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Coleman Update


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12:55pm - Shon Coleman is on his way back from Miami visit right now. Miami could be too far from home in the end. Alabama has too much depth on the offensive line. Auburn there are no negatives. Ole Miss is close to home but there are some issues behind the scenes. Looks like he could be leaning back towards Auburn now. I would put them as the front runner! - Yancy Porter, Scout.com Mississippi analyst

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thx!! I am curious to know what's behind the scenes at om :-\........oh well sounds good for us that Coleman will be a Tiger! Although I haven't doubted after his last visit, anyway War Whit!!! :wareagle::wedance::party:

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:wareagle: Does anybody know when he is actually going to announce?

The day we here an announcement date is the day we should worry about Shon. If he is going to sign with Auburn, he has already committed so there will be no need to announce. If you hear that Shon Coleman will announce at a given date and time, consider him gone.

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:wareagle: Does anybody know when he is actually going to announce?

The day we here an announcement date is the day we should worry about Shon. If he is going to sign with Auburn, he has already committed so there will be no need to announce. If you hear that Shon Coleman will announce at a given date and time, consider him gone.

This is right on the mark i dont want an anouncement just a faxed in sig from Shon to  :wareagle:

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thx!! I am curious to know what's behind the scenes at om :-\........oh well sounds good for us that Coleman will be a Tiger! Although I haven't doubted after his last visit, anyway War Whit!!! :wareagle::wedance::party:

TIFWIW. But I have a friend who graduated from there who says that Nutt wants out. He wanted the Kansas job but apperantly wanted a little more than they were willing to offer, Friend says he just doesnt see himself as being succesfull in the SEC east with Petrino, Saban, and Chizik in the division.

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I thought rKansas was in the running for Coleman too.....if he doesn't decommit tomorrow, then I don't forsee any problems with Shon

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While lurking on others boards over the past few weeks or so I've seen rebs, pigs, and mullies all thinking they have an excellent shot of landing Shon. I really believe the guy will sign with Auburn (100% came right out of his mouth 2 weeks ago). I think the only reason we hear so much about uat is because we are in the same state. JMO.

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thx!! I am curious to know what's behind the scenes at om :-\........oh well sounds good for us that Coleman will be a Tiger! Although I haven't doubted after his last visit, anyway War Whit!!! :wareagle::wedance::party:

TIFWIW. But I have a friend who graduated from there who says that Nutt wants out. He wanted the Kansas job but apperantly wanted a little more than they were willing to offer, Friend says he just doesnt see himself as being succesfull in the SEC east with Petrino, Saban, and Chizik in the division.

He might be successful in the East. All the coaches you mentioned are in the West. just pickin at ya.


you beat me to it :tease: but thanks for the info 8

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God I hope so. My only wish is that if he really was considering the turds that he reads what the bammatards are saying about him. Today they are saying that he isn't big enough, that they don't think he rates a 5*, and that they feel that Kouandjio would be better. I mean come on Shon...the synapses of those idiots is that they only want him just so AUBURN won't have him. How flippen elementary can one be!?! :pcprobs:

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Bama did the same thing with Coleman as we did/are doing with Ambles.  Long shot wishful thinking.

I am glad there is positive news surrounding this today.  War Damn Eagle Shon Coleman!

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Sounds like a preemptive we didn't want him anyway to me.

God I hope so. My only wish is that if he really was considering the turds that he reads what the bammatards are saying about him. Today they are saying that he isn't big enough, that they don't think he rates a 5*, and that they feel that Kouandjio would be better. I mean come on Shon...the synapses of those idiots is that they only want him just so AUBURN won't have him. How flippen elementary can one be!?! :pcprobs:

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im not sure auburn wants,needs,or has offered ambles. he is probably on the back burner incase we have some defections which besides howard we will not.

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cecil hurt just stated that if uat wants Coleman they will get him and if  they don't it will be because they don't need him because they will get the 2 OL they want.  Shon, are you listening?  They only want you if they don't get the other two guys.

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cecil hurt just stated that if uat wants Coleman they will get him and if  they don't it will be because they don't need him because they will get the 2 OL they want.  Shon, are you listening?  They only want you if they don't get the other two guys.

Cecil Hurt isn't particularly a Bama homer.  Did he get pressed on his source?  I'm not sure he would make that kind of emphatic statement unless he thought he could back it up.

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God I hope so. My only wish is that if he really was considering the turds that he reads what the bammatards are saying about him. Today they are saying that he isn't big enough, that they don't think he rates a 5*, and that they feel that Kouandjio would be better. I mean come on Shon...the synapses of those idiots is that they only want him just so AUBURN won't have him. How flippen elementary can one be!?! :pcprobs:

You have a link to this?

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