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Campus pastor murders professor who critiqued the pro-life movement


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I'm thinking of all those millions of viewers of the nightly network news who'll never hear this story.

Wonder why that is.


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If it does get air time, we might hear from a journalist saying "I cringe that he's a Muslim. It's just going to enflame the right-wing fringe."

Or we'll hear how he was harrassed.

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If it does get air time, we might hear from a journalist saying "I cringe that he's a Muslim. It's just going to enflame the right-wing fringe."

Or we'll hear how he was harrassed.

And we must not jump to conclusions.....


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Think it will be a hate crime? Or will it fall under some obscure allowable offense under the peaceful religion of islam?

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My point was simply that any possible link to a Christian slaying a pro-choice advocate would not have been immediately handled with kid gloves. Even with the Fort Hood incident the immediate reactions were to downplay the Muslim aspect until it became unavoidable.

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Hmmm. He don;t look like a white Christian dude to me. He is Saudi and that would make him more apt to be muslix. So we see that another foreigner from a predominately muslix country kills an American and we have to assume it was just a thing. But not a muslix thing?

Yeah. Profiling works for a reason. Ask the dead guys at Ft. Hood.

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I read where a Christian stabbed two soldiers in New York last week.

Link ? Context?


Well, ya gave a link, but there's nothing in the story about the killer being an Christian . Nor was there any religious motive

for the attack. Sorry pal , you failed.

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I read where a Christian stabbed two soldiers in New York last week.

Link ? Context?


What is your point, asshat? There are many soldiers who come back from war with a hyped up aggressive mentality. It's what it does to some guys. Why not pick a non military guy who has lived his life as a devout Christian to use as an example? I got news for you, when my boy got back from Iraq, he would have kicked your ass all over the road for just looking the wrong way. These kids are usually on the edge and some do snap. But to use one as an example of a Christian guy killing is ridiculous. This example was not about religion, it was about war.

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I read where a Christian stabbed two soldiers in New York last week.

Link ? Context?


Well, ya gave a link, but there's nothing in the story about the killer being an Christian . Nor was there any religious motive

for the attack. Sorry pal , you failed.

"where they attended the strict Teays Valley Missionary Baptist Church"

maybe slow down next time your reading.

Nor was there any religious motive for the attack-Raptor

Nor was there any in the links provided by Titan or Tex.

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I read where a Christian stabbed two soldiers in New York last week.

Link ? Context?


What is your point, asshat? There are many soldiers who come back from war with a hyped up aggressive mentality. It's what it does to some guys. Why not pick a non military guy who has lived his life as a devout Christian to use as an example? I got news for you, when my boy got back from Iraq, he would have kicked your ass all over the road for just looking the wrong way. These kids are usually on the edge and some do snap. But to use one as an example of a Christian guy killing is ridiculous. This example was not about religion, it was about war.


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I read where a Christian stabbed two soldiers in New York last week.

Link ? Context?


What is your point, asshat? There are many soldiers who come back from war with a hyped up aggressive mentality. It's what it does to some guys. Why not pick a non military guy who has lived his life as a devout Christian to use as an example? I got news for you, when my boy got back from Iraq, he would have kicked your ass all over the road for just looking the wrong way. These kids are usually on the edge and some do snap. But to use one as an example of a Christian guy killing is ridiculous. This example was not about religion, it was about war.


Long read, but even one of the most ardent proponents of Christian Reconstructionism castigated Paul Hill for his vigilantism. The vast, vast majority of pro-lifers don't subscribe to Mr. North's radical view of religion and gov't and repeatedly condemn such vigilante justice. But 99% of the time, Christians don't get the same kid gloves treatment on these matters that Muslims do in the media. And that was my point.

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I read where a Christian stabbed two soldiers in New York last week.

Link ? Context?


What is your point, asshat? There are many soldiers who come back from war with a hyped up aggressive mentality. It's what it does to some guys. Why not pick a non military guy who has lived his life as a devout Christian to use as an example? I got news for you, when my boy got back from Iraq, he would have kicked your ass all over the road for just looking the wrong way. These kids are usually on the edge and some do snap. But to use one as an example of a Christian guy killing is ridiculous. This example was not about religion, it was about war.


