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Question About Academic Allegations


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I know the other issue is most important, but I have a question...if Cam had been turned in for cheating at Florida, why did Florida not suspend him? Seems nobody has brought this up.

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It doesn't matter.

I think I speak for most when I say that I have forgiven Cam for past transgression.  Forgive and forget and move on. 

Until I get hard fact information otherwise, I will support Cam Newton and this team.

I think we all should just let it all go......considering it is completely irrelevant and also an "unsubstantiated" allegation.

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It doesn't matter.

I think I speak for most when I say that I have forgiven Cam for past transgression.  Forgive and forget and move on. 

Until I get hard fact information otherwise, I will support Cam Newton and this team.

I think we all should just let it all go......considering it is completely irrelevant and also an "unsubstantiated" allegation.

It is beyond that - it has been proved to be untrue. Or if it was true, it never went through the proper protocol so that the appropriate governing bodies could address it. For newspapers to write that he was facing expulsion is beyond irresponsible when he was never turned into the appropriate council.

Story debunked....or if not completely, the light shines brighter on UF than Cam....

AND I agree - even if 100% true, I believe in the redemption story and I think Cam came out of Blinn a better man - one who I am proud to call an Auburn man. I stand by him 1000%


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I know the other issue is most important, but I have a question...if Cam had been turned in for cheating at Florida, why did Florida not suspend him? Seems nobody has brought this up.

Has been discussed and pretty well debunked. There is no record at Fla. of any hearing held or proposed on Cam. There may have been some smoke but apparently little fire. Someone there may be in legal trouble though. Time will tell.

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