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2nd year improvement foreseen


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As a general rule, the 2nd year of a new coaching staff shows marked improvement over the first year as the players become more comfortable playing in a new system. 2010 will be an exciting year for AU!  javascript:void(0); I look forward to closing out NSD strong, A-day, and the coming season...and in discussing these issues with you.

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Back on topic and thanks for the directions.   ;D

My son played DE for our high school team which just finished their 2nd season of having a football program. Only 2 of the kids had ever played a game at the beginning of spring training the first season (2008), and we ended up struggling against good competition. However, in 2009, a major jump occurred after only losing 2 seniors with the team going 11-2 and making it all the way to the state semi-finals.

I understand there is a big jump from high school to college. But as an example, same pattern was seen in Saban's 2nd year. Everything points to us being a major player again, sooner rather than later.

Major key: Experienced O-line and much better overall depth.

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Back on topic and thanks for the directions.   ;D

My son played DE for our high school team which just finished their 2nd season of having a football program. Only 2 of the kids had ever played a game at the beginning of spring training the first season (2008), and we ended up struggling against good competition. However, in 2009, a major jump occurred after only losing 2 seniors with the team going 11-2 and making it all the way to the state semi-finals.

I understand there is a big jump from high school to college. But as an example, same pattern was seen in Saban's 2nd year. Everything points to us being a major player again, sooner rather than later.

Major key: Experienced O-line and much better overall depth.

FWIW I think our defense will improve to between 15 and 25 nationally. I think our offense moves up into the top ten nationally. Our special team will improve markedly with the introduction of this recruiting class. This was where we were last year.


I do not know where that will put us. I do know we can win every game on the schedule. The schedule is favorable. Our team is also young. We may slip some just from that.

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Jason's Dad said it first and I agree.

2-3 years for the NC

Bama will be looking at our tails lights as they bounce down the road having run them over for the third time in a row :happydance:

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