Long read, but even one of the most ardent proponents of Christian Reconstructionism castigated Paul Hill for his vigilantism. The vast, vast majority of pro-lifers don't subscribe to Mr. North's radical view of religion and gov't and repeatedly condemn such vigilante justice. But 99% of the time, Christians don't get the same kid gloves treatment on these matters that Muslims do in the media. And that was my point.

I realize that you have this persecution complex, but it is absurd. If you were to poll most folks in Amreican prisons about their religion, I bet the predominate group would claim to be Christians. And yet, their religious preference is rarely mentioned in the news stories about their crimes.

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Not a complex of any sort. Time and again the media and Hollywood proves that painting Christians in the worst light or making fun of them is par for the course compared to how other groups are treated. Last acceptable prejudice and all that.

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"where they attended the strict Teays Valley Missionary Baptist Church"

maybe slow down next time your reading.

Nor was there any religious motive for the attack-Raptor

Nor was there any in the links provided by Titan or Tex.

Dude,I'm no fan of the make believe, but you're flat out delusional. The punk's OWN WORDS, there is absolutely nothing about 'killing in the name of Jesus, Godâ„¢, the Mother Mary or purifying the world w/ blood - NOTHING remotely like that.

Read slowly, because I KNOW you love to skim down to only the parts you like....

"i dont need anyone but me, i am cold and heartless, noone can hurt me, noone can touch me, in doing so i will forever be truly alone. i accept. **** fairytails and illusions of grandeur. unnhappiness can be a way of life. but im not gonna be one of those little bitches who kills themselves i will take down anyone who gets in my way by any means necessary. dont **** with me and you have nothing to worry about but if you have at one point ****** with me. watch your muther****in ass cause i will not be stopped until i get my revenge. i am angry at the world and i will take it out on anyone so **** OFF. noone is what they seem, we all have our masks, mine is gone. come take a look."

And speaking of 'reading fast', I have to wonder why you overlooked the relevant point of the PARTIAL line you cut/ pasted...

The Hunters grew up together in Ona, West Virgina, where they attended the strict Teays Valley Missionary Baptist Church. Mom Judy Hunter also says her son wasn't the same when he came home

So, you see, the 'strict' Church you're allegedly blaming this on seems to NOT have been a factor here. He didn't attend the church, and then go out and murder folks. He went to the church, WHILE GROWING UP, and then changed, later on in life.

Hell, I've walked by and even in lots of churches, and have yet to kill even once. You have no case.

arnold, what is your deal ? Seriously. Why are you bending over backwards to offer cover for Islamo whackos who go out and kill Americans, Jews, Dane film makers, etc....and then offering up the lamest of analogies so you can paint ANYONE who snaps as being " Christian" . There is no equivalence here. None. You're grasping at straws, and I can't for the life of me understand why.

Childhood issues of some sort ? :gofig:

BU's Web site described Antoun as a "sociocultural anthropologist" whose scholarly interests focused on comparative religion, Islamic law and ethics and "the sociology of dispute with respect to tribal law in the Middle East."

According to a NY Times article, the perpetrator complained about being persecuted because he was a muslim, and repeatedly talked about death with his apartment-mate, Sakho.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_crime/2009/12/05/2009-12-05_phd_candidate_kills_his_prof_judge.html#ixzz0Z7OeDYWI

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Not a complex of any sort. Time and again the media and Hollywood proves that painting Christians in the worst light or making fun of them is par for the course compared to how other groups are treated. Last acceptable prejudice and all that.

You ignore my larger point.

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Not a complex of any sort. Time and again the media and Hollywood proves that painting Christians in the worst light or making fun of them is par for the course compared to how other groups are treated. Last acceptable prejudice and all that.

You ignore my larger point.

I'm going to use South Park for an example.

They've used Jesus in a few episodes. The Jesus figure could be seen by anyone and everyone.

For one episode, South Park wanted to have Muhammed. Comedy Central chose to blackout Muhammed when the door opened.

