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Cameron Newton


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I'm not terribly excited about this. How many Juco transfers do you remember actually making an impact at Auburn? I'm struggling to think of any. Maybe in the line contributed for a year...but usually they take a year to get used to the place and play some their senior year. Can't really think of a skilled player ever coming in and making an impact.

Rudi Johnson.

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Jason Miska was a JUCO transfer. My favorite linebacker of all time!!!!

My friends and I used to joke about the sack he had in the 93 Iron Bowl. Jay Barker was so scared he took a knee so as to not get hit. :)

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I am lumping the sign and place guys in this list starting with the class of 2000.

Daniel Cobb (2000), Javor Mills (2000, Alton Moore (2000), Deandre Green (2000), Rudi Johnson (2000)

Brandon Jacobs(2003), David Irons (2003), Doug Lagenfield (2003), Tony McClain (2003)

Christopher Browder (2004)

Jonathan Wilhite (2005), Prechae Rodriguez (2005)

Greg Smith (2006)-the Internet King as Tuberville used to call him, arrived to camp overweight, redshirted, then asked to transfer

Eltoro "the Bull" Freeman (2007)

Chris Todd (2008), Onterio McCalebb (2008), Raven Gray (2008)

Demond Washington (2009), Taikon Page (2009)

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Here is what this says to me. Newton is somewhat of a short term fix and that they don't know if any of the QB's are quite ready come game one. I believe the coaches are very excited about next year with new players and those coming off injury and that if we can get a guy that can really contribute at QB that their expectation are quite high. So... they want to have as many options at QB as possible.

If the coaches believed that we were still a year or two from competing then I don't think they would have an interest in Newton. I believe this says that with the right QB next year they are thinking big.

Any qb who doesn't start as a freshman/sophomore is a "short term fix."

Point being is that they are not bringing him to "learn" the system and develop physically over 2 or 3 years and then be ready to contribute. He as with most JUCO signees are brought in with the idea that there could be some immediate contribution. If he turned out to be a superstar and then declare early for draft then I would call him a "short" term player because of the length of time he would have spent on campus in comparison to a player signed straight out of high school and is redshirted.

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Had forgotten about Rudy...he is a major success.. Todd is also a good one...he really turned it around this year....the others I would not call impact players ..let's hope he is the exception and not the rule if he decides to come to Auburn. No other QB in site right now.

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Well, IF we get him, which unfortunately seems like a foregone conclusion to some, we will still have Caudle, Rollison (if he can get his shi_ together, Trotter and Moseley if he doesn't work out for whatever reason. I try never to assume anything. :rolleyes:

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Well, IF we get him, which unfortunately seems like a foregone conclusion to some, we will still have Caudle, Rollison (if he can get his shi_ together, Trotter and Moseley if he doesn't work out for whatever reason. I try never to assume anything. :rolleyes:

To try to never ass-u-me is wise. Just saying ……

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I'm not terribly excited about this. How many Juco transfers do you remember actually making an impact at Auburn? I'm struggling to think of any. Maybe in the line contributed for a year...but usually they take a year to get used to the place and play some their senior year. Can't really think of a skilled player ever coming in and making an impact.

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I can think of two. Rudi Johnson and Brandon Jacobs, especially Rudi Johnson. Brandon Jacobs had tremendous potential but transferred to a school in Illinois his senior year. Both Johnson and Jacobs have had outstanding NFL careers.

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