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TiVo / DVR Issues


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I have DirecTV with a TiVo dvr. My dvr will either freeze up, automatically reboot, or both when watching recorded progams. Looking at the DirecTV forums, it appears I may be having hardrive failure which mean I will need a new TiVo receiver.

My questions are these:

A.) Is there a way to back up my recorded programs? I don't need all of them but there are a couple we haven't seen and a couple that my wife has recorded for her History class.

B.) Will any TiVo box work with my DTV or will I have to get one specifically for DTV?

I emailed DTV customer service and basically was told to call Tech Support or visit the forums (not very helpful) and that they could not guarantee that I would get a TiVo dvr because they simply send what ever is in stock. Nothing about whether any box would do. I don't feel like nor do I have the time to sit on the phone with DTV right now and mess around with the TiVo (kids and such).

Any input I could get on these issues would be greatly appreciated. If I have to call I will but I was hoping to skip that.


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You might want to check this site out for hard drive upgrades. Might give some tips on transferring programs: http://www.weaknees.com/tivo-upgrade.php

Also, it appears this box will work with DirecTV, but I'd double check by calling Tivo first: https://www3.tivo.com/store/clearance-renewed-80hourseries2dt.do

That's a great price on it.

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I work with a guy that supposedly hooks his TVO up to portable hard drives and has them all networked together in his house to his home network of apple computers.

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when you first got the TiVo you currently have did you get it through Direct TV?

Yes I did. I was hoping to maybe get an upgrade. I have been with them for 10 years. I am not in a contract with them and thought I could bargain with them.

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I have DirecTV with a TiVo dvr. My dvr will either freeze up, automatically reboot, or both when watching recorded progams. Looking at the DirecTV forums, it appears I may be having hardrive failure which mean I will need a new TiVo receiver.

My questions are these:

A.) Is there a way to back up my recorded programs? I don't need all of them but there are a couple we haven't seen and a couple that my wife has recorded for her History class.

B.) Will any TiVo box work with my DTV or will I have to get one specifically for DTV?

I emailed DTV customer service and basically was told to call Tech Support or visit the forums (not very helpful) and that they could not guarantee that I would get a TiVo dvr because they simply send what ever is in stock. Nothing about whether any box would do. I don't feel like nor do I have the time to sit on the phone with DTV right now and mess around with the TiVo (kids and such).

Any input I could get on these issues would be greatly appreciated. If I have to call I will but I was hoping to skip that.


There is a feature on TiVo that allow you to record back to a VCR tape--it will be time consuming.

Any TiVo box will work with DTV

You can probably get an upgrade to one of the new DVRs for free given your longevity with the company, provided your account standing is good. Shoot me a message if you're still in the market. I've got a bit more info.

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Any TiVo box will work with DTV

You can probably get an upgrade to one of the new DVRs for free given your longevity with the company, provided your account standing is good. Shoot me a message if you're still in the market. I've got a bit more info.

Actually this is not true. Only the Series 2 will work with DTV. Otherwise you'll need to hunt down one of the old Tivo units that DTV sold. Might try eBay.

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