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THAYER EVANS of FoxSports.com is a RACIST


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Thayer Evans of Foxsprts.com does not like black people. Yes, he is indeed a RACIST. The proof can be found in his recent column entitled, “Don’t vote Newton for Heisman”.

Think like Evans or a seven year old for a moment and consider the following...

   It was obvious that Mr. Evans spent countless days researching his feature to come to the masterful conclusion that Cameron Newton is a cheat and fraud and undeserving of the Heisman Trophy. Thayer Evans should be commended for not just rewriting an already published story but for adding a new twist by comparing him to Reggie Bush of the New Orleans Saints. Utilizing his keen investigative skills, Thayer Evans came to the most likely conclusion that because Reggie Bush was a “cheat”, Cameron Newton must be too. Both football players have two similarities. They are both tremendous athletes and they are both black. Because Thayer Evans doesn’t portray being athletic as something negative, he must have come to the conclusion that both were black, so they both are cheats. Evans confirms this thought process by making a suggestion of voting for Kellen Moore of Boise State for the Heisman. Thayer points out that Moore is a more deserving candidate probably because Moore is white. Actually the term, “cracker” or “whitee” would be more appropriate with Thayer Evans involved in the conversation.

See how easy it is to come to stupid conclusions based on very little evidence. Thayer Evans of little mind came to his conclusion because he allowed his personal feelings to affect his profession of being a sports-journalist. Rather than looking at the little known facts before writing his column, he rushed to judgment, exposing his true colors. He associated Cameron Newton with the Heisman and immediately thought of Reggie Bush. This is where Thayer Evans went wrong. Had he conducted a tad more research, he would have seen the true smoking-gun and valid connection. Evans missed the obvious Hesiman winner, O.J. Simpson, who was also a Junior College transfer and BLACK!

My goodness… the writing is on the wall and little Thayer missed the target completely. We all know that O.J. is an accused murderer and a convicted armed-robber. We should send Cameron Newton straight to prison to avoid any loss of life. In all fairness to Thayer Evans, I believe if he hadn’t been in such a rush to pump out his compelling drivel, he would have seen the “OJ” theory on his own. After all, is there any doubt someone of Evans intellect, would miss something so obvious?

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Disgusting.  I wonder what Thayer would do if he were fired because someone claimed he was racist without presenting any evidence.  I'm sure he wouldn't take it lieing down, yet he has no issue with doing just that to Cam.  Absolutely pitiful.  This is so surreal..reading that article made me feel like I was living on another planet.  Thayer, you are a pos bro.  GFY.

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Disgusting.  I wonder what Thayer would do if he were fired because someone claimed he was racist without presenting any evidence.  I'm sure he wouldn't take it lieing down, yet he has no issue with doing just that to Cam.  Absolutely pitiful.  This is so surreal..reading that article made me feel like I was living on another planet.  Thayer, you are a pos bro.  GFY.

Should we paint this racist picture of Thayer?

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Stat I'm usually with you. You think of elements of a game that I would never begin to know existed. Having said that I disagree with your thinking that this article indicates that the writer is a racist. Unreasonable, yes, irrational, yes, trying to stoke the fire, yes, thinks 1+1=3, yes, but racist, no. While I haven't read any other of his articles by this guy that could give more evidence (and don't plan to) to your theory, based on this one I disagree.

Look forward to your next post.

"See how easy it is to come to stupid conclusions based on very little evidence."

See this statement in Stats post.  He was drawing a parallel between coming to the conclusion Cam was cheating and calling Thayer a racist.

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Stat I'm usually with you. You think of elements of a game that I would never begin to know existed. Having said that I disagree with your thinking that this article indicates that the writer is a racist. Unreasonable, yes, irrational, yes, trying to stoke the fire, yes, thinks 1+1=3, yes, but racist, no. While I haven't read any other of his articles by this guy that could give more evidence (and don't plan to) to your theory, based on this one I disagree.

Look forward to your next post.

You completely missed the point.  Stat just ran a zone read on you and you bit on the low fruit.  You just got burned for a 70yd TD.

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Stat I'm usually with you. You think of elements of a game that I would never begin to know existed. Having said that I disagree with your thinking that this article indicates that the writer is a racist. Unreasonable, yes, irrational, yes, trying to stoke the fire, yes, thinks 1+1=3, yes, but racist, no. While I haven't read any other of his articles by this guy that could give more evidence (and don't plan to) to your theory, based on this one I disagree.

Look forward to your next post.

You completely missed the point.  Stat just ran a zone read on you and you bit on the low fruit.  You just got burned for a 70yd TD.

Good and clever analogy.

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Stat I'm usually with you. You think of elements of a game that I would never begin to know existed. Having said that I disagree with your thinking that this article indicates that the writer is a racist. Unreasonable, yes, irrational, yes, trying to stoke the fire, yes, thinks 1+1=3, yes, but racist, no. While I haven't read any other of his articles by this guy that could give more evidence (and don't plan to) to your theory, based on this one I disagree.

