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What's with the punches?


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Ok I was at the game... and I saw that first brawl but never saw the punch...I know UGA was angry at Nick Fairley for taking out their QB, but can someone watching tell me what happened? On the second one on Blanc I never even saw that at all. Did these guys ligitimately throw punches? I know they are suspended for the first half of Bama, but will Chizik sit them longer?

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You can definitely see from that video that they were laying some licks on Fairly in the pile, our guys were just trying to get him out of there and yeah some licks got thrown.  I think this says alot about what Mark Richt coached them to do in that situation I didn't see the hit on Aaron Murray from Fairly but Georgia definitely was the reason we are in this predicament.

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Well, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hope that Richt was saying to the refs what Danielson suggested--that this is what happens when you (the refs) don't call late hits on the QB all day.  If he did, that is an admission at a level that it might not just be the players that came on the field who should be suspended in thier next game.  Honestly, if he in essence admitted that they intentionally went after Nick on that play, he should be suspended, PERIOD!!!

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Check this dude out. I don't know whether to laugh or just feel bad for the guy.

I couldn't make it past the 10 second mark.....I wonder if he backed his mom's station wagon out of the garage before he filmed that.. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Blannick.....lol. Hell the guys chin was quivering so bad he could barely talk at all. For the record, I watched again and laughed REALLY hard....lol

In all honesty, in real time, you could see UGA go after Fairley and get a few shots in. Whoever #60 is, on thUGA needs to be suspended just as long as our guys. I still didn't see the second punch though from our guys  :dunno:

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Guest simonsez

He and I both dislike verne and gary.  I also hate their stupid inbred dog.

Go easy on the dog now.  He cant help it that he wasnt born without tiger stripes.

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I can understand being angry, but I'm very disappointed in Blanc and Goggans. I don't care what they do to you, there is no reason to throw a punch in a football game. I'm upset with both sides but I would think our players would know better.

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Nick did have a bad personal foul against Murray earlier in  the game.  It came on 3rd and 15 and kept their drive alive to tie the game at 28.  The hit that put Murray out was one of those that happens in a game... Fairley was going down after being blocked and his helmet hit below Murray's left knee.  He goes out and on the next play they should have been called for two hits on Fairley after the play was over.  There was a lot of pushing and shoving and I do not think Goggins' punch was the only one thrown.  But, as is often the case, the retaliation blow was the one that was seen.  No excuse for it because punches should not be thrown and we should know better as someone has already mentioned.  I did not see what happened with Blanc because that was off camera.  I also don't know what happened with Eric Smith as they replayed Cam's first rushing TD but Chizik was clearly hot with Eric.  There were a lot of emotions out there... especially early for us.  I do have to give Richt credit for taking a knee on their final play.

War Eagle... Auburn University won the west... on to west Alabama!


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