Why the double standard?

Rachel Maddow didn't waste anytime talking of terrorism when Tiller was murdered.


Then, Fort Hood happened, she decided to use more objectivity.

Why the double standard?


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I read where a Christian stabbed two soldiers in New York last week.

Link ? Context?


What is your point, asshat? There are many soldiers who come back from war with a hyped up aggressive mentality. It's what it does to some guys. Why not pick a non military guy who has lived his life as a devout Christian to use as an example? I got news for you, when my boy got back from Iraq, he would have kicked your ass all over the road for just looking the wrong way. These kids are usually on the edge and some do snap. But to use one as an example of a Christian guy killing is ridiculous. This example was not about religion, it was about war.


Long read, but even one of the most ardent proponents of Christian Reconstructionism castigated Paul Hill for his vigilantism. The vast, vast majority of pro-lifers don't subscribe to Mr. North's radical view of religion and gov't and repeatedly condemn such vigilante justice. But 99% of the time, Christians don't get the same kid gloves treatment on these matters that Muslims do in the media. And that was my point.

I realize that you have this persecution complex, but it is absurd. If you were to poll most folks in Amreican prisons about their religion, I bet the predominate group would claim to be Christians. And yet, their religious preference is rarely mentioned in the news stories about their crimes.

Nowhere is it taught in the Christian religion that it is OK to kill those not like you. But I would venture that there are many people practicing islam who see it as a duty to kill those that are not muslix.

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I read where a Christian stabbed two soldiers in New York last week.

Link ? Context?


What is your point, asshat? There are many soldiers who come back from war with a hyped up aggressive mentality. It's what it does to some guys. Why not pick a non military guy who has lived his life as a devout Christian to use as an example? I got news for you, when my boy got back from Iraq, he would have kicked your ass all over the road for just looking the wrong way. These kids are usually on the edge and some do snap. But to use one as an example of a Christian guy killing is ridiculous. This example was not about religion, it was about war.


Long read, but even one of the most ardent proponents of Christian Reconstructionism castigated Paul Hill for his vigilantism. The vast, vast majority of pro-lifers don't subscribe to Mr. North's radical view of religion and gov't and repeatedly condemn such vigilante justice. But 99% of the time, Christians don't get the same kid gloves treatment on these matters that Muslims do in the media. And that was my point.

I realize that you have this persecution complex, but it is absurd. If you were to poll most folks in Amreican prisons about their religion, I bet the predominate group would claim to be Christians. And yet, their religious preference is rarely mentioned in the news stories about their crimes.

Nowhere is it taught in the Christian religion that it is OK to kill those not like you. But I would venture that there are many people practicing islam who see it as a duty to kill those that are not muslix.

1 Samuel 18:25-27

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I read where a Christian stabbed two soldiers in New York last week.

Link ? Context?


What is your point, asshat? There are many soldiers who come back from war with a hyped up aggressive mentality. It's what it does to some guys. Why not pick a non military guy who has lived his life as a devout Christian to use as an example? I got news for you, when my boy got back from Iraq, he would have kicked your ass all over the road for just looking the wrong way. These kids are usually on the edge and some do snap. But to use one as an example of a Christian guy killing is ridiculous. This example was not about religion, it was about war.


Long read, but even one of the most ardent proponents of Christian Reconstructionism castigated Paul Hill for his vigilantism. The vast, vast majority of pro-lifers don't subscribe to Mr. North's radical view of religion and gov't and repeatedly condemn such vigilante justice. But 99% of the time, Christians don't get the same kid gloves treatment on these matters that Muslims do in the media. And that was my point.

I realize that you have this persecution complex, but it is absurd. If you were to poll most folks in Amreican prisons about their religion, I bet the predominate group would claim to be Christians. And yet, their religious preference is rarely mentioned in the news stories about their crimes.

Nowhere is it taught in the Christian religion that it is OK to kill those not like you. But I would venture that there are many people practicing islam who see it as a duty to kill those that are not muslix.

1 Samuel 18:25-27

Yeah. Just a few hundred years off. Try again, oh ye, one of what David brought Saul.

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