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Something positive! (Mrs Chizik)


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Don't know if you guys saw it but Mrs Chizik posted this on her facebook page. Really great stuff if you ask me. This is what it's all about. WDE!!!

As you can probably tell from the majority of replies to your post, there is nothing positive that you can say or point to at this time that will not be greeted with negativity, derision and cynicism. For many (I don't think most...but many), the idea of the AU Family really is nothing more than a catch phrase. Those people have never thought about what family actually means...or maybe they just come from dysfunctional families.

I'm not particularly religious myself, but I was raised in the church and I understand exactly what Mrs. Chizik is saying here. She sees the negativity as the work of Satan. Based on her faith in the teachings of Jesus Christ, she believes in love, forgiveness and support. She understands that the Jesus of the Holy Bible did not spend His time on earth rubbing elbows with the rich or the high and mighty but instead sought out and ministered to the poor, the diseased and the downtrodden. She believes that Satan is at work in hearts and minds of many who think they are faithful.

As I said, I'm not particularly religious. What I see is just cynics and people piling on. Basic human nature...in all its ugliness. But I do understand where Mrs. Chizik is coming from. And I'm saddened at the reactions that seem to be in the majority on this board in response.

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I think the reaction to this is simply stunning......but I also think it wise for Mrs. Chizik to think before she posts. Reactions in this state run the gammet.

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I am just at a loss for words over this. This is a mix of Kristi Malzahn and Jimmy Swaggart all rolled into one.

The "Auburn Family" stood firmly behind the team and coaches all last year when this total cluster started. There has been an entire off season for the coaches and players to step up and do their jobs. Satan didn't steal it, they just laid down on the job. Her husband and the rest of the staff need to give back those large pay checks if they want this to be kisses and hugs.

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I'm really at a loss for words. This entire week started off with Chizik apologizing in a press conference, tweets of dissention among the players, a bunch of boohooing by Sammie Coates in a press conference about no leadership, more comments from the other players about lack of leadership, blah blah. Stop the damn talking and prepare for the game, I swear I've never been more ashamed of a team and it's coaches in my entire life, bunch of crybabies that don't have a plan or the guts to fix something so they'll invoke "God" and "Family" and blame "lack of leadership" and "we have a young team", and now the HC's own wife is blaming Satan? HAHAHAHA. This year's ridiculous, and yeah I'm pissed right now, because instead of the players and coaches being quiet, shutting their mouths, and getting to work it's the same damn story it's been all year, started by ours truly, Pat Dye, master apologist. Sooner these losers get run out of town the better.

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Chizik needs to put a muzzle on everyone. Definitely his wife. We already got railed because Malzahn's wife seemed crazy as s***. Now we have to deal with the headcoaches wife being crazy....all while in the middle of a horrible season. People talk too damn much. Satan didn't steal s***. Your husband is either having a bad year or has regressed as a coach.

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Here's the follow-up clarification to her original Facebook post:

"To clarify my original post about utilizing social media to come together as a fan base in support of what Auburn stands for...when I refered to what satan has stolen from us as a whole I NEVER meant or even vaguely was refering to wins and/or losses on a football field. To be clear, I honestly believe that God doesn't care who wins a football game but I do know that we serve a GOD big enough to do as He pleases."

"So for those who have misunderstood my humble attempt to get the best fan base in America to rally around a group of 17-22 year old young boys and for those that have misrepresented my words or my intent to unite the Auburn Family please forgive me for offending you with the integrity of my heart."

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I think she posted this from a positive, humble, and loving heart. Stop all the hate people, for real. She is just encouraging Auburn fans to support the team. Sure, if we are 4-1 it's a little easier to see, but to pile on just because her husband's future is tied to how 18/21 y olds play a game on Saturday is unfair. Cmon.

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I think she posted this from a positive, humble, and loving heart. Stop all the hate people, for real. She is just encouraging Auburn fans to support the team. Sure, if we are 4-1 it's a little easier to see, but to pile on just because her husband's future is tied to how 18/21 y olds play a game on Saturday is unfair. Cmon.

I fail to see what 'God' and/or 'Satan' have to do with supporting a football team. Satan? Seriously?

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What if she'd said, "Social media is incredibly powerful, even a way to pull spiritual energy together. This is a tough time for the Auburn family. We know lots of people are hurting. Let's use Facebook, Twitter, etc., to rally support and prayers for our Auburn family!"?

It would still be weird because, frankly, it needs to come from someone who's not married to the coach. But at least it wouldn't come off as nutty. In fact, it would have reminded me to pray for people who have so much at stake in this. I've been praying for them, and I'd maybe appreciate the reminder.

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I like it! It has been a slow week. We haven't had much to talk about lately. This is just something for us to ponder and self-reflect about. It is time to take a good long look in the mirror. If you don't see yourself, run away very fast.

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Social media can be extremely powerful. Particularly when people will take your statement and turn it into what ever they want it to be..........being well intentioned doesn't really matter.

I'm all about the freedom of speech, but everyone involved on any level with this team needs to step away from social media and STAY AWAY FROM IT, FOREVER.

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"So for those who have misunderstood my humble attempt to get the best fan base in America to rally around a group of 17-22 year old young boys and for those that have misrepresented my words or my intent to unite the Auburn Family please forgive me for offending you with the integrity of my heart."

I don't think any of us have not been supportive of the "17-22 year old young boys," it's the 35-50 (or whatever the age range is) year old adults who are supposed to be leading these "17-22 year old young boys" that most of us have issues with, especially her husband.

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I think what she is basically saying is that Satan has stolen the "Family" from Auburn. All of the the talk about being All In and Family is really just talk when faced with adversity like the team is facing right now. If you think about it you wouldn't turn on a member of your family if they started having a tough time at work and things turned bad for them. I believe you would stand behind them and support them in any way that you could. None of us including the Chiziks are happy right now with what is happening. The bottom line is that when things are tough that is when family needs each other the most. The only thing is that right now when this coaching staff and team needs their "family" the most some of them are bailing on them. Not meaning to sound too preachy here but Satan loves to take advantage of people when they are down. That's when people try to justify their actions the most. When you are doing the right thing, your actions need no justification. Cut Mrs. Chizik some slack for the phrasing or analogy she uses. Truth is she may be pretty close to the truth. Coach Chizik is a man of faith and faithful men are the ones who are tested. He and the Auburn family are being tested right now. Are you "All In"? Do you walk the walk or simply talk the talk?


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I understand what she was saying as far as supporting the team, but the Satan reference I do not get. Even in her clarification, she doesn't say what she meant by it, just what she did not mean by it.

That being posted, I would prefer our coaching staffs' wives refrain from going to social networking sites, speaking to church congregations, etc and discussing their husbands' livelihoods or the AU football team about things that are better left to their husbands or AU administrators.


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I support our team, but at this point I do not support our HC who gets paid millions to win games. I can separate the two. It's clear from this post that we are sinking deeper every day.

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"To be clear, I honestly believe that God doesn't care who wins a football game but I do know that we serve a GOD big enough to do as He pleases."

Please make it stop. We just look bat s*** crazy right now firing in all directions.

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I support our team, but at this point I do not support our HC who gets paid millions to win games. I can separate the two. It's clear from this post that we are sinking deeper every day.

I agree. I posted the other day that this program is an out of control grease fire due to all of the players tweeting, facebooking, whining and complaining in news conferences, etc and while I know Mrs. Chizik means well, her posting this on FB does not help IMO.


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I think what she is basically saying is that Satan has stolen the "Family" from Auburn. All of the the talk about being All In and Family is really just talk when faced with adversity like the team is facing right now. If you think about it you wouldn't turn on a member of your family if they started having a tough time at work and things turned bad for them. I believe you would stand behind them and support them in any way that you could. None of us including the Chiziks are happy right now with what is happening. The bottom line is that when things are tough that is when family needs each other the most. The only thing is that right now when this coaching staff and team needs their "family" the most some of them are bailing on them. Not meaning to sound too preachy here but Satan loves to take advantage of people when they are down. That's when people try to justify their actions the most. When you are doing the right thing, your actions need no justification. Cut Mrs. Chizik some slack for the phrasing or analogy she uses. Truth is she may be pretty close to the truth. Coach Chizik is a man of faith and faithful men are the ones who are tested. He and the Auburn family are being tested right now. Are you "All In"? Do you walk the walk or simply talk the talk?


Agreed^^ She's asking for us "The Auburn Family" to stick together. The majority of bloggers are armchair coaches and AD's who think they know better and would do better. A family sticks together and right now our Auburn family it a complete mess.

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I think what she is basically saying is that Satan has stolen the "Family" from Auburn. All of the the talk about being All In and Family is really just talk when faced with adversity like the team is facing right now. If you think about it you wouldn't turn on a member of your family if they started having a tough time at work and things turned bad for them. I believe you would stand behind them and support them in any way that you could. None of us including the Chiziks are happy right now with what is happening. The bottom line is that when things are tough that is when family needs each other the most. The only thing is that right now when this coaching staff and team needs their "family" the most some of them are bailing on them. Not meaning to sound too preachy here but Satan loves to take advantage of people when they are down. That's when people try to justify their actions the most. When you are doing the right thing, your actions need no justification. Cut Mrs. Chizik some slack for the phrasing or analogy she uses. Truth is she may be pretty close to the truth. Coach Chizik is a man of faith and faithful men are the ones who are tested. He and the Auburn family are being tested right now. Are you "All In"? Do you walk the walk or simply talk the talk?


Agreed^^ She's asking for us "The Auburn Family" to stick together. The majority of bloggers are armchair coaches and AD's who think they know better and would do better. A family sticks together and right now our Auburn family it a complete mess.

And whose fault is that?

Hint: it's not the fans' fault.

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