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Cut It Out! No, Wait! Bring It On!


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Cut It Out! No, Wait! Bring It On!

John Kerry is on the defensive over criticism of his Vietnam War record. The Associated Press quotes him:

"Of course, the president keeps telling people he would never question my service to our country. Instead, he watches as a Republican-funded attack group does just that. Well, if he wants to have a debate about our service in Vietnam, here is my answer: 'Bring it on.' "

Note how he flip-flops just in the space of three sentences. "Bring it on," he declares, immediately after whining that the president has brought it on. Of course, the president has not actually brought it on. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the "attack group," is an independent "527" organization, just like the pro-Kerry MoveOn.org. For the Bush campaign to coordinate with it--whether to call it off or to bring it on--would be against the law.

Here's another Kerry quote: "More than 30 years ago I learned an important lesson. When you're under attack the best thing to do is turn your boat into the attack. That's what I intend to do today."

Now, "turn your boat into the attack" may be good advice in a combat situation, but international relations require a good deal more subtlety and nuance. Can we really afford such reckless belligerence in the White House?


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