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Statements from Coach Gene Chizik


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    * "This is a very special day in my life. Jay, let me assure you: You hired the right guy."

    * "It was amazing how on the same page we were."

    * He's complimenting all the new stuff Auburn has built since he left in early 2005.

    * "There are so many things that indicate Auburn has a vision."

    * "The Auburn people? The Auburn way? I get it. I've been to some great places and not one matches the passion, enery and excitement of Auburn and these Auburn people."

    * "It's not just about championships. It's about the whole thing."

    * "Shortly after this is over, (recruiting) is where you'll see me. Today. We're going to recruit tirelessly, 24/7. We're going to work."

    * "I've made many great, great relationships with high-school coaches in this state. We're going to start in this great state of Alabama where football is very important."

    * "We have no secrets here. We'll have an open door for high-school coaches ... and particularly in this state."

    * "I want the Auburn football players ... to feel like they're back into an Auburn family. Some may feel it. Some may not. I don't know what's out there. I want all those guys to come back."

    * "We're going to move this thing in the right direction."

    * On the staff: "I have one goal: To make sure we bring in the best football coach/person/recruiter out there. That's my commitment."

    * On his offensive style: "It's 200 years old. On offense right now, you've got to run the football. That doesn't mean we're not going to throw the football. It means that you have to be physical. That doesn't pigeonhole me into any one offense. So many offenses are not one-dimensional anymore."

    * On his troubles at ISU: "When I took that job, I was ready to be a head coach. I had done everything I could do as an assistant coach. I was ready. It's not like I walked into that thing and didn't think it was a challenge. I had a blueprint in place. I put it in effect. I never deviated from that one bit."

    * How can he win over the fans?: "That answer is really easy. You have to win. There's going to be skepticism no matter who you hire. At the end of the day, what I do know is that this was the right hire for Auburn. I understand this place. I understand these people. I understand how to recruit it."

    * Why leave four years ago?: "My desire was to be a head coach. University of Texas had a great track record of moving guys on to jobs. I made the move. If I hadn't made that move, maybe I wouldn't be standing here today."

    * Staff revisited: "I've got a plan in place. I've got a really good sense of where I'm going. Some of (the candidates) are still coaching."

    * Initial reaction to being hired: "My initial reaction was `War Eagle.' It happened fast."

    * Joe Whitt Sr. is recruiting now. Phillip Lolley and Jimmy Perry as well.

    * "I love recruiting. I can't wait."

    * On Tuberville: "I have not talked to Tommy. I had a great three years here. I was very appreciative of Tommy letting me do my job. There's a fine line between coaching and meddling. I don't plan on micromanaging coordinators. That's why they were hired. I'm going to be out there and I'm going to be coaching."

    * "The expectations of the people aren't any higher than mine. My expectations are very high."

    * "Last season was a situation I hadn't experienced. We played with 11 true freshmen. We kept persevering. We learned a lot. I learned a lot."

    * Head coaches are big recruiters now: "That's who I have to be. When this is over, I'm hitting the road. I'm out of here. I'll spear-head that effort."

    * Last night's meeting: "We had a great meeting last night. I let them understand their leader is someone who loves Auburn. I love this place. You need to love the game. We'll hit this thing together."

    * Why are you the right guy for the job?: "I love Auburn. I know the importance of football at Auburn. I know the importance of football in Alabama. I get that. The coaches that know me in this state and the coaches who know me out of this state -- they know about my Auburn ties."

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What a great hire! At first I was mad at Jay with the way things went down with Tommy, but then i got over it and just had to believe Tommy stepped down on his own. I think Jay has possibly made the most under rated hire in Auburn history, Jay has taken a big risk with a huge reward! And if he is willing to put his job in his hands then i will stand behind both of them! I believe in Chizik and what he has to say.

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I agree.  I like what I'm hearing.  Let's just see if he delivers on what he says.  As for the nay-sayers, playing 11 true freshmen at a place like ISU is not going to produce very many wins (probably wouldn't at almost any school).  He's here now and just because his last 2 seasons were terrible doesn't mean anything.  He's got a clean slate and he's getting to work.

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And you have to remember that there is a difference between the true freshman at a place like Iowa State and a place like Auburn.  They don't have a bunch of Neiko Thorpe's and Spencer Pybus' running around on the field.  That team was terrible.  Nobody would have done any better with them!

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I agree that the freshman competing at ISU and AU are a different breed and Chizik understands that.  The best part about those quotes was realizing to win fans all you have to do is win.  I have to say I for one am a little nervous about the Chizik hire, but am behind him 100%.  I think he understands what it takes to be a good if not great coach coaching underneath Tubs and Mack Brown, but lets all hope he translates that knowledge to wins on the football field and in the recruiting races.  Hopefully we can also continue to keep recruiting those "3 star players" and getting everything out of them and sending them to the NFL above their "5 star" counterparts. 

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  • 2 years later...

Just wanted to bump this OLD thread. Found it interesting how up front CGC was when he was hired and how 2 years later every single word he said on that day has rung so true. The man told us what he would do from day one and has backed up every single word of it. War Eagle Coach Chizik. War Eagle.

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Just wanted to bump this OLD thread. Found it interesting how up front CGC was when he was hired and how 2 years later every single word he said on that day has rung so true. The man told us what he would do from day one and has backed up every single word of it. War Eagle Coach Chizik. War Eagle.

Double dittoes.
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Just wanted to bump this OLD thread. Found it interesting how up front CGC was when he was hired and how 2 years later every single word he said on that day has rung so true. The man told us what he would do from day one and has backed up every single word of it. War Eagle Coach Chizik. War Eagle.

Quality bump.

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Another thing that I found interesting about this thread, there was a lot of support here for Coach Chizik early on. Kinda speaks volumes about the place, Imo. I was actually posting on AL.com back then and a thread like this was impossible to find (still is for that matter). Makes me wish I'd found this place a whole lot sooner.

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An excellent bump. I know I was very skeptical about the hire. We're getting a great D Coordinator that had a losing record at a "lower level" BCS Conference. What is Jacobs thinking? He's a good man, so is Mark Richt. His dad won a bronze star he knows about valor but he's 5-19! Sound familiar? Thank God for Jacobs' courage and CGC's leadership and to the rest of the coaching staff for working hard and the great achievements that have had.


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Seeing those statements, in his early days on the job, it sure seems Coach Chiz knew what he was talking about doesn't it?    :laugh:  Who needs Miss Cleo when we have Coach Chiz?

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