Look forward to your next post.

You completely missed the point.  Stat just ran a zone read on you and you bit on the low fruit.  You just got burned for a 70yd TD.

Good and clever analogy.

Agree.  I realize that Stat is a lot more cerebral than me, but even I saw his purpose here.  Actually, very clever.
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I clicked on his name to check out his bio.  The funny thing is he worked for the New York Times at one time.  Its funny how all the innuendo seems to start there and trickles to fertbum in bammerham.  Just sayin'.

He's a hack trying to get noticed just like the dimwit thamel currently at the New York Times.  Plus, we all know how much validity comes out of this wrag of paper.

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He is getting the attention he was striving for to fuel his ego - what ignorance and an embarrassment to journalism and our society.

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The damage will be done on the field... all this has done is light a fire under our football team.

These kids are going to prevail and prove the doubters wrong once again.

Every week Auburn faces a new flaw from the media, and every week Auburn leaves no question that they are among the nations elite.


Great post Stat, its great to be an Auburn Tiger.

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FOX sports - no need to say anything more . . .

but I will. The other article calling for the death penalty against Auburn ala SMU manufactures information from the few facts that are out there.

Agent = greed on Auburn's part

NCAA = investigation into Auburn's dealings

history of lawlessness = laptop

BUSH = Newton

FOX has created information based on assumption and is liable for their discussion. Trouble is if a lawsuit were filed they would report they now had proof positive that Auburn or Newton had something to hide. Why else would anyone attempt to protect themselves from their shoddy "reporting"

Anyone with any sense will read the facts and understand the results. I feel for Cam and the short term affect on the Heisman voters, but believe there is enough time for the smoke to clear and the right message to be read.

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On my blackberry so I won't be able to put as much into this as I want to. It is time that we, the Auburn Family, stand up and defend ourselves against the media. We need to write fox news and demand an apology. WeNeed to blow up there email with letters of support for our beloved university. I am sick, tired and pissed off about the lack of respect we are being shown. Mr. Newton should personally sue each and every one of these "journalists" for slander, since none of their accusations are based on fact.

Kiss my a--, Thayer Evans. 

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This article by Evans is a complete sham.  I for one will not be reading anymore FOX Sports articles as long as they keep a guy like this writing for them.  To post something like this before any evidence surfaces is shameful.  Thayer Evans should be fired.

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On my blackberry so I won't be able to put as much into this as I want to. It is time that we, the Auburn Family, stand up and defend ourselves against the media. We need to write fox news and demand an apology. WeNeed to blow up there email with letters of support for our beloved university. I am sick, tired and pissed off about the lack of respect we are being shown. Mr. Newton should personally sue each and every one of these "journalists" for slander, since none of their accusations are based on fact.

Kiss my a--, Thayer Evans. 

I totally agree....starting with this jackass.

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I wrote the douche a very pointed PM that basically said he has absolutely zero journalistic integrity. Hideous slander.

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After reading all your posts before reading the "article", I decided I better pass it up and not read it because I know what will happen.....well I couldn't resist and read it anyway....and it happened. I am pissed and personally offended at this jerkoff for what he has written about Cam, his family, and AU. Lots of unnecessary shots taken for an obvious reason. I have about digested all the "information" I care to about this situation and don't think I wanna read any more of this garbage. AU and Cam are clearly innocent and this will pass. Gonna go workout and take some aggression out before my blood pressure blows. Freakin idiot.

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I wrote the douche a very pointed PM that basically said he has absolutely zero journalistic integrity. Hideous slander.

I wonder if he'll have the guts to send you a response.

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I clicked on his name to check out his bio.  The funny thing is he worked for the New York Times at one time.  Its funny how all the innuendo seems to start there and trickles to fertbum in bammerham.  Just sayin'.

He's a hack trying to get noticed just like the dimwit thamel currently at the New York Times.  Plus, we all know how much validity comes out of this wrag of paper.

Bingo.... The Meyer element has plenty of merit but don't think for one moment that Bama backers are not pushing  the media crap.

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I'm so glad you pointed this out Stat.  I got the same dirty feeling as well when reading it.  

You have so much well-deserved credibility, its good to see you take this stand.  Much appreciated.


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I clicked on his name to check out his bio.  The funny thing is he worked for the New York Times at one time.  Its funny how all the innuendo seems to start there and trickles to fertbum in bammerham.  Just sayin'.

He's a hack trying to get noticed just like the dimwit thamel currently at the New York Times.  Plus, we all know how much validity comes out of this wrag of paper.

Bingo.... The Meyer element has plenty of merit but don't think for one moment that Bama backers are not pushing  the media crap.

Bammers still want to go to the BCS....and they don't want Cam to get a Heisman.

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I wrote the douche a very pointed PM that basically said he has absolutely zero journalistic integrity. Hideous slander.

I wonder if he'll have the guts to send you a response.

Me too.  I called him a racist....  :laugh:

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