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US Vets, Vietnamese Demonstrate Against Kerry

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February 28, 2004


NEW YORK (Reuters) - Around 200 U.S. Army veterans and Vietnamese people demonstrated outside Democratic presidential front-runner John Kerry (news - web sites)'s New York headquarters on Saturday to protest his opposition decades ago to the Vietnam War.

Waving American and South Vietnamese flags and singing the U.S. national anthem, they held up signs saying "Hanoi John," and "Kerry Betrayed Vietnam Vets."

"We won't sit by and let the American people think that we are going to stand by somebody who stabbed us in the back," said Jerry Kiley, a veteran and one of the protest organizers.

Kerry, a Massachusetts senator and probable presidential challenger to President Bush (news - web sites) in November, became a leader of the anti-war movement after returning from Vietnam, where he was decorated with a Silver Star, a Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts.

"John Kerry served his country honorably," said Mark Kornblau, New York spokesman for Kerry's campaign. "This protest is being organized by an individual who has made a career of profiting from tragedy."


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"John Kerry served his country honorably," said Mark Kornblau, New York spokesman for Kerry's campaign. "This protest is being organized by an individual who has made a career of profiting from tragedy."

HUH? :blink: And Kerry, who mentions his Vietnam service in every third sentence, is NOT making a career by profiting from tragedy?????????????????

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"This protest is being organized by an individual who has made a career of profiting from tragedy."

And John Kerry has not made a career of spitting on US soldiers? Of forgetting POW/MIA's? Has he not made a career of being an absolute hypocrite? John Kerry has NO SHAME! He will pander to anyone for money, for support! He will say anything to anyone at anytime! He is a liar of Biblical proportions!

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In the past few weeks I have been in close contact with quite a few current and former soldiers and I can tell you that most of them are sick of Kerry bringing up his Vietnam service. I don't think he is going to win the military vote. ;)

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