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How Long is The Leash


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Okay,since coach Chizik seems determined to start Todd,how long does he stay with him if things cotinue the way they have for the past 3 games? Thoughts...?

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With the Chizik/Malzahn track record we have in this case, Todd will play probably 3.90 quarters of regulation play, and 1 quarter of I wish I had pulled him in 1st quarter.

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You've got to think that there is some sort of lease on Todd. If he comes out with 3 straight series of poor decision-making and looking slow on reads, one would hope this would be obvious. Of course 42 yards at halftime wasn't enough last week.

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I honestly believe this is it for Todd. If the game is close for the usual 3 Q then Todd plays the rest of the year. If it's a disaster he still plays most of the game.

However, CGC/CGM tell Todd to sit this one out (the Furman game) and rest the arm for amen corner. Caudle starts and it's his job interview. If it's a hit then he starts the GA game. This gives them all of Spring, W.VA (3 series of play, LSU (one series of play) and the entire Furman game for evaluation.

HC announces Todd's arm is flat and is most likely out for the year. CGC proclaims Todd is a true Auburn man and has done everything we've ask him to do. What he did and how he was able to bounce back is truely what AU is all about. We agreed that it was in the best interest to slide over and start a QB that was 100% during this crucial time of our schedule.

The Blogs go crazy and caudle steals one of the two. Caudle sets the stage for a two man race next year. Except this process will be a smoother one vs. last spring (Todd/Kodi). The Caudle and TR show will be much better due TR ability to perform out of the wildcat (Because he can run and throw). Caudle will groom TR for the year and both will have major playing time. TR snaps will increase by 20% vs. KB. I see a 60/40 split between Caudle and TR. The only way I see this any different if TR is off the charts.

The only wildcard in all this is if Trotter performs well. I truely don't have a clue what he can do. I do know he is a good QB and comes from program that has a very good HC (Coach Yancy).

Just one mans opnion/prediction.

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Caudle will play if he isn't on his game by the second quarter. Todd is gone after this year, so why not.?

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I wonder how long Chizik's leash is.

Three years, minimum. If there are signs of progress at that time, as long as it takes.

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