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"We Are Auburn"?


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I just had the thought that with the Updyke trial about to get underway, hot on the heels of Leonard's dastardly deed, that there may be a bit of the "We Are Marshall" thing about to develop at Auburn.

There may be other events (maybe all that noise in 2010 about Cam and the "scandal" could be counted) that help add a little fuel to the fire, but I have this sneaking suspicion that our guys are going to be a bit more motivated this year to kick some major butt. That fire in the belly could go a long way to turn close games into wins.

Anybody else getting that kind of vibe?

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Funny enough, I'm actually wearing a shirt I got five or six years ago. On the front it says "I am a Tiger" and on the back "We are Auburn"

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I've tried to resist the temptation to think of what the deaths of 3 young men means to the success of our football team. I think my resolve is now strengthened.

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I've tried to resist the temptation to think of what the deaths of 3 young men means to the success of our football team. I think my resolve is now strengthened.

First things first. I want updyke to pay for his deeds. Those most affected by the deaths... have some time to heal.

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I do want Updyke to be put away for a long time. I don't think the defense atty will be able to find 12 people in Lee County who aren't appalled by the crime but I do think he will be able to find 12 who can hear the evidence impartialy.

As for the tragedy: I expect the team will dedicate the season to their dead and wounded friends. I doubt that will make any difference in how well schooled or how well developed they are as a team It can give a little extra motivation, but the difference will come from coaching and the dedication that will have to be there to begin with if this team is to succeed.

Hope as we may I think a 9 win reg season is the best we can hope for. I don't see Auburn being able to beat LSU, GA, or AL this year. But I think they have a shot at winning all the rest. I hope I'm not fooling myself.

A lit will bepend on whether they can beat Clemson and Miss St (both of whom I expect to be fairly good) to start out the season. If they can't win both of those they could wind up losing a lot more and could have a hard time finding a winning season if they start out 0-2.

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I do want Updyke to be put away for a long time. I don't think the defense atty will be able to find 12 people in Lee County who aren't appalled by the crime but I do think he will be able to find 12 who can hear the evidence impartialy.

As for the tragedy: I expect the team will dedicate the season to their dead and wounded friends. I doubt that will make any difference in how well schooled or how well developed they are as a team It can give a little extra motivation, but the difference will come from coaching and the dedication that will have to be there to begin with if this team is to succeed.

Hope as we may I think a 9 win reg season is the best we can hope for. I don't see Auburn being able to beat LSU, GA, or AL this year. But I think they have a shot at winning all the rest. I hope I'm not fooling myself.

A lit will bepend on whether they can beat Clemson and Miss St (both of whom I expect to be fairly good) to start out the season. If they can't win both of those they could wind up losing a lot more and could have a hard time finding a winning season if they start out 0-2.

I wouldn't concede Bama, UGA and LSU. UGA and LSU both have to come to JHS. LSU is breaking in a new QB and lost some defensive talent.

Bama loses Trent, Smelley, Maze and three 1st rounders on their D. Any of those games could be a situation like we saw Bama/USC in 2010. Bama was the better team but USC had good talent and a great gameplan. Top to bottom, we have more talent than that team did.

They will all be favored against us but I'm not willing to say we lose them all. I think UGA will implode again.

And since it has been brought up, if you think our young men won't be a much closer team and want it much more because of this tragedy you're a bit off the mark. A bonded, determined team can accomplish wonders.

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