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shon is Auburn..writing on the wall


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I hope you are right aubieclawz.  I too believe he's coming to Auburn.  I just hope he quits listening to the bammer media machine, and all that spews out over at west vance!


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Shon Coleman is all AUBURN, no doubts. The young man is just taking his visits. Shoot, if I were in his shoes I would do the same thing. Who wouldn't want to visit Miami, or get some Dreamland BBQ in T-Town?  He wants to open up holes for FURURE HEISMAN TROPHY WINNERS Michael Dyer and Marcus Lattimore and protect FUTURE ALL-AMERICAN qb Cameron Newton!! So guys and gals, lets sit back and enjoy this weekend! The future is appearing right before our eyes and we all need sunglasses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::thumbsup::trampoline::yay:;D

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Shon Coleman is all AUBURN, no doubts. The young man is just taking his visits. Shoot, if I were in his shoes I would do the same thing. Who wouldn't want to visit Miami, or get some Dreamland BBQ in T-Town?  He wants to open up holes for FURURE HEISMAN TROPHY WINNERS Michael Dyer and Marcus Lattimore and protect FUTURE ALL-AMERICAN qb Cameron Newton!! So guys and gals, lets sit back and enjoy this weekend! The future is appearing right before our eyes and we all need sunglasses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::thumbsup::trampoline::yay:;D


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When is Coleman scheduled to announce?

ANYBODY? Thanks.

I'm sure it's been mentioned but with all the high profile recruits we're in on I've forgotten.

I'm not sure if he will be announcing again, assuming that he sticks with Auburn, since he already announced his commitment last year. 
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I really do think we land this guy. How can you not think about when the coaches were in his ear for a year now. He is considered a back up plan for bama...he is our number one priorty for the OL. Got to feel some sort of love for auburn for that.

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Does any one know where to get a list of the times and dates for the recruits who will be announcing before nsd?

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When is Coleman scheduled to announce?

ANYBODY? Thanks.

I'm sure it's been mentioned but with all the high profile recruits we're in on I've forgotten.

I'm not sure if he will be announcing again, assuming that he sticks with Auburn, since he already announced his commitment last year. 

Thanks Mrdude. Didn't know he had committed already. :-[                      :wareagle:

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Nicky  :devil: only wants him because he was up-graded to a 5-star, so they can try to claim another "Mythical" recruiting title !!! He didn't recognize his talent or "Care" about him when he was a 3-star !!!

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Falcon-the quotations, seriously, have to stop. my head hurts after reading your posts.

Shon will do the right thing, but I don't blame him for taking his official visits. He's basically partying it up at all these different universities for free. What else do 18 year old kids care about?

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