not kidding) "Peace."


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I still can't believe they're giving Cheney a spot.

I wouldn't let that albatross cross into the central time zone, much less have a speaking role at the national convention. They're usually more savvy than that.

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I still can't believe they're giving Cheney a spot.

I wouldn't let that albatross cross into the central time zone, much less have a speaking role at the national convention. They're usually more savvy than that.

The albatross is generally considered good luck, until some fool decides to kill it.

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I wonder why Rep. John Lewis from Ga. isn't on there.

You're wondering why GA DEMOCRATIC Congressman, John Lewis, isn't on the GOP Convention line up???


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I wonder why Rep. John Lewis from Ga. isn't on there.

You're wondering why GA DEMOCRATIC Congressman, John Lewis, isn't on the GOP Convention line up???


Well, at the Saddleback forum McCain did say that Lewis was one of the three wisest people he knew and would rely on him heavily in his administration. Meg Whitman was another of his three wisest and she'll be speaking. Gen. Petraeus isn't allowed because he's an active duty military member.

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Well, that would make 2 Democrats speaking for McCain. How many Republicans are speaking for Obama ?

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Well, that would make 2 Democrats speaking for McCain. How many Republicans are speaking for Obama ?

It just seems odd that Lewis is one of the three people McCain said he would rely on heavily, yet, he isn't invited to speak.

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Maybe because they know how JL stabbed Hillary in the back, and his views on the war, why risk it at the convention?

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Maybe because they know how JL stabbed Hillary in the back, and his views on the war, why risk it at the convention?

This makes absolutely no sense. McCain said less than one week ago that John Lewis was one of the three wisest people he knows and would rely on him heavily. Sounds like someone he'd like speaking at the convention. He said the same thing of Meg Whitman. She's speaking.

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Tigeral's idiocy on display once again. Just where does it say tigeral that ever single person you declare that you will take advice from must speak at the convention? You are being just plain silly here and as usual, you're line of questioning belies a hidden agenda that you don't have the balls to come out and ask straight forwardly. If you think there is a reason al just come out and say it and quit wasting everyones time with this bothersome line of questioning. No one here knows exactly why. There are no mccain advisors hanging out here. We can guess the obvious reasons that have already been mentioned. If you have another guess come on out and put it on the table. Or continue on your silly little fishing expedition.

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Tigeral's idiocy on display once again. Just where does it say tigeral that ever single person you declare that you will take advice from must speak at the convention? You are being just plain silly here and as usual, you're line of questioning belies a hidden agenda that you don't have the balls to come out and ask straight forwardly. If you think there is a reason al just come out and say it and quit wasting everyones time with this bothersome line of questioning. No one here knows exactly why. There are no mccain advisors hanging out here. We can guess the obvious reasons that have already been mentioned. If you have another guess come on out and put it on the table. Or continue on your silly little fishing expedition.

Are you really too dense to see that he's being sarcastic?

It's obvious to most that a DNC super delegate and Obama supporter wouldn't be given a speaking role at the GOP convention.

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Tigeral's idiocy on display once again. Just where does it say tigeral that ever single person you declare that you will take advice from must speak at the convention? You are being just plain silly here and as usual, you're line of questioning belies a hidden agenda that you don't have the balls to come out and ask straight forwardly. If you think there is a reason al just come out and say it and quit wasting everyones time with this bothersome line of questioning. No one here knows exactly why. There are no mccain advisors hanging out here. We can guess the obvious reasons that have already been mentioned. If you have another guess come on out and put it on the table. Or continue on your silly little fishing expedition.

Are you really too dense to see that he's being sarcastic?

It's obvious to most that a DNC super delegate and Obama supporter wouldn't be given a speaking role at the GOP convention.

Which leads one to wonder why McCain made his pander at Saddleback listing Lewis as someone he would consult with heavily despite the fact that, in their twenty-two shared years in Congress, McCain's never once consulted him on anything.

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McCain's a phony, cheap-trick knockoff version of what he used to be. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that he tossed Lewis' name out there in an effort to peel off a black voter or two.

If I was John Lewis, I'd tell McCain to keep my name out of his mouth and devote more attention to discovering just how many homes he owns.

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Yeah! (pumping fist in apparent agreement) The Republicans need to add some color and indulge in superficial "diversity" just like the DemocRATS! Yeah!

"Diversity" pimps give me a headache...

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Tigeral's idiocy on display once again. Just where does it say tigeral that ever single person you declare that you will take advice from must speak at the convention? You are being just plain silly here and as usual, you're line of questioning belies a hidden agenda that you don't have the balls to come out and ask straight forwardly. If you think there is a reason al just come out and say it and quit wasting everyones time with this bothersome line of questioning. No one here knows exactly why. There are no mccain advisors hanging out here. We can guess the obvious reasons that have already been mentioned. If you have another guess come on out and put it on the table. Or continue on your silly little fishing expedition.

Are you really too dense to see that he's being sarcastic?

It's obvious to most that a DNC super delegate and Obama supporter wouldn't be given a speaking role at the GOP convention.

Look up sarchasm in the dictionary. The definition doesn't fit here. The true reason al was asking the question repeatedly (once again not sarchasm) is because he had a hidden agenda just like I mentioned that he finally exposed as soon as you posted what I quoted here.

It was obvious to me why he wasn't invited as I stated. No one knows for sure but the obvious reasons had already been mentioned.

If you're going to try to slam someone it helps to be a least a little bit correct. Better luck next time junior.

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Tigeral's idiocy on display once again. Just where does it say tigeral that ever single person you declare that you will take advice from must speak at the convention? You are being just plain silly here and as usual, you're line of questioning belies a hidden agenda that you don't have the balls to come out and ask straight forwardly. If you think there is a reason al just come out and say it and quit wasting everyones time with this bothersome line of questioning. No one here knows exactly why. There are no mccain advisors hanging out here. We can guess the obvious reasons that have already been mentioned. If you have another guess come on out and put it on the table. Or continue on your silly little fishing expedition.

Are you really too dense to see that he's being sarcastic?

It's obvious to most that a DNC super delegate and Obama supporter wouldn't be given a speaking role at the GOP convention.

Look up sarchasm in the dictionary. The definition doesn't fit here. The true reason al was asking the question repeatedly (once again not sarchasm) is because he had a hidden agenda just like I mentioned that he finally exposed as soon as you posted what I quoted here.

It was obvious to me why he wasn't invited as I stated. No one knows for sure but the obvious reasons had already been mentioned.

If you're going to try to slam someone it helps to be a least a little bit correct. Better luck next time junior.

If the 'obvious reasons' you mean were Raptor's impotent assertions about Clinton and the war, it STILL doesn't make sense. I'd guess the RNC would pee their pants to parade any and all Clinton haters, so that point is moot. Lewis' position on the war hasn't changed in the last week so what advice would McCain be relying on him heavily for? Second moot point.

McCain was pandering like he was back in Selma.

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Tigeral's idiocy on display once again. Just where does it say tigeral that ever single person you declare that you will take advice from must speak at the convention? You are being just plain silly here and as usual, you're line of questioning belies a hidden agenda that you don't have the balls to come out and ask straight forwardly. If you think there is a reason al just come out and say it and quit wasting everyones time with this bothersome line of questioning. No one here knows exactly why. There are no mccain advisors hanging out here. We can guess the obvious reasons that have already been mentioned. If you have another guess come on out and put it on the table. Or continue on your silly little fishing expedition.

Are you really too dense to see that he's being sarcastic?

It's obvious to most that a DNC super delegate and Obama supporter wouldn't be given a speaking role at the GOP convention.

Look up sarchasm in the dictionary. The definition doesn't fit here. The true reason al was asking the question repeatedly (once again not sarchasm) is because he had a hidden agenda just like I mentioned that he finally exposed as soon as you posted what I quoted here.

It was obvious to me why he wasn't invited as I stated. No one knows for sure but the obvious reasons had already been mentioned.

If you're going to try to slam someone it helps to be a least a little bit correct. Better luck next time junior.

In an attempt to insult my intelligence, you misspelled SARCASM twice. Classic.

It amazes me that you have the brass to call me "junior" when words that are painfully simple are giving you fits.

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I think Tiger Al makes perfect sense. If you think someone is one of the three wisest people you knpw, it shouldn't matter whether he's a republican or a Democrat. Wise is wise, after all.

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Tigeral's idiocy on display once again. Just where does it say tigeral that ever single person you declare that you will take advice from must speak at the convention? You are being just plain silly here and as usual, you're line of questioning belies a hidden agenda that you don't have the balls to come out and ask straight forwardly. If you think there is a reason al just come out and say it and quit wasting everyones time with this bothersome line of questioning. No one here knows exactly why. There are no mccain advisors hanging out here. We can guess the obvious reasons that have already been mentioned. If you have another guess come on out and put it on the table. Or continue on your silly little fishing expedition.

Are you really too dense to see that he's being sarcastic?

It's obvious to most that a DNC super delegate and Obama supporter wouldn't be given a speaking role at the GOP convention.

Look up sarchasm in the dictionary. The definition doesn't fit here. The true reason al was asking the question repeatedly (once again not sarchasm) is because he had a hidden agenda just like I mentioned that he finally exposed as soon as you posted what I quoted here.

It was obvious to me why he wasn't invited as I stated. No one knows for sure but the obvious reasons had already been mentioned.

If you're going to try to slam someone it helps to be a least a little bit correct. Better luck next time junior.

In an attempt to insult my intelligence, you misspelled SARCASM twice. Classic.

It amazes me that you have the brass to call me "junior" when words that are painfully simple are giving you fits.

Give junior a cookie. He caught me one the spelling of sarcasm and managed to avoid the fact that his post I quoted was incoherent and completely wrong. I may not have spelled it correctly win but at least I know when to use it and not. Which is worse?

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Tigeral's idiocy on display once again. Just where does it say tigeral that ever single person you declare that you will take advice from must speak at the convention? You are being just plain silly here and as usual, you're line of questioning belies a hidden agenda that you don't have the balls to come out and ask straight forwardly. If you think there is a reason al just come out and say it and quit wasting everyones time with this bothersome line of questioning. No one here knows exactly why. There are no mccain advisors hanging out here. We can guess the obvious reasons that have already been mentioned. If you have another guess come on out and put it on the table. Or continue on your silly little fishing expedition.

Are you really too dense to see that he's being sarcastic?

It's obvious to most that a DNC super delegate and Obama supporter wouldn't be given a speaking role at the GOP convention.

Look up sarchasm in the dictionary. The definition doesn't fit here. The true reason al was asking the question repeatedly (once again not sarchasm) is because he had a hidden agenda just like I mentioned that he finally exposed as soon as you posted what I quoted here.

It was obvious to me why he wasn't invited as I stated. No one knows for sure but the obvious reasons had already been mentioned.

If you're going to try to slam someone it helps to be a least a little bit correct. Better luck next time junior.

If the 'obvious reasons' you mean were Raptor's impotent assertions about Clinton and the war, it STILL doesn't make sense. I'd guess the RNC would pee their pants to parade any and all Clinton haters, so that point is moot. Lewis' position on the war hasn't changed in the last week so what advice would McCain be relying on him heavily for? Second moot point.

McCain was pandering like he was back in Selma.

Why is it so hard for you to come out and make that point instead of playing the dancing bear for hours then doing so?

Afa mccain and lewis I couldn't care less why he referenced him or whether he relies on him in the future or not.

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