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My apologies for questioning Sources

guerra aguila

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Sorry guys I got a little excited when I read that McCalebb was going to sign and I wanted to make sure it wasnt anything bogus. Im sure you guys understand where im coming from. So my deepest apologies if I offended anybody. I just wanted to make sure the source was legit, so now I know. Thanks for you patience.

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Its alright man i totally understand....with everything that is out there now days.....i can tell you all one thing i might mess around and post something i hear just to start something on here but if i post something 9 times out of 10 its gonna be true b/c i have as good of sources as there are out there.....i don't get any of my info from rivals or scout i get them straight from the guys that are closest to Auburn so believe me im not gonna post some crap! Again thanks for joining the BEST FREE SITE on the net!! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND WAR EAGLE!!

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I think its good for people to see that we really are the best site out there. Glad to have you Aguila. Keep posting we like having people with all kinds of posts. Get your friends involved. My best christmas present would be for us to hit 100 members before January 1. go go Recruit

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