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About an hour ago, UTCOMPLIANCE posted this on Twitter:

"NCAA rules prohibit fans from contacting prospective student-athletes.  This includes interactions on facebook or twitter."

I was wondering how does this effect a school if the kid doesn't sign with their fan's school(i.e. Brent Calloway, or C.J. Johnson), and how can you enforce the rule? I mean there are people on here who pose as Auburn fans but are really turds.  Has the NCAA ever enforced that?

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About an hour ago, UTCOMPLIANCE posted this on Twitter:

"NCAA rules prohibit fans from contacting prospective student-athletes.  This includes interactions on facebook or twitter."

I was wondering how does this effect a school if the kid doesn't sign with their fan's school(i.e. Brent Calloway, or C.J. Johnson), and how can you enforce the rule? I mean there are people on here who pose as Auburn fans but are really turds.  Has the NCAA ever enforced that?

The recruits don't do a good job helping with this, friending everyone on Facebook and stuff.

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That seems silly you aren't affiliated with the school what so ever so you can't really enforce this. Now if a coach or a member of the staff did it I can see it being an offense but fans no way.

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If it is a rule then its really an unenforceable rule. There isnt really anything the NCAA could do about it unless it was prepared to punish every big time recruit and every big school.

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Agree with all, obviously unenforceable. The easiest thing would be to not let recruits have social networks during recruiting but that would be impossible as well.

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Compliance enforcement is being held together by strings all around...Has it all gotten too big to control?

Sounds like big government  :-X

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Hate crimes, physical violence, and threats of physical violence are civil crimes.  Law has been especially sensitized to this with a rash of suicides from "on-line harassing."  When these laws are broken, it's not as anonymous as you think.  The authorities can almost always trace a "digital fingerprint."  I don't care whose fan you are, for these kids who are being bashed to the point of lawbreaking, they need to pick up the phone and get the authorities involved.  Spiking trees, lighting fires at Toomer's, hitting a cheerleader with a thrown booze bottle, recruit harassment.  This folks is not the edge.  We passed that a long time ago.  Perhaps the NCAA on behalf of these players at all schools could request a hate crimes inquiry into this. 

As far as my AU family, I want us to stand up, one loud voice, and declare we're in the kid's side - wherever he may choose to go.  If one of our guys chooses bammer over us and you go after him, I'll call you out.  It's wrong.  Do it the Auburn way. 

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Hate crimes, physical violence, and threats of physical violence are civil crimes.  Law has been especially sensitized to this with a rash of suicides from "on-line harassing."  When these laws are broken, it's not as anonymous as you think.  The authorities can almost always trace a "digital fingerprint."  I don't care whose fan you are, for these kids who are being bashed to the point of lawbreaking, they need to pick up the phone and get the authorities involved.  Spiking trees, lighting fires at Toomer's, hitting a cheerleader with a thrown booze bottle, recruit harassment.  This folks is not the edge.  We passed that a long time ago.  Perhaps the NCAA on behalf of these players at all schools could request a hate crimes inquiry into this. 

As far as my AU family, I want us to stand up, one loud voice, and declare we're in the kid's side - wherever he may choose to go.  If one of our guys chooses bammer over us and you go after him, I'll call you out.  It's wrong.  Do it the Auburn way. 

TOTALLY AGREE! I hope as Auburn fans, there is something to be said about how we stand apart from the rest, ESPECIALLY ON THIS SUBJECT! 

As much as we love football, we still have to understand, that although we say "football is life in the south", that it is just a game(and simply that!)

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The NCAA can kiss my ***. They have no authority whatsoever to limit a private individual's use of Facebook. The fact that they think they do shows just how out of touch they are.

Having said that, I absolutely do not condone harassing recruits on Facebook, but not because the NCAA is delusional enough to think I am under their jurisdiction.

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The NCAA can kiss my ***. They have no authority whatsoever to limit a private individual's use of Facebook. The fact that they think they do shows just how out of touch they are.

Having said that, I absolutely do not condone harassing recruits on Facebook, but not because the NCAA is delusional enough to think I am under their jurisdiction.

I agree it is not the NCAA's position.  But since the Phoebe Prince suicide, cyber bullying has received greater scrutiny in the eyes of the law.  Nine kids were charged in contributing to her death.  Criminal charges.  This is not a joke.  I pray for the safety of these recruits, but forbid one of them go over the edge and commits suicide.  All the hate posters could be facing criminal charges.  There's precedence.  Harassing and hate are wrong. 

There are dozens of lawsuits for cyber bullying.   Google it.

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Hate crimes, physical violence, and threats of physical violence are civil crimes.  Law has been especially sensitized to this with a rash of suicides from "on-line harassing."  When these laws are broken, it's not as anonymous as you think.  The authorities can almost always trace a "digital fingerprint."  I don't care whose fan you are, for these kids who are being bashed to the point of lawbreaking, they need to pick up the phone and get the authorities involved.  Spiking trees, lighting fires at Toomer's, hitting a cheerleader with a thrown booze bottle, recruit harassment.  This folks is not the edge.  We passed that a long time ago.  Perhaps the NCAA on behalf of these players at all schools could request a hate crimes inquiry into this. 

As far as my AU family, I want us to stand up, one loud voice, and declare we're in the kid's side - wherever he may choose to go.  If one of our guys chooses bammer over us and you go after him, I'll call you out.  It's wrong.  Do it the Auburn way. 

Toptally agree.

TOTALLY AGREE! I hope as Auburn fans, there is something to be said about how we stand apart from the rest, ESPECIALLY ON THIS SUBJECT! 

As much as we love football, we still have to understand, that although we say "football is life in the south", that it is just a game(and simply that!